Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1665: Endless sea battlefield!

Hearing the warnings from Tianheng and Liyun, Zhang Ziling's expression also became serious.

Although Zhang Ziling didn't feel any unusually powerful aura quickly approaching, there was always some unknown connection between the ancient gods.

Since both Tianheng and Liyun said that the king of gods was here, there was definitely nothing wrong.

"Where is he now?" Zhang Ziling asked with a serious expression.

Zhang Ziling was not worried about the **** king. Although the **** king was also supreme, Zhang Ziling still had a lot of confidence in dealing with the **** king. Those inner demons were not absorbed in vain.

However, the arrival of the **** king means that Dao Zun is not far away.

After listening to Dao Zun for so long, Zhang Ziling still doesn't know how Dao Zun exists or how strong he is.

About to face the unknown existence, Zhang Ziling also felt the long-lost tension.

"We can't predict this. We just feel that the God King is very close to the Xuanxiao Continent. I am afraid it will be less than an hour." Tian Heng and Li Yun were shaking a little, obviously because of the arrival of the God King and they were very nervous.

Their resurrection was also due to the power of the **** king.

It can be said that their current lives were bestowed by the King of Gods. The King of Gods had been absent before, and Tian Heng and Li Yun's courage gradually grew. Whether it was Tian Quan or Tian Shu, both of them could do without hesitation.

However, if they were to face the King of Gods, I am afraid they might not be able to stand up.

To deal with the King of God, Zhang Ziling also knew that Tianheng and Liyun could not be relied on, and the battlefield could never be chosen in the Demon Palace.

Unlike dealing with Tianquan, Zhang Ziling had to choose Xuanxiao Continent this time.

There is Dao Zun behind the God King, and Zhang Ziling does not know when Dao Zun will descend on Xuanxiao Continent.

If Dao Zong descended on the Xuanxiao Continent while Zhang Ziling was fighting the God King, Zhang Ziling would probably not be able to make it back. By then, I am afraid that the Xuanxiao Continent would suffer even more losses.

As the Acting Heavenly Dao of the Xuanxiao Continent, as long as Zhang Ziling is in the Xuanxiao Continent, once the Dao Sovereign descends, Zhang Ziling will definitely feel it.

"There is still another seems that there is not much time left for me to prepare." Zhang Ziling muttered to himself, his eyes flashed red, and the spiritual power in his body began to surge.

In the next moment, Zhang Ziling turned into a black glow and fleeed away.

Regardless of whether the **** king or the Taoist priest, their goal is Zhang Ziling, which is also an advantage for Zhang Ziling, at least you can choose the battlefield yourself.

An Bei had just returned to the Demon Palace when he saw Zhang Ziling fling into the distance, and the corners of his mouth twitched:

"This time... what is the cause of the master?"

Anbei complained that Zhang Ziling could no longer hear. After learning that the King of God was coming, he flew out of the Profound Sky and Upper Shenzhou at a very fast speed, to the top of the endless sea between Upper Shenzhou and Shang Shenzhou.

Although the Xuanxiao Continent is large, it is about the same size as the earth. Most of the surrounding areas of the Xuanxiao Continent are covered by the ocean, and there is no end in sight.

The strength of the sea beasts in the ocean is far stronger than the monster beasts on the land, so no monk dares to cross the endless sea at all.

Otherwise, even the saints would be swallowed by the sea beasts suddenly violent.

In the endless sea, there is no shortage of holy rank sea beasts.

Looking at the Xuanxiao Continent, only Zhang Ziling dared to choose the battlefield in the endless sea.

"This place is not bad!"

After Zhang Ziling found a place where there was no large land for millions of miles, Zhang Ziling also stopped and landed on an isolated island at will, waiting for the arrival of the king.

An hour before the arrival of the God King, Zhang Ziling basically spent most of the time looking for a place on the battlefield, and had no time to make other preparations.

As soon as Zhang Ziling landed on the isolated island, before he had time to talk to Naihe about the previous events, the sky was covered with dark clouds and thunder and lightning.

The surrounding sea water was surging, and countless powerful sea beasts only felt a terrifying aura permeating all around, and they fleeed deeper, not daring to stay near Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling let Naihe stay in his own small world at ease, raising his eyes to the dim sky.

"Fortunately, I found such a place... If this fights in the magic palace, I don't know how many people will die!"

Zhang Ziling stood alone on the isolated island, watching the sky being torn apart, and an old man with white beard walked out of the torn space.

As soon as he appeared, the surrounding space collapsed under his powerful coercion, and countless sea water was rolled up and became a waterspout connecting heaven and earth.

Those sea beasts were swept into the sky by a powerful waterspout, and many sea beasts were directly minced into flesh to dye the sea red.

Among them, there are many holy-rank sea beasts, and there are even a handful of sea beasts that exude the breath of emperor rank!

However, no matter how strong the sea beasts are, there is no resistance at all in the face of the coercion of the white-bearded old man!

Standing on the isolated island, Zhang Ziling looked at the sky calmly at the white-bearded old man with a faint smile on his mouth.

Although Zhang Ziling had never seen this old man with white beard, Zhang Ziling knew that when he saw the old man with white beard at first sight...

He is the king of gods.

Tian Heng and Li Yun in Zhang Ziling's body stopped talking. The two of them couldn't even mobilize their divine power in the face of the pressure of the **** king!

The **** king is their father god, even if they have taken refuge in Zhang Ziling, they still don't have any courage to act on the **** king.

At this moment, Tianheng and Liyun could only tremble in the small world of Zhang Ziling.

That's... the king of the gods, who has ruled the Xuanxiao Continent for endless years, even today he still has a huge influence on the Xuanxiao Continent!

Once, Zhang Ziling was as weak as an ant in front of the king.

However, now Zhang Ziling has unknowingly grown to the same level as the **** king, even surpassing the **** king!

The **** king stood in the void, and the surrounding space collapsed and repaired, falling into an extremely distorted state.

The sea was lingering around the **** king, and endless thunder and lightning roared all around.

At this moment, the **** king is like the king who rules this world, he is the only one in the world!

Countless sea beasts shivered, they looked at the **** king in the sky in horror, as if they had returned to the ancient times.

Those sea beasts that have been sleeping on the bottom of the sea and have lived for endless epochs all opened their eyes, and horror burst into their huge eyes.

"The **** is back?"

The sea beasts exclaimed, thinking that God's Court reigned over the Xuanxiao Continent, and quickly swam to the surface.

For a time, all the emperor-ranked sea beasts accumulated over the years awakened.

Zhang Ziling could feel that countless emperor rank auras were rapidly approaching where he was, and the number of them far exceeded the number of great emperors in the history of Xuanxiao Continent!

In the endless sea, those sea beasts that have suddenly reached the emperor rank have almost infinite lifespan, plus they will not go through the reckoning of every epoch like the great emperors in the Xuanxiao continent.

This has also resulted in an unimaginable number of imperial sea beasts accumulating in the endless sea!

Zhang Ziling and the **** king faced each other, and the powerful supreme power entangled in the space.

The world is turbulent and the ocean is overturned.

The ancient king, and the present emperor...

Finally meet!

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