Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1663: This game of chess, it's my turn to play

"What do you mean?"

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Xieyue's expression changed drastically, and an extremely bad premonition surged in her heart, and her body began to tremble violently.

If the Devil Emperor really got rid of the control of the patriarch, then the plans of their clan for countless years...

Zhang Ziling looked around for a while, and said with emotion: "You used the Starry Eudemons to deal with me at the beginning. Now that I think of it, I still miss it."

"I originally planned to hunt and kill a starry beast to play with when I had time. After all, those beasts defeated me who was new to the Supreme..."

"But now I find that as long as I see the starry Eudemons, I have to bring back memories that were not so good at the beginning."

"I don't like those memories very much, so... it's better to kill this beast."

Zhang Ziling stepped on slightly, and a light circle spread out from under his feet, covering the whole body of the starry behemoth at an extremely fast speed.

Xieyue found that the heartbeat of the starry beast was getting faster and faster, and she was already sweating: "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing? Kill this beast!" Zhang Ziling chuckled lightly, and bright white lights lit up all around. This starry fantasy beast neighed in pain, and his body began to blur rapidly.

Soon, under the erosion of the white light, the starry beast completely disappeared in the universe, leaving only a planet-like heart beating in this empty universe.

Xie Yue stood in the outer space blankly, looking at the empty space ahead, her face covered in gray.

The starry monster that can hardly shake the supreme...

Just die like this?

Xie Yue's brain was blank, and she couldn't believe what she saw.

In the data, the Devil Emperor is not so strong.

Xieyue looked at Zhang Ziling and found that Zhang Ziling had a calm face, as if slaughtering a starry beast was an ordinary thing for him.

Zhang Ziling received the heart of the starry beast into the small world, and let the demon basalt he conquered absorb the blood of the starry beast.

All the essence and blood of the starry beast is concentrated in the heart, and its own blood is huge, and it would be a pity if it were wiped out in this way.

However, the qi and blood of the Starry Eudemons is not suitable for humans to absorb, so it is a good choice to take it to Moxuanwu.

After Demon Xuanwu had swallowed this vitality and blood, it was estimated that he could evolve to the Emperor Realm.

"Is this such a big guy killed by you?" Izanami, who was behind Zhang Ziling, couldn't believe what Zhang Ziling did, and asked aloud.

Just now, she had personally experienced the power of the Starry Sky Eudemons, it was simply beyond human ability!

In order to defeat the starry fantasy beast, Izanami detonated all her life artifacts, and she almost died!

He dismantled a terrifying creature that couldn't be defeated through all the hardships, so he was easily obliterated by Zhang Ziling?

Izanami suddenly felt extremely unbalanced.

"That's, how else can you conquer you?" Zhang Ziling turned around and chuckled at Yixie.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's ridicule, Yixie's cheeks turned red, and she felt ashamed!

"You did you become glib?"

"Impossible...This is impossible, why did it become like this?" Xie Yue couldn't believe what she saw until now, and her whole person's spirit became a little trance.

Hearing Xie Yue's mutter, Zhang Ziling remembered that there was another guy here to deal with.

Zhang Ziling looked at Xie Yue and slowly flew towards him.

"What the **** did you do? You should have killed Naihe now, and got the message left by the patriarch...Why didn't you kill Naihe?" Xieyue looked at Zhang Ziling and asked, her expression turned hideous.

"How can you not can't understand the mystery of the can't understand what kind of enemies you will encounter in the future, you will die!" Xieyue roared, wishing to grab Zhang Ziling's collar directly .

"Because of you, everything is in chaos! The future tends to be chaotic, and everything is over!"

Zhang Ziling looked at Xie Yue calmly, and couldn't help but think of what was about to happen before.

He originally decided to sacrifice Naihe, and Naihe also successfully comprehended the way of death and stepped into the realm of the Great Emperor.

The restriction of Xie Wushuang species in Naihe's body also began to erode Naihe's soul because of Naihe's breakthrough.

Zhang Ziling could have waited for Xie Wushuang's prohibition to completely swallow Naihe, and then Zhang Ziling would extract the information left by Xie Wushuang...

But just before Naihe's consciousness was about to disappear, Naihe opened his eyes and stared at Zhang Ziling.

That look is no regrets or regrets.

It was also the look in Naihe's eyes that made Zhang Ziling hesitate and took action to prevent Xie Wushuang's restraint from corroding Naihe, and the whole person was struggling.

At the same time, some news came from Zhang Ziling's heart demon.

It was those news that made Zhang Ziling made up his mind to wipe out the restriction in Naihe's soul and save Naihe.

Although Zhang Ziling rescued Naihe, correspondingly... Zhang Ziling would never read the message left by Xie Wushuang.

This may make Zhang Ziling take many detours, but after Zhang Ziling made up his mind, Zhang Ziling knew very well that his choice was not wrong.

If Zhang Ziling really absorbed all the knowledge left by Xie Wushuang himself, perhaps he could find Zi You sooner.

But if this were the case, the siblings would no longer be able to get rid of Xie Wushuang's control.

Zhang Ziling knew very well that Xie Wushuang was the ghost of Xie Wushuang when he traveled to the Xuanxiao Continent. When he was extremely weak, Xie Wushuang was always behind him, affecting his growth.

He was able to grow to where he is now, it is absolutely impossible for Xie Wushuang, a person who is good at layout, to be unprepared.

And the information he left in Naihe's body was probably one of Xie Wushuang's intentions to continue to control Zhang Ziling's back hand.

Perhaps Xie Wushuang had never thought that Zhang Ziling could break through to the Supreme so quickly, and had to escape the earth as a last resort, making arrangements hundreds of thousands of years in advance.

Zhang Ziling had never believed in Xie Wushuang, even though Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang had traveled together in Jiuyao Shenzhou for a period of time, Zhang Ziling still did not trust Xie Wushuang.

And the news that the heart demon brought him made Zhang Ziling more sure...

From beginning to end, Xie Wushuang was not at ease.

"You are going to die, Zhang Ziyou is going to die... We are going to die! It's because you feel softened for a while, everyone must die!" Xieyue looked at Zhang Ziling and roared, "You coward, you dare not kill even one person. !"

After Xieyue knew that Zhang Ziling had not acted like the evil emperor had calculated, Xieyue went crazy directly, roaring at Zhang Ziling, her eyes were crazy.

Even Yixie Namei couldn't stand it a bit. She didn't expect Xie Yue to go crazy so quickly, she was completely two people with the gloomy and calm Xie Yue before!

"You are crazy." Zhang Ziling said lightly.

"I will not die, and Zi You will not die... Except for you and the people behind you."

Zhang Ziling grabbed Xie Yue's head, his eyes indifferent.

"Listen well, this game of chess..."

"It's my turn to get off."

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