Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1662: Zhang Ziling's counterattack!

"The starry beast is a powerful species naturally bred in the universe. At its peak, it can shake the Supreme. How can it be so easy for you to kill?"

Xie Yue appeared behind Izanami, and the blood vessels in his body spread out to connect with the starry Eudemons.

Izanami watched as the body of the starry beast was about to heal completely, and a trace of panic flashed in her beautiful eyes, and she quickly fled outside.

If she is trapped in the body by the starry beast, I don't need to think about it.

Now the Nine Heavens Devil Orb has consumed all its power due to the explosion of the Sky Marsh Spear just now, and is now unconscious, and Izanami has no power increase, and I am afraid that even the skin of the starry sky Eudemon cannot be broken.

"Just stay in its belly."

Xieyue looked at Yixannami's back with indifferent eyes. The blood vessels connecting him to the starry phantom beast kept surging, and the starry phantom beast healed faster and faster, directly trapping Yixannami inside.

The surroundings suddenly became dark.

"Damn it!" Izanami hurriedly released spiritual lighting, and found that the starry sky Eudemon had fully recovered, and she was trapped in its stomach.

"With your power, you can't break through the belly of the starry Eudemons." Xieyue and the starry Eudemons are completely fused together, leaving the upper body outside, with a cold smile on his face.

"What the **** did you do? Even if it is a starry fantasy beast, it is impossible to recover so quickly!" Izanami turned to Xie Yue and asked harshly.

Now that she is trapped in the body of the starry Eudemons, I am afraid that only Xie Yue can let her out.

"Indeed, the Starry Beast was really going to be blown to death by you just now... I didn't expect you to burst out with such a strong power. I was a little careless." Xie Yue looked at Yixie and said lightly, not afraid of Iraq at all. Zenami can escape.

"But you overlooked one point, our patriarch has understood the law of time."

"Thanks to the blessing of the patriarch, our clan can also do some tricks in time."

"You!" Yixana's face changed involuntarily, and finally reacted.

Although I spent great effort to blow up most of the body of the starry beast, Xieyue only needs to look back for a while, no matter how many injuries the starry beast has suffered... it can still recover as before!

This is desperate!

Izanami clenched her fists, and cold sweat slipped from her forehead.

Even if she could wear the skin of the starry beast a little bit, Xie Yue only needed time to look back, and her efforts would be completely wasted.

Now, she has no idea how to break the game.

"Actually, you don't need to die..."

The overall situation was settled, Xie Yue didn't care about Izanami's resistance, and started chatting with Izanami.

"The Devil Emperor is the most important part of the patriarch's plan, and there is no room for error. If you didn't deliberately want to destroy the patriarch's plan, you won't end up where you are now."

"And it's also because of you...I will definitely be chased by the Demon Emperor in the future, and my good days are at the end of it." Xie Yue sighed and sighed at Izanami, "You should be more honest. Okay? Otherwise I should take a hot bath at home now instead of staying with you in the belly of the starry monster."

"You can let me out, then you'll be fine." Izanami also gradually calmed down, watching Xie Yue calmly said.

Now that Izanami has figured it out, she is not in the stomach of the starry beast, but somewhere in its body...

In other words, Izanami doesn't need to worry about being digested by the Starry Eudemons, and her life is temporarily worry-free.

But now Izanami needs time, and every time I delay here, the more likely Zhang Ziling will kill Naihe.

Therefore, she must go out as soon as possible.

"You can't get out." Xie Yue shook her head, "This starry sky Eudemon will set off a space storm every once in a while, and all that it swallows will be crushed and digested. Then you will be crushed into powder by the space storm. , Become the nutrient of the starry beast."

"Even if you are a parasite in the starry beast, how could it keep you alive?" Xie Yue Jiejie smiled, her eyes flashing cold.

Yixannami's eyes became more and more serious, knowing that she might die here.

"Unless you can break the inner wall of the starry Eudemons, otherwise..."


Xieyue hadn't finished speaking yet, a big hole was opened in Xieyue and Yixie Namei, and the body of the starry sky Eudemon was directly blown away by people!

Xieyue quickly looked up, only to see a person wearing a black robe with flowing hair standing outside, and that person still had a faint smile on his face.

"The Devil?"

Seeing Zhang Ziling, Xie Yue's pupils couldn't help but shrank, and she subconsciously exclaimed, completely unable to believe what she saw.

Izanami couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when Zhang Ziling appeared, with a smile on her face.

"Are you surprised?" Zhang Ziling fell in front of Yi Xie Nami and asked with a smile looking at Xie Yue.

At this moment, Xie Yue had endless fear in her eyes, and her body trembled slightly.

He facing Izanami and facing the Devil... It's not the same thing at all!

"You shouldn't..."

"Should I sacrifice Naihe now and read the message left by Xie Wushuang?" Zhang Ziling laughed at Xie Yue's words.

Xie Yue stared at Zhang Ziling fiercely, her face pale.

Obviously, Zhang Ziling said what he wanted to ask.

"Did you really kill Naiho?" Izanami who was behind Zhang Ziling asked quickly, very nervous.

"Almost." Zhang Ziling whispered softly, and couldn't help but sigh, "It almost caused a big mistake."

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Izanami couldn't help but patted her chest. She was shocked just now.

After all, judging from the posture of Zhang Ziling before, Zhang Ziling must offer sacrifices.

However, Izanami knew that it was not the time to ask Zhang Ziling about the specific situation. She quickly calmed down and waited for Zhang Ziling to deal with the next thing.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! The calculation of the patriarch cannot be wrong... You will definitely kill Naihe!"

Yi Xie Nami breathed a sigh of relief, but Xie Yue became crazy.

He didn't believe that Zhang Ziling would let Naihe go!

Since the birth of Zhang Ziling brothers and sisters, the patriarch has been manipulating the fate of their brothers and sisters. It can be said that the plan of the patriarch is based on the personality of Zhang Ziling brothers and sisters.

According to the calculation of the patriarch... Zhang Ziling would definitely kill Naihe for Zhang Ziyou and obtain the message left by the patriarch.

Obviously there has been no mistake in the previous layout, why did it make a mistake in this critical step?

If Zhang Ziling didn't kill Naihe, then the next plan would be all messed up!

Thinking of the future that will become chaotic in the future, the fear in Xie Yue's eyes becomes more and more intense.

Seeing Xie Yue who was panicked, the joke at the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth became more and more intense.

"Don't you really think... the fate of this emperor has been controlled by your patriarch?"

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