Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1676: Great Universe!

"You, your current realm is in Daojun!"

Dao Venerable Qing Zhou roared out, Zhang Ziling slowed down Bai Mang's speed slightly, Dao Venerable Qing Zhou suddenly felt much better.

However, the pain remains.

"Go on." Zhang Ziling held his hands on his back and looked at Qing Zhou Dao Zun calmly.

Judging from the information Zhang Ziling has now...

The Supreme is not the end of the journey, there is Dao Zun above this... at least the realm above the Supreme as it is now called.

And Dao Zun is not the end, there is a Dao Sover above.

As for whether there are other realms on the Taoist monarch, Zhang Ziling is not very clear now...

However, Zhang Ziling had a faint feeling that his current strength seemed to be more than Dao Sovereign.

"In the depths of the universe we are in... there is an area that only the top powers of the world civilizations, that is, the emperor and above, are eligible to step into. At the center there is a **** hole from which you can go to other parallel universes." Qingzhou Dao Zun Sweating profusely, said quickly, "If you have enough authority, you can still ascend to the upper world universe."

The pain felt by Qingzhou Dao Zun has been reduced a bit, but for him, it is still unbearable.

"Upper World Universe?" Zhang Ziling seemed to hear an incredible name, and his eyes lit up.

"The radius of the big universe is divided into three thousand big world universes, each big world universe has three thousand middle world universes, and each middle world universe has three thousand small world universes."

Qing Zhou Dao Zun said to Zhang Ziling without reservation, hoping that the pain could be reduced a little.

For the current Qingzhou Dao Zun, it is a blessing that he can reduce the pain by one point!


When Zhang Ziling heard these words said by Dao Zun Qingzhou, he fell into deep thought.

If what Qingzhou Dao Zun said is true...

Then this world is too vast!

"What level of universe are we in?" Zhang Ziling asked Qing Zhou Dao Zun.

"This is only a small world universe, and the Xuanxiao Continent is one of the core worlds of this small world universe, capable of producing the strongest monks in the small world."

"The strength of the strongest monk in the small world is limited to the top ten percent of the middle world universe, and the realm is limited to supreme..." Qing Zhou Dao Zun muttered, he had completely given up resistance.

He only knew now that the more he said, the less pain he suffered.

The pain caused by Baimang's burrowing in his soul made him worse than death!

"Small World Universe...So, there is even higher combat power outside this universe?" Zhang Ziling muttered to himself, the blood in his body began to boil.

Cultivation is to pursue a higher realm. Zhang Ziling had no goals before, and naturally did not have the motivation to cultivate. After spending a lot of time in the supreme realm, he did not make any progress.

Now that Zhang Ziling knows that there is still sky beyond the sky, how can he not look forward?

The Supreme can only rank in the top ten percent of the Middle World Universe, and there are probably many monks who are stronger than the Supreme.

"In the middle world universe, the realm above the supreme is Dao Zun... and a middle world is divided into four domains, and the master of each domain is called the Dao Lord."

"The Dao Sovereign is the realm above the Dao Sovereign, and there are only four in each middle world."

Dao Zun Qingzhou is still a little weird here.

Zhang Ziling is just an indigenous of a small world universe. Although it is a variable, the cultivation base can break through to the realm of Daojun, such a giant, it is really...

Too weird.

"Daojun is one of the four domain masters of the Middle World...that is to say, my current strength is at the top of the Middle World universe. It seems that the situation is not very bad."

Zhang Ziling muttered, and then raised his head to look at Qingzhou Dao Zun and continued to ask: "What about the universe?"

Regarding Zhang Ziling's question, Qing Zhou Dao Zun shook his head and did not answer.

"What do you mean?" Seeing the appearance of Dao Zun Qingzhou, Zhang Ziling's eyes flashed with red light, and his brows were slightly frowned.

"Only people in the upper world universe can know the information in the lower world universe. I am just a person who has risen from the small world to the middle world. With my strength, even the top 100 in the middle world where we live cannot enter. I don’t know the situation in the upper world."

"Then what is the ultimate?" Seeing that he couldn't ask for information about the higher world, Zhang Ziling changed the topic again.

According to the specific classification of the world spoken by Qingzhou Dao Zun, it would be a little scary in the end.

Zhang Ziling has always thought that the ultimate is the ultimate secret of the universe, but from now on...the ultimate is at least the ruler of the middle world universe!

The identity of Xie Wushuang made Zhang Ziling even more puzzled.

Who is he? What do you want to do?

Zhang Ziling found that the more he knew, the more doubts he would get.

"The existence from the ultimate big world universe rules our 3,000 middle world universe and 90,000 small world universe."

"I am just the ultimate weapon to manage this small world universe. Daojun is also the ultimate tool to deal with the variables generated in the middle world universe. They may be able to know more..."

"By the way, whether it is the middle world or the small world, there is an ultimate nirvana ruin in every universe, and the management personnel of all world civilizations in each universe can be distributed in the nirvana ruins...that is, the way of heaven."

"Only the ultimate can call people into the Nirvana Ruins. I have only been there once. How to find the Nirvana Ruins... I am not very clear."

"In other words, you don't know what the ultimate is?" Zhang Ziling asked with a solemn tone.

If it really is what Qingzhou Dao Zun said...

Is it possible that what Xie Wushuang is plotting lies in the universe?

"I'm just a weapon to clean up the variables of this small world universe, and I don't know much about other situations."

Now Qing Zhou Dao Zun has completely endured the pain from his soul, and his speech has become fluent.

But that Baimang was still in his soul, he didn't dare to talk nonsense, for fear that he would be tortured by the horror just now.

"What role does the Shadow Palace play in this universe?" Zhang Ziling asked.

The identity of the Shadow Palace is really too mysterious.

At first, Zhang Ziling thought that the Shadow Palace was just a force created by Xie Wushuang in the Xuanxiao Continent. Later, Xia Qingyue said that the Shadow Palace was spread all over the universe, and finally became the ultimate tool to rule the universe...

Then, Yu Yu became the master of the Shadow Palace, which also showed that Xie Wushuang did have an extremely close connection with the Shadow Palace.

Zhang Ziling knew the information about this force, it was too confusing!

Dao Zun Qingzhou glanced at Zhang Ziling in surprise, as if he had never expected to hear the name "Shadow Palace" in Zhang Ziling's mouth.

"The Shadow Palace used to be a united resistance against the ultimate forces in this small world. I was also one of the leaders of the Shadow Palace..."

"But later, we learned that there was a middle world above our world, so we all accepted the benefits of the ultimate, became creatures of the upper world, and successfully broke through to the Taoist priest, and became the ultimate management of this small world universe. weapon."

"After that, the Shadow Palace slowly deteriorated. Some of the excellent seedlings were sent to the Middle World for cultivation, and those variables were killed by us."

"As time passed, the Shadow Palace eventually went to the Middle World Universe to develop, because I needed to stay in this small world universe to clear up the variables, so I got out of the Shadow Palace."

"It is said that 600 million years ago, a seedling in the Shadow Palace broke through to Daojun and became the ruler of the universe."

"I don't know what the Shadow Palace looks like now..."

Dao Zun Qingzhou seemed to be lost in memory and began to talk endlessly.

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