Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1675: Forcing

The **** king suddenly found that Zhang Ziling's eyes fell on him, and his whole body trembled slightly.

"You, what are you going to do?" The **** king once again had a bad feeling in his heart, looking at Zhang Ziling and asked with a trembling voice.

The **** king is now completely afraid of Zhang Ziling, and even the Azure Dao Zun has no resistance in front of Zhang Ziling. Zhang Ziling's strength has completely exceeded his imagination!

Zhang Ziling looked at the **** king, squinted and said, "Don't worry, I won't kill you... at least not now."

After the words fell, Zhang Ziling's expression instantly became extremely cold, and said lightly: "No matter what, bring him here."

The **** king shuddered suddenly.


However, he swiftly came to the side of the **** king and directly brought the **** king in front of Zhang Ziling.

Qing Zhou Dao Zun's expression became extremely ugly, gradually distorted.

The God King is not a native of Xuanxiao Continent, and has lived for endless years. He also knows most of the highest-end knowledge about the universe...

In other words, with the existence of the God King, the bargaining chips that Qingzhou Dao Zun now holds are not unique.

As a result, the importance of the Azure Cosmos Dao Sovereign has dropped rapidly, which is undoubtedly a very dangerous situation for the Azure Cosmos Dao Sovereign.

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Qing Zhou Dao Zun opened his mouth to spit out a light arrow at the **** king, and hit the **** king's head directly!

However, he couldn't react at all, and could only watch the light arrow shoot the **** king, and the blood mist filled the sky.

The breath of the **** king quickly dissipated, and he turned into a headless corpse in Naihe's hands.

"Hahaha! Zhang Ziling...Now we can negotiate again?" Wiping the Divine King directly, Qing Zhou Dao Zun also laughed triumphantly, his eyes full of triumph.

As long as Zhang Ziling wants to know the knowledge about the depths of the universe today, he has the absolute initiative.

"Damn it!" Naihe was very upset, holding the headless corpse of the **** king in his hand, but didn't know how to explain to Zhang Ziling.

The **** king died in his hands, and now he blames himself very much.

"Master, I..."

"It's okay."

Zhang Ziling was not surprised or angry from the beginning to the end, the eyes looking at Qing Zhou Dao Zun were only thick joking.

Dao Zun Qingzhou suddenly felt something was wrong, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

Zhang Ziling's reaction made Qing Zhou Dao Zun a little guilty.

"You... don't want to know the knowledge about the depths of the universe?" Qingzhou Dao Zun asked Zhang Ziling tentatively.

After all, his life is now in Zhang Ziling's hands, and Zhang Ziling's current state is a bit weird, making him extremely nervous.

"Do you think you can regain the initiative by doing this kind of small action?" Zhang Ziling raised an eyebrow and chuckled, and took the corpse of the king from Naihe, "Is it too simple?"

The Law of Time Avenue began to surge in Zhang Ziling's arm.

The shattered corpse of the **** king was reorganizing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the vitality of the **** king began to recover!

Seeing the current situation, Qingzhou Dao Zun's pupils couldn't help but shrank, and exclaimed: "Time back!"

Time backtracking is an advanced skill that can only be mastered after comprehending the law of the Great Way of Time. It can return people or things in a certain area to their state at a certain time before.

The reason why the law of the time avenue is the highest avenue ranked first, it must have an anti-sky effect.

Otherwise, Zhang Ziling would not have no choice but to take Xie Wushuang when there was no time for the origin of Dao Dao.

Although Zhang Ziling has not been recognized by Time Dao now, Zhang Ziling doesn't care about that anymore.

The origin of the time avenue lies in Zhang Ziling, regardless of whether the law of time accepts him or not, Zhang Ziling still uses it!

Soon, the **** king came back to life under the gaze of Qingzhou Dao Zun.

"No, it's impossible... Give me death!" Qing Zhou Dao Zun was a little panicked.

The **** king can live, it means he can't live, Qingzhou Dao Zun does not want the **** king to survive, and once again spit out a light arrow, wanting to completely kill the **** king.

"One time is enough, more is boring."

Zhang Ziling's flat voice sounded, and the light arrow spit out by Qingzhou Dao Zun was directly grabbed by Zhang Ziling with one hand, and then wiped out.

The God King looked at Qing Zhou Dao Zun in horror. He didn't expect Qing Zhou Dao Zun to kill himself without hesitation at this time.

Zhang Ziling and Qingzhou Dao Zun both wanted his life... His chances of surviving were really slim.

Zhang Ziling protected the King of God and sent it to the side of Qingzhou Dao Zun, then looked at the two and said lightly: "Very well...I can give you a chance to survive next."

Dao Zun Qingzhou's face was extremely ugly, but the eyes of the **** king lit up.

What Zhang Ziling said, let him see the hope of life!

Both of them have never faced death threats before, but today they are both planted in the hands of the same person...

This kind of feeling that one's own life is in the hands of others is extremely uncomfortable.

Dao Zun Qingzhou wants to live, but the King of God wants to live even more!

"In a moment, I will let you enjoy the pain from the depths of your soul... and that extreme pain will lead you slowly to death."

"You can only relieve the pain a little bit if you keep telling me about the depths of the universe. If you are not dead before the pain is completely gone, I will let you go..."

Zhang Ziling smiled, his expression in Qing Zhou Dao Zun's eyes was like a demon crawling out of the abyss.

At this time, two ray of milky white light appeared on Zhang Ziling's fingertips, like two small snakes, wrapped around Zhang Ziling's fingers, twisting, very strange.

"Of course, in order to prevent you from lying and telling me false information, I have to take some measures...I will isolate the two of you. As long as you say something different, your pain will be doubled and faster. To death."

"I believe that after you experience this painful feeling, you will not want to see what I said happen."

When the voice fell, the two strands of white light on Zhang Ziling's fingertips shot into the foreheads of the Qingzhou Dao Zun and the God King, and quickly invaded their souls.

"let's start."

Zhang Ziling winked at Naihe, but he immediately understood, and quickly took the king to another place.

After that Baimang invaded the soul of Dao Zun Qing Zhou, it punched a hole in Dao Zun Qing Zhou's soul like a bug, and then went straight in!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The process of Baimang's penetration into Qingzhou Dao Zun's soul made him roar directly, and the pain came from the depths of his soul...

Make him nervous!

He has lived for endless years and has never felt such a crushing pain!

At the same time, the howling of the King of God came from a distance, very harsh.

The endless sea and sky screamed and echoed, and all the creatures who heard the cry felt terrified.

Xuntianyi looked at Qingzhou Dao Zun with sympathy. It knew what kind of pain Qing Zhou Dao Zun was suffering.

Heaven-seeking instrument once tried Zhang Ziling's method because of curiosity, and the heaven-seeking instrument collapsed in just a second, causing Zhang Ziling to stop.

The thing that Tianxunyi regrets most is trying to get that white light into his body...

No one has ever been able to hold on under Zhang Ziling's punishment... No matter how tough the mind of that person is, Zhang Ziling can make that person all moves in a second.

"I said... I said it all!"

Soon, Qing Zhou Dao Zun gave up the resistance and roared out loudly.

Seeing Qingzhou Dao Zun's recognition, the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth rose slightly.

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