Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1664: The king is coming

Xieyue struggled crazily in Zhang Ziling's hands, bleeding and tears in her eyes.

His expression became extremely distorted, his eyes filled with madness, and he wanted to devour Zhang Ziling!

"The will regret it, you will regret it!"

"Once the patriarch's plan goes wrong, all of you will die!"

Hearing Xieyue's cold tone, Yixiu's beautiful eyebrows frowned behind Zhang Ziling, feeling very uncomfortable.

However, Zhang Ziling didn't feel anything about it, his expression was indifferent to the extreme, and his five fingers pressed slightly.

"The Devil Emperor..."

"Go ahead and talk about it."


Zhang Ziling directly squeezed Xie Yue's head, no longer giving Xie Yue any chance to speak.

Xie Yue's blood gathered in the sky into a complete blood cell, which was then burned clean by Zhang Ziling's black flame.

His headless corpse floated into the depths of space, like garbage.

"What kind of nonsense is this guy talking about?"

Looking at Xieyue's floating body, Yixie Nami muttered to her. The appearance of Xieyue just now really shocked her.

Xie Yue just discovered that Zhang Ziling had not killed but he was crazy. This change was too sudden, and there was a certain kind of anxiety in Yix Nami's heart.

The words Xie Yue said made Izanami very concerned.

Chaos in the future? Everyone has to die?

What does this... mean?

"Don't worry about him, he's just a small and insignificant character." Zhang Ziling saw that Yixie's face was a little ugly, but he didn't care about the dead Xieyue, and softly comforted.

Yixie Nami nodded, suppressed the doubts in her heart, and then looked at Zhang Ziling and asked, "By the way, you killed Xieyue, will there be an accident with that Ziyou? Isn't she still writing Xiewu's hands? Come on? In case..."

After seeing Xie Yue's methods, Izanami also realized that the people at the Shadow Gate were not good people.

If this incident angered the evil emperor, it was Zhang Ziyou who suffered.

"Relax, Xie Wushuang knows what to do and what not to do. This kind of boring act of revenge won't do any good for him. After all, how could he easily take the image of a good master in front of Ziyou, who has worked so hard to manage it. Image ruined?"

"Furthermore, Zi You is now the Master of the Shadow Palace, and she is already at the core of Xie Wushuang's plan. If Xie Wushuang would really hurt Zi You because of her spirit, then he would not have today." Zhang Ziling comforted. .

Xie Wushuang knew him, and he also understood Xie Wushuang's character.

Therefore, Zhang Ziling knew how Xie Wushuang would treat Zi You.

When Zhang Ziling was in the old lair of the ancient gods, he had already discovered that Zi You already had a certain strength, at least the emperor level.

With strong strength, at least Xie Wushuang wants to control Zi You, and it is absolutely impossible for him to be as relaxed as before.

"In the future, we will pay more attention to Xie Wushuang's actions. After this time, he will definitely change his plan again."

"This time the change is good or bad, no one can tell... Maybe the future will become more chaotic, but we only seem to have a chance to win in chaos."

Zhang Ziling watched Xie Yue's body disappear out of sight, his eyes became deeper and deeper.

Before, Zhang Ziling wanted to keep Xie Yue so as to write some articles, but from now on, none of the people in the Shadow Gate can stay. It would be better to see one kill one in the future.

Zhang Ziling could feel that most of Xie Wushuang's plan has passed, and maybe there will be no leisure time.

Izanami didn't want to stay longer in this empty place, looking at Zhang Ziling:

"Let's go back first. You made such a big disturbance in the Demon Palace before, and An Bei and I have both come out to look for you. Now that there is no one sitting in the Demon Palace, I feel a little worried."

"Well, it's time to go back." Zhang Ziling nodded and flew directly to Xuanxiao Continent without any ink stains.


Some time after Zhang Ziling and Izanami had left, somewhere in the universe, Xie Yue's body was floating in this empty space.

The blood in his body has drained, and his soul has been completely wiped out by Zhang Ziling, which can be described as dead.

Suddenly, the space around Xie Yue's corpse twisted slightly, and a black robe man appeared in front of Xie Yue, looking calmly at Xie Yue's corpse in front of him, with an indifferent expression.

If Zhang Ziling was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this black robe man was Xie Wushuang!

"Zhang Ziling, this guy has really grown up... he can really go against his heart and didn't kill Naihe."

"This emperor has planned countless years, how can he lose one step and lose all?"

"The days in the future may not be easy, but... it is getting more and more interesting. This is life... Haha."

Xie Wushuang murmured and smiled lowly, surrounded by evil spirits, wrapping Xie Yue's body.

In the next moment, Xie Wushuang and Xie Yue disappeared into the universe, disappearing.

It's as if no one has ever appeared here before.


Xuanxiao continent, magic palace!

An Bei anxiously waited at the Temple of Heaven in Genting. Since he and Yi Xana were separated, he almost flew to another civilized world. In the end, he did not find Zhang Ziling.

No one was sitting in the Demon Palace, and Anbei did not dare to continue searching, so he had to go back to the Demon Palace and wait, placing his hopes on Izanami, hoping Izanami could find Zhang Ziling.

Although the Devil's Palace is now a giant in the Xuanxiao Continent, if there is no emperor in the palace for a long time, An Bei is afraid of problems in the Devil's Palace.

The power has grown, and there are more hidden problems in its dark places, and various forces are coveting the resources of the Demon Palace.

Although those people dare not make big moves, small moves are frequent, and Anbei has to deal with some people or forces who are plotting against the magic palace almost every day.

An Bei didn't know how long he had waited, until the sky was about to dawn, he saw two dark shadows falling rapidly from the clouds.

Zhang Ziling and Izanami.

An Bei breathed a sigh of relief when the two came back safely, and the rock hanging in his heart fell.

"Master, you can be regarded as coming back!" An Bei saluted Zhang Ziling while complaining.

"Xiao Bei, you still laugh more, how ugly is it to keep a straight face?" Zhang Ziling smiled and rubbed An Bei's head, joking.

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, An Bei smiled awkwardly, and nodded and said yes.

Following Zhang Ziling's ridicule, Anbei completely relaxed, and after reporting to Zhang Ziling about some important decisions and personnel appointments of the Demon Palace, he went to work again.

Since Zhang Ziling is fine, he will not continue to be hypocritical.

Anbei has always felt guilty about the magic palace, and now he is about to turn himself into a workaholic.

Zhang Ziling was also helpless in this regard.

And Izanami rushed to restore the strength of the Nine Heavens Devil Orb, chatted with Zhang Ziling for a while, and then left the Genting Temple of Heaven.

Soon, Zhang Ziling was the only one left in the Genting Temple of Heaven.

Before Zhang Ziling could call out Naihe, Zhang Ziling felt a change in the small world in his body, and news from Tianheng and Li Yun suddenly made the surrounding atmosphere tense!

"Master Demon Emperor, God King...coming!"

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