Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1669: God King Recognizes

The King of God had no time to react, and his body was once again tightly bound by the devilish energy, unable to move at all.

The blood kept flowing out, and the breath of the **** king became weaker and weaker.

Zhang Ziling's previous series of blows have consumed most of the power of the **** king, and only after the addition of the **** king has he burned his own life source, and his body is very weak.

Now that the **** king continues to burn the source of life, otherwise he is no longer qualified to confront Zhang Ziling.

However, after Zhang Ziling's devilish energy restrained the **** king, his power was constantly invading the **** king's body, corroding all the meridians of the **** king's body, making it unable to run power.

"Yes, damn!"

The **** king wanted to break free from the shackles of Zhang Ziling, but found that the power that can circulate in the corroded meridians could not let himself break free from the shackles of Zhang Ziling!

Having been in this vicious circle, he soon became a waste person!

"You have already lost, there is no need to struggle anymore." Zhang Ziling controlled the devil energy, breaking the meridians in the **** king's body one by one, abolishing the power of the **** king.

"You, you stop!" Feeling his own strength disappearing bit by bit, the **** king didn't even care about his wounds and began to roar.

The King of God never expected that Zhang Ziling's strength would be so strong. Even when he fought fiercely with the Emperor in ancient times, he was not as powerless as he is now!

This time, he lost completely!

However, no matter how the **** king roared, Zhang Ziling did not intend to stop, and constantly destroy the **** king's meridians.

As the meridians around his body were destroyed little by little, the **** king fell into despair, he slowly gave up resistance, and his expression gradually became indifferent.

Still lost...

The **** king is not like a human monk, he does not have a shrine.

Zhang Ziling was unable to destroy the god's power by destroying the palace, so he had to use the complicated method of corroding the meridians to make the **** king lose his resistance.

Without the meridian that allows the power to work, even if the **** king has monstrous power in his body, he is still just a waste person.

However, even if the **** king had a **** palace, Zhang Ziling would not be willing to wipe out the divine power in the **** king's body together.

After all, that is a considerable amount of power and cannot be wasted.

"Tianheng Liyun, come out."

Zhang Ziling said lightly while blocking the power of the **** king.

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, the **** king's heart moved slightly, he couldn't help but raised his eyes to look at Zhang Ziling and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Zhang Ziling did not answer the **** king, waiting for Tian Heng and Li Yun to fly out tremblingly.

After absorbing the power of Tianquan, Tianheng and Liyun are now both in the realm of the Great Emperor, with a strong aura and daunting.

However, the two of them did not dare to release their pressure in front of the king.

They were trembling in front of the **** king like a mouse meeting a cat.

"You two..."

When the **** king saw Tianheng and Liyun appear, his eyes suddenly filled with anger:

"How dare you betray me?"

Tian Heng and Li Yun are just humble little gods in his eyes, and he can wipe them out with a single finger.

How dare they betray such ants?

"I gave your life to you, but now you betray me...I want to drive the two of you into the abyss and be punished by thunder for eternity!" The king roared, and Tianheng Liyun shivered in front of the king.

"Enough, you can't protect yourself now, and you still have enough energy to punish the traitors?" Zhang Ziling interrupted the God King's roar, completely banning his power.

Now Shen Wangkong has a divine power, but he can't use any power.

The bleeding wounds of the God King made his breath weaker and weaker.

But even so, Tianheng and Li Yun still didn't dare to look at the King of God.

The **** king is their **** father, and he is born with absolute suppression!

I am afraid that even if the **** king becomes a corpse now, they dare not be presumptuous in front of the **** king.

This kind of coercion is natural.

"Master Devil...I, we... can we go back?" Tian Heng and Li Yun asked, looking at Zhang Ziling in a trembling voice, their bodies trembling slightly.

They didn't dare to face the **** king at all.

"Two wastes..." Zhang Ziling looked at Tian Heng and Li Yun dissatisfiedly, with a cold look in his eyes, "Now he can't hurt you two and a half points at all, so why is he afraid of him?"

Seeing what Tianheng and Liyun look like now, the **** king suddenly laughed and said: "I am their father god, even if my cultivation level is lost, they still dare not wreak havoc in front of me!"

"You worked so hard to cultivate, but it was a waste of effort!"

He already knew what Zhang Ziling was going to do, but Tianheng and Li Yun didn't dare to do that at all. Everything Zhang Ziling is doing now is in vain!

The **** king couldn't help feeling a little proud when he thought of letting Zhang Ziling suffer.

After the meridians of the whole body were broken, even if the **** king burned his life source, he could not use his own power, and he had become a useless person.

Unable to resist, the king of God can only accept his defeat.

Just like the last time he was defeated by the King of Humans, the King of Gods even got used to it.

However, even if he died, he couldn't let his power be absorbed by others.

The divine power of their protoss is completely different from the spiritual power of the monks, and the monks on the Xuanxiao Continent cannot absorb the power of the gods.

Now only Tianheng and Liyun can absorb his power...

But Tianheng and Liyun didn't dare to absorb his power at all, so Zhang Ziling could only choose to kill him!

The **** king sneered and mocked Zhang Ziling for wasting his efforts.

"You can kill me, but you will never get my power."

"Really?" Zhang Ziling frowned slightly, appeared between Tianheng and Liyun, staring at the **** king.

If this is the case, then it would be meaningless for him to cultivate Tianheng and Liyun.

Being stared at by Zhang Ziling, the **** king was uncomfortable and couldn't help but said to Zhang Ziling: "Zhang Ziling, this time I am defeated by you, I will die!"

"But even if you kill me, I will surely come back tens of thousands of years later. And you...will die under the hands of my father!"

As the son of Dao Zun, his soul is immortal. Even if the soul is scattered by Zhang Ziling, his soul will still reunite on its own and will recover one day.

Zhang Ziling seemed to have not heard what the king said, calmly said to Tianheng and Liyun: "You two, who is going to absorb his power?"

Both Tian Heng and Li Yun's bodies were shocked, their faces could not help but there was no movement for a while.

"It's useless... Even if the two of them betrayed me because they were afraid of your power, I am their father, and everything they have is given by me, they dare not absorb my power at all!"

The **** king sneered.

"No one wants to get my power, Devil Emperor... don't be foolish!"

"I'm just a vanguard, I failed... My father, Azure Universe Dao Venerable, he will personally descend on Xuanxiao Continent, just like the last time, slaughter all the powerhouses of your Xuanxiao Continent, and you will be destroyed. ..."

"Last time, the emperor's meridians were all damaged, his soul was shattered, and my father's death was extremely miserable!"

"And this time, your fate will be even more tragic than Human Sovereign!" God King looked at Zhang Ziling with a sneer, his expression gradually becoming hideous.

As for Tian Heng and Li Yun, after hearing "Dao Zun", the fear on their faces grew stronger.

"Tianheng Liyun, I will give you another chance, as long as you commit suicide now, I will bring you back to life again after tens of thousands of years!"

"Otherwise, when you fall into the hands of Dao Zun in the future..." Divine King's eyes flickered, "You are better than death!"

Hearing the words of the King of God, the faces of Tian Heng and Li Yun suddenly became extremely pale!

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