Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1679: Universe center

Tianyunxing, a million light-years away from the Xuanxiao Continent, is now outside the center of the universe, and is a transit point for the top powers of all circles in the universe to go to other universes or higher worlds.

Zhang Ziling listened to the earth and heaven said that when Pangu Nuwa and others went to the center of the universe, the first stop was to pass by Tianyunxing.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Ziling chose to settle down from Tianyunxing and then found the passage to the upper world at the center of the universe.

Virtual door!

Outside the center of the universe, there is an extremely powerful energy barrier, and only the powerhouse of the emperor can be able to break through it.

Therefore, in addition to the local residents, the weakest outsiders in Tianyunxing are the emperors, each of which is the top power in the universe, with terrifying strength.

It is precisely because of this that every powerhouse who breaks the energy barrier to enter Tianyunxing will be valued by the Tianyunxing federal government.

Because the journey was really far away, Izanami also simply cultivated in the small world of Zhang Ziling, but he fell asleep again and became familiar with the powerful forces in his body.

Zhang Ziling alone broke the energy barrier outside the center of the universe and fell into the sky clouds and stars.

"Welcome to Tianyunxing, a strong man in another world. My name is Tarot. I am honored to lead you."

A moment after Zhang Ziling passed through the atmosphere of Tianyunxing, a middle-aged man in a black suit appeared in front of Zhang Ziling and saluted Zhang Ziling respectfully.

"I rub...Why is this guy from the Emperor Realm?" The Heaven Seeker in Zhang Ziling's body yelled, completely unable to believe it.

Even in the Xuanxiao Continent, the emperor is still a top powerhouse, such can he be a disciple to welcome monks?

This is incredible!

Zhang Ziling was also a little surprised, constantly looking at Tarot.

Tarot's cultivation base was a real preliminary emperor, but he did not master any supreme law, which made Zhang Ziling quite surprised.

However, Tarot seems to have become accustomed to Zhang Ziling’s reaction, and said with a smile: “Guests don’t be surprised. Tianyunxing is close to the center of the universe. Those who can get here are the top powerhouses in all the worlds. Shut down, over time...the great emperor in the sky cloud star increased."

"The virtual door is closed all year round?" Zhang Ziling was a little surprised.

Zhang Ziling learned from the Qingzhou Dao Zun that the virtual gate is the channel connecting the lower world and the upper world.

Through the virtual door, you can go to other small world universes, and you can also ascend to the high world.

Zhang Ziling had to go through the virtual gate if he wanted to go to the middle world universe.

However, in order to rise to a high position in the world, in addition to the supreme strength, you also need corresponding qualifications...

As for the qualification, it needs to be recognized by the ultimate subordinate, the powerhouse of the Taoist level, to be promoted.

In other words, if you want to ascend to the upper world, you have to be under the authority of the ultimate, as a tool for the ultimate management of various worlds.

Of course, Zhang Ziling would never go to the ultimate.

Unable to get the qualifications, Zhang Ziling wanted to get to the upper world... that was only "smuggling".

There are guards from the upper world at the Void Gate at all times, and their strengths are all at the level of Dao Sovereign. It is basically impossible for people in the small world and universe to sneak under the eyes of the guards.

The only chance for smuggling is to change shifts once in 10,000 years. At that time, the guards will have a one-minute shift, and only that minute will have the opportunity to rush to the upper world.

Just miss it once... and you can only wait another ten thousand years.

Zhang Ziling is not very clear about what exactly is going on at the Xumen. After all, what Qing Zhou Dao Zun said is theoretical, but Zhang Ziling has to investigate it himself.

No matter what, Zhang Ziling now has to settle down at Tianyunxing to figure out the situation before starting to act.

Tianyunxing is a planet about the size of the Earth, with 5 billion native inhabitants, and has developed into a federation.

On this planet, there are many imperial-level powerhouses from outside. Zhang Ziling just swept away with his soul, and he discovered thousands of imperial-level powerhouses, among which there were even supreme ones!

The level of strength in the clouds and stars on this day really made Zhang Ziling slap his tongue.

"The guests must come to Tianyunxing for the first time. There must be a lot of things they don’t understand. The guests come with me first, and I will explain them one by one." The Tarot who greeted Zhang Ziling respectfully said to Zhang Ziling, as if he had forgotten his emperor. The identity of the strongest.

Zhang Ziling nodded, did not refuse Tarot's invitation, and took the initiative to keep up.

When you first come to Tianyunxing, it is best for someone to receive him. It is also convenient for Zhang Ziling to understand the current situation.

Tarot took Zhang Ziling and flew to a huge silver city. There were densely packed spaceships in the sky, and there were many powerful men walking in the sky, lingering in the sky.

"Tianyunxing is the planet closest to the center of the universe. It is not only a transit point for the powerful people from all walks of life in our universe, but also the supreme powerhouses of other universes. Some powerful people will leave offspring on our planet. Over time, we Tianyun The star has also become an interstellar city." Tarot explained to Zhang Ziling.

On the street, Zhang Ziling can still see all kinds of strange creatures, many of which Zhang Ziling has never seen before.

Soon Tarot brought Zhang Ziling to the hall of a guild, and a pretty bunny girl smiled and saluted Zhang Ziling and Tarot.

The strength of this bunny girl is not in the Celestial Realm. Compared to Tarot, Zhang Ziling finally feels much more normal.

"By the way, I don't know which planet the guest are you from?" Tarot suddenly asked Zhang Ziling in front of the guild gate.

"Xuanxiao Continent." Zhang Ziling replied without thinking.

"Xuanxiao Continent?" Tarot repeated, and then opened the light brain that looked like a bracelet on his wrist, and a light screen appeared in front of Tarot.

That is the optical brain developed by Tianyunxing, which can store the planetary information of all living creatures in the universe, and record numbers for the identity of visitors.

After all, the people who can break the energy barrier and come to Tianyunxing are at least imperial-level powerhouses, and each of them is the top powerhouse in the world. In order to manage this group of people, Tianyunxing’s government naturally needs to regulate. And scientific means.

After Tarot entered "Xuanxiao Continent" in the language of Tianyunxing, the information of Xuanxiao Continent appeared on the light screen soon.

"Universe Eastern Region, T1-level planet!"

After Tarot saw the information on the light screen, he exclaimed directly, and his eyes changed when he looked at Zhang Ziling.

In each universe, each world is divided into five levels from T5 to T1.

It can be called a T1 world, no more than four in the universe!

And the top powerhouses from T1 planets are at least supreme, powerhouses far surpassing other planets, and their status is extremely noble...

Tarot didn't expect that the monks who came from outside today would have such a big background!

Almost instantly, Tarot's face appeared ecstatic.

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