Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1678: go away!

Xuanxiao continent, magic palace!

After solving the Qingzhou Dao Zun and the God King, Zhang Ziling returned to the Demon Palace with Naihe and started a series of reforms on the Xuanxiao Continent.

Because of the death of Dao Zun Qingzhou, Zhang Ziling was completely free of worries in the Xuanxiao Continent, and the Demon Palace became the number one power in the Xuanxiao Continent again, and all the upper Shenzhou bowed to the Demon Palace.

The Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce and Tianji Pavilion were received by Zhang Ziling. With Zhang Ziling's support, the entire Xuanxiao Continent unified the currency, the major business channels were opened up, and the cities isolated by monsters gradually got in touch with the outside.

The Xuanxiao Continent began to prosper.

Policies that had been abandoned have been restored one by one. With the support of the magic palace, academies have gradually emerged in various places. As long as people with talents in cultivation can enroll in cultivation, the barriers to cultivation of the family are being broken at a slow speed.

In time, the Xuanxiao Continent may be able to step into a prosperous era where all people can practice.

The Heavenly Profound Supreme Being has once again become the sacred place for cultivation in the Xuanxiao Continent. Countless monks yearn for the magic palace, and a large number of monks flood into Qingdu City almost every day.

In order to cope with more and more monks, Anbei had to order the expansion of Qingdu City several times, and soon it made Qingdu City the largest and most prosperous city in the Xuanxiao Continent!

In addition, Zhang Ziling can easily travel between the Xuanxiao Continent and the Earth. In the end, Zhang Ziling sent a lot of people to study on the earth, and exchanged core technology with various countries, even sending people from the earth. Or abducted or deceived a lot of talents...

Over the past few decades, Qingdu City has faintly become a giant city where machines and monks coexist, and it has become the most unique scenery in Xuanxiao Continent.

After solving Dao Zun, Zhang Ziling did not rush to the center of the universe, but chose to stay in Xuanxiao Continent to develop the magic palace.

The last time it was because of his hurried departure that the magic palace was destroyed, Zhang Ziling has always felt guilty about it and regretted it very much.

This time, Zhang Ziling decided to turn the magic palace into an iron bucket before leaving.

To reach the state of Zhang Ziling, time has no meaning. A few decades is almost like a blink of an eye.

Moreover, the flow of time is completely different from place to place. Perhaps a year has passed from here in the Xuanxiao Continent, and the area at the center of the universe has only passed by a day or even a few minutes...

Therefore, Zhang Ziling also stayed in the devil's palace with confidence, and assisted the devil's development wholeheartedly.

Zhang Ziling is now the agent of Heaven on the Xuanxiao Continent. The treasures from all over the world beckon to come. The disciples of the Demon Palace have almost unlimited resources. In addition, Zhang Ziling can change all the cultivation talents except the Child of Chaos, every disciple of the Demon Palace. The training speed is as fast as riding a rocket.

In just a few decades, many disciples of the Devil's Palace have become giants.

And An Bei also surpassed the Great Emperor with the help of Zhang Ziling, broke through to the realm of supreme, and was already able to sit in the magic palace.

In order to consolidate the magic palace, Zhang Ziling even found Shi Huang and Xuan Xiao.

When Zhang Ziling found the two of them, Shi Huang and Xuan Xiao had already become overlords of one party, and they even became the emperor, possessing their own powerful forces.

Both of them were originally talented characters, even under the difficult conditions in the earth, the two of them can still match the gods and powerful.

When they arrived in Xuanxiao Continent, they were even more like a fish, and their cultivation bases soared into the sky.

After Shi Huang and Xuan Xiao were brought to Xuanxiao Continent by Zhang Ziling, they each went to an upper Shenzhou, and soon they broke out of their own world and made a huge reputation.

After seeing Zhang Ziling, Shi Huang and Xuan Xiao also agreed to Zhang Ziling's request and agreed to join the Demon Palace and sit on one side.

However, Zhang Ziling still agreed to the conditions put forward by Shi Huang and Xuan Xiao, and after the two of them broke through to the Supreme, he would take them to the upper world.

In Zhang Ziling's view, Shi Huang and Xuan Xiao were thoroughly cultivating madmen.

When they heard that there was a wider world outside, their eyes brightened, and they even wanted to abandon the Xuanxiao continent directly.

In this regard, Zhang Ziling was also dumbfounded.

With the two great emperors Shi Huang and Xuan Xiao sitting in town, and An Bei became the supreme, even if Zhang Ziling is not in the Demon Palace, the Demon Palace is still a stable giant, and there is no power to shake it.

After arranging everything, Zhang Ziling began to slowly let go of the power in his hands and live in seclusion behind the scenes.

The Xuanxiao Continent can no longer hold Zhang Ziling, and Ziyou has already stepped into the wider world, Tianxuan is still being held in ultimate detention, Xie Wushuang's purpose is still unclear...

Zhang Ziling needs to go to the depths of the universe to find out.

There are three thousand small-world universes in a middle-world universe, and the place where Zhang Ziling is located is just a small-world universe.

The outside is too vast, Zhang Ziling can't wait long ago.

Moreover, Zi You was still waiting there.

Just step into the upper world and find the Shadow Palace... Then Zhang Ziling will be able to find Zhang Ziyou, the master of the Shadow Palace!

Thinking of this, Zhang Ziling felt a little excited.

"Master... have you decided to leave?"

Standing behind Zhang Ziling, Anbei asked quietly at the Temple of Heaven, Genting.

These days, Zhang Ziling stayed at Shiyunding Temple of Heaven almost every day, looking at the splendid scenery of Qingdu City.

Now Qingdu City has become a veritable mechanical city, the perfect combination of electricity and spiritual power, prosperity and luxury to the extreme.

However, the devil's palace has remained the same, with its ancient charm.

Zhang Ziling calmly looked at the scenery below, and whispered, "I leave this time, and I don't know how long I will be back... I will leave the magic palace to you."

"From now on, you will be the master of the magic palace."

"Master, don't worry, this time...I will never let him down!" An Bei replied earnestly, his eyes firm.

An Bei was even more guilty than Zhang Ziling in the last decline of the Devil Palace!

In the past few decades, Anbei has put all his energy on the magic palace, and has never closed his eyes for a day.

"Shi Huang and Xuan Xiao are both very capable people. You can ask them in terms of management. You have to learn emperor skills from Shi Huang and domineering methods from Xuan Xiao. However, you can't believe it completely. They. If I don’t come back for a long time, their ambitions will expand rapidly... if you are not careful, you will be swallowed by them."

"Anbei understands."

"Also, the channel connecting with the earth must be maintained at all times. No one except you is allowed to approach." Zhang Ziling continued to ask, "Help me protect Chu Qi and the others."

"Anbei guarantees!"

"By the way... there is one last thing, what I ask you to do!" Zhang Ziling turned to look at Anbei and said in a deep voice.

Seeing Zhang Ziling became extremely serious, An Bei also looked terrified, and his eyes were extremely firm: "Master, please speak!"

Looking at Mu Yang in Anbei, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but feel the color of pity in his eyes, and said softly: "Remember, you must take a good rest."

An Bei's body shook suddenly, and his eyes suddenly became wet.

After a long silence, An Bei trembled: "Yes..."

Zhang Ziling chuckled, hugged Anbei, and whispered: "Others are not important, my can't let me down."

The voice fell, Zhang Ziling...

Has disappeared in place.

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