Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1666: Kill all

"The Devil Emperor Zhang Ziling..."

The **** king stood in the void, looking at Zhang Ziling calmly, his tone indifferent.

The mighty divine might permeated the air, and the endless thunder and lightning roared in the sky, terrifying.

"What do you call me?" Zhang Ziling asked with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

Zhang Ziling was quite excited when he first saw the King of God.

This is... the king of ancient times!

Compared with the previous Tianshu, the breath of the **** king is simply a sky and one underground. Fighting the **** king is completely different.

Zhang Ziling's blood could not help but boil.

It can be said that God King is the strongest enemy he has encountered so far!

"You did a good job, you can destroy my **** clan, and even make me lose face in Dao Zun. It was my mistake to be able to give birth to a strong man like you in the Xuanxiao Continent." The **** king narrowed his eyes. Seeing Zhang Ziling said solemnly, his tone was deep.

"I should have wiped you off as soon as you became the emperor."

"It seems that I am more grateful for your kindness not to kill?" Zhang Ziling laughed and asked back.

Talking about this now is bullshit.

Zhang Ziling has grown up, even if the King of God wants to go back in time and obliterate Zhang Ziling, he still has to see Zhang Ziling's disagreement.

"You don't have to take advantage of your tongue, you will die in this battle." The **** king said in a very confident voice, and didn't care about Zhang Ziling's provocation.

Before finding the way back to Xuanxiao Continent, the **** king had already thought about everything. Only by killing Zhang Ziling could he have a way to survive.

Zhang Ziling was the ultimate variable to kill, and Dao Zun did not rush to the Xuanxiao Continent in time because of his own mistake, thus wasting a lot of time.

Now Dao Zun skipped Zhang Ziling to deal with the variables in other civilizations, and this time wasted on Xuanxiao Road, he needs to make up for it.

In other words... he needs him to kill Zhang Ziling.

Otherwise, it is Dao Zun who makes him worse than death.

Dao Zun is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of millions of years, and he has studied a lot of torture. The **** king doesn't want to die.

Before returning to Xuanxiao Continent, the **** king thought of several plans to kill Zhang Ziling, and the chances of success were not very high.

Until... The King of God discovered that the battlefield Zhang Ziling chose was the endless sea...

The joke in the eyes of the **** king is getting stronger.

In the endless sea, he even Dao Zun can force a few moves!

Zhang Ziling is not clear about what the **** king is thinking, but Zhang Ziling knows that the **** king is not the end of his challenge, but a new beginning.

In the end, the king is just a vanguard, a small role.

Behind the **** king, there are even more powerful forces.

Zhang Ziling wants to get close to the ultimate, he also needs to face even more dangerous enemies.

Judging from the aura permeating the **** king's body, Zhang Ziling knew that he was not an ordinary supreme.

At least, before Zhang Ziling was convinced that he was not an opponent of the King of Gods before he absorbed the heart demon.

"Unexpectedly, it turns out that there is still a monster like you hidden behind this Profound Sky Continent. I was indeed watching the sky from the bottom of my well." Zhang Ziling laughed at himself indifferently.

Zhang Ziling once thought that Supreme was the pinnacle of cultivation, but from now on...

It's not enough.

The world is still too big, there are people outside the world and there are heaven outside, this has never been a lie.


Suddenly, Zhang Ziling was still sighing, he started to shake when he settled on the isolated island, the surrounding sea rolled, and countless black shadows appeared under the sea.

Zhang Ziling felt wrong, and hurried into the air, the isolated island he was standing on was swallowed by a sea beast, splashing all over the sky.

Zhang Ziling looked down, only to see countless Emperor Rank sea beasts emerging from the sea, with huge eyeballs staring at him.

Their powerful imperial prestige filled the surroundings, roaring loudly.

"This is..." Zhang Ziling narrowed his eyes, and he could clearly feel the hostility of the sea beasts towards him.

"These sea beasts don't have much intelligence, and they have great strength. You can subdue them with a little guidance. Our God Court was once the master of the Xuanxiao Continent. Naturally, we will not let go of the fighting power of this endless sea."

"It's just that these sea beasts will lose their cultivation once they leave the endless sea, so they are of no use to us on weekdays, only let them live freely in the endless sea."

The corner of God King's mouth smiled slightly, and his eyes were joking when he looked at Zhang Ziling.

"Even if we fought with the Emperor, our God Court still didn't use the power of the endless sea."

"I thought I would never have the opportunity to activate this group of forces, but... I never thought that you could choose the battlefield on the endless sea. This is really exciting!"

"Boss... there are thousands of emperor-ranked sea beasts below, let alone, this number is too exaggerated?" The sky seeker trembled in Zhang Ziling's body, and it was frightened by the densely packed imperial-ranked sea beasts below. .

"The resources in the endless sea were originally richer than on land, and these sea beasts would not be liquidated by the era, and it is reasonable to accumulate such a number." Zhang Ziling was quite calm, not surprised by the number of sea beasts. .

"Fortunately, none of these sea beasts can leave the endless sea, otherwise it is hard to say whether there are any creatures on the Xuanxiao Continent."

Speaking of this, Zhang Ziling was actually somewhat fortunate.

"Boss... This is not the time to spread knowledge and worry about the future, right?"

"Who would have thought that these sea beasts are the doglegs of the **** king? If these thousands of emperor-rank sea beasts besieged together, even the boss will not be able to bear it!"

"Should we... let's run away now?" Sky Seeker asked tentatively.

"Escape? Where can you escape?" The **** king suddenly chuckled, "As long as you leave here, I will rush towards the magic palace..."

"Look at that time, can you stop me from destroying the Devil Palace for the second time?" The **** king seemed to be able to hear the conversation between Xuntianyi and Zhang Ziling and ridiculed.

Before their Protoss wanted to relocate to Xuanxiao Continent, the Demon Palace had to be eradicated.

The three-hundred sacred land united to besiege the devil's palace, which is also his instruction.

Hearing the words of the **** king, Zhang Ziling's expression could not help but sink, his eyes were extremely cold.

"It's true... it took us so much time to find this battlefield. If we leave now, what's the point of what we did just now?" Zhang Ziling said indifferently, and was not allowed to leave here.

"But..." The heaven seeker flew out of Zhang Ziling's body, and then glanced at the emperor-ranked sea beasts who were staring down below, their legs were soft, "How should the big guys down below solve it?"

It is enough to have a **** king, and now with thousands of emperor rank sea beasts, how can this be enough?

"How to solve it? Do you still want to solve it?" The **** king laughed, his eyes lit up with golden light, the sea beasts below roared, and the entire endless sea shook, "Death to me!"


An emperor-ranked sea dragon rushed out of the endless sea, opened its mouth in the blood basin, and bite towards Zhang Ziling in the air.

"Come here!" Xuntianyi exclaimed, hurriedly pointing at the back of Zhang Ziling, "Boss behind you!"

"How to solve it?" Zhang Ziling's eyes flashed red, and a terrifying demon energy burst out from his body.

"of course……"

"Kill all!"

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