Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1668: Completely suppress!

The imperial sea beasts crawling around the **** king’s body have been bound by the big net woven by Zhang Ziling with the power of three thousand great avenues. Thousands of giant beasts are all tightly tied to the **** king’s body, making the **** king feel extremely heavy. Limit movement.

"Dare you devil!" The **** king glared at Zhang Ziling and roared loudly.

"What dare not?"


The dull voice sounded, cracks appeared on the huge face of the **** king, and golden blood burst out.

Zhang Ziling slammed a fist on the cheek of the **** king, and the violent supreme power poured out all around, and the body of the **** king that entered the heavenly pillar began to collapse.

"Why..." The king only felt a powerful force hit his face, his brain was in a mess, and his body began to lose balance.

Before the **** king could fight back, Zhang Ziling appeared above the **** king again, pressing down with one leg.

The half of the body in the endless sea collapsed suddenly, the bottom of the sea was broken, and the **** king's body sank in and stepped on the magma.

The sea was tumbling, and those imperial sea beasts crawling on the **** king roared in pain, and the web of avenues woven by Zhang Ziling burned their skins and penetrated into their bodies!

Being bombarded by a huge force, the **** king couldn't stand firm at all. His huge body collapsed suddenly, and was swallowed by magma, igniting huge waves hundreds of kilometers high and swept around, like the end of the world!

Those emperor-ranked sea beasts were all swept into the air by huge waves, looking extremely small.

Thousands of imperial sea beasts behind the **** king were all crushed into meatloaf by the **** king the moment the **** king smashed into the endless sea!

The monks on the coast watched the huge waves sweeping by, and there was endless fear in their eyes.

"Extinction, the power of extinction!"

The monks trembled, waiting for those huge waves to surge onto the mainland, even the saints would not be able to withstand the powerful impact.

No one is spared!

The huge waves have covered the sky and turned the world into darkness.


Standing high in the sky, Zhang Ziling quickly knotted his hands and set up a barrier on the shore of the endless sea!


The huge waves slapped on the barrier, and the monks on the land could even see countless sea beasts hitting the barrier, being burnt and ruined by the barrier!

In the sight of countless monks, it was as if a wall appeared on the horizon, completely separating the endless sea from the world they were in.

Using the barrier to block the huge waves, Zhang Ziling did not waste time, turning into a black light and rushing towards the king.

Accompanied by the huge waves, Zhang Ziling slammed into the stomach of the king, the seabed burst, countless magma rolled, and the surrounding sea water boiled!

"Aw--!" The emperor-ranked sea beasts trapped by the net of the avenue were burned by the magma, and screamed in pain.

The collapse of the **** king caused the endless sea to temporarily split into two pieces. There was no sea water in the middle, and the emperor-ranked sea beasts became extremely weak in the air, and could not bear the magma burning!

In a short period of time, the emperor-ranked sea beasts accumulated over endless years by the endless sea have already suffered most of the deaths and injuries!

The remaining sea beasts were also dying, and they no longer threatened Zhang Ziling.

"Damn it!" The **** king realized that he could only be passively beaten after he grew bigger, his eyes filled with endless anger, and he forcibly retracted his magical powers.

The heavenly body of the **** king shrank rapidly, and the sea flooded the sky and rushed towards the **** king.


The endless sea water poured into the king with a huge impact, even the king could not withstand the impact of hundreds of millions of tons, and the wound on his body was cracking!

The Divine King’s difficult cohesion of his supernatural powers, one of his decision-making errors, was doomed to put himself at a disadvantage, an infinite loop!

He should not covet the emperor rank sea beast to consume Zhang Ziling's power.

Those sea beasts have become his drag.

Before the **** king could remove the impact of the sea, Zhang Ziling had already penetrated into the sea and reached out and pinched the **** king's neck.


The **** king choked water and could feel the powerful squeezing force from Zhang Ziling!

Boom boom boom!

The seabed collapsed again, and the King of God was pressed into the magma by Zhang Ziling with a powerful force, and was still falling down!

"Give me... get out!" The blue veins of the **** king burst out, golden light shot in his eyes, and almost endless divine power burst out and poured on Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling's face was expressionless, and he insisted on accepting the bombardment of the **** king's power, holding on to the **** king firmly.

The dark magic energy surged, and the surrounding magma turned black, pouring into the mouth and nose of the **** king.

"Get out of here!"

The **** king felt that the meridians all over his body were being burned, and he roared loudly, exploding his own power regardless of everything, trying to break Zhang Ziling away.

His throat has been burned by the magma poured by Zhang Ziling, and his pain is extremely painful!

Now being held by Zhang Ziling, he can't use any magical powers at all, and the power in his body has been suppressed by Zhang Ziling.

If this continues, there is no doubt that he will die!


When he hit the ore under the magma, the King of God spewed out a mouthful of blood, his stomach was already bulging, and the magma was rolling inside.

Without waiting for the King of God to fight back, Zhang Ziling's left hand surged and turned into a dagger.

Zhang Ziling held the black dagger and pierced the **** king's forehead.

The divine king's eyes couldn't help changing, and he quickly reached out to block it, the devilish dagger directly pierced the divine king's palm, and the tip of the dagger reached above the divine king's eyes.

"Yes, damn..." The **** king pressed the dagger firmly, the golden blood kept falling from the palm of his hand, and the two stood in a stalemate deep in the magma.

Zhang Ziling's expression was indifferent, his long black hair was dancing in the lava, and the dagger in his hand pressed against the **** king bit by bit.

The power of the two entangled all around, and the surrounding magma was absorbed by the collapsed space, like a purgatory.

Zhang Ziling's body had been filled with too much magma. At this moment, his whole body was already swollen, unable to resist Zhang Ziling's power at all, so he could only watch the dagger tip enlarge little by little.


"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The tip of the dagger pierced into the eyes of the king, and the king's face was cut into pieces, and the king screamed bitterly.

The **** king burned the source of life, and the violent divine power burst out from his body, annihilating the surrounding magma, and the dagger turned into devilish energy was broken.

Space collapsed and void riot Zhang Ziling was swept out by a powerful space storm.

The **** king took advantage of this opportunity to get rid of Zhang Ziling and flew quickly to the sea.


The King of God rushed out of the sea, holding his cut half of his face with one hand, panting heavily.

At this moment, there were countless corpses of sea beasts floating on the surface of the sea, and the smell of blood filled the air.

Golden blood flowed from the fingers of the **** king, and his only right eye was full of fear.

Zhang Ziling's devilish energy remained in the wounds of the **** king, making his wounds unable to heal at all.

"Zhang! Zi! Mausoleum!" the **** king roared, with endless anger in his tone.

Fear to the extreme is anger.

"Fate is really hard!"

The devilish energy surged, and Zhang Ziling quietly appeared behind the **** king, his whole body was filled with devilish energy, and his eyes flashed red.

The pupils of the **** king shrank suddenly.

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