Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1680: The emperors here are all turtles?

"Unexpectedly, the seniors are the powerhouses in the T1 level world, and the younger generations are so indifferent!" After Tarot knew that Zhang Ziling was likely to be the supreme-level powerhouse, his attitude towards Zhang Ziling was completely changed, and his respect was extreme.

The strong from the T1 world all possess the power of destroying the world, and each person has mastered a rule of the highest road.

In the same level, a strong person in the T1 world can do more than a dozen people in other worlds.

There is a huge gap between the powerhouses who have come out from various worlds.

According to Tarot's estimation, if Zhang Ziling really came out of the Xuanxiao Continent, then the strength of Tianyunxing could definitely be ranked in the top ten!

Seeing that Tarot's attitude toward him had changed significantly, Zhang Ziling was also a little surprised.

The attitude of Tarot just now gave Zhang Ziling the feeling that he was completely professional and perfunctory, and he would use this attitude towards anyone.

But from now on, Zhang Ziling found that... Tarot respected him from the heart, and even a little bit of flattery.

Just hearing the "Xuanxiao Continent" attitude changed so obviously... Zhang Ziling found that he didn't seem to know the universe very much.

After learning where Zhang Ziling came, Tarot took Zhang Ziling into the guild hall to register, and set Zhang Ziling's rank as the highest citizen.

"Senior, in Sky Cloud City, we have the universal currency Sky Cloud Coins. If you want to live in Sky Cloud City for a period of time, Senior, I suggest you change some Sky Cloud Coins as a spare."

Tarot reminded Zhang Ziling after registering for Zhang Ziling.

After all, no matter what kind of social system, money is always a hurdle that cannot be bypassed.

No one wants to help others for free.

"How do you change Tianyun Coins?" Zhang Ziling asked without being wordy.

Although Zhang Ziling had placed all the mysterious gold coins in the magic palace, the ring of Zhang Ziling's space was full of treasures. Whether it was a **** of gold or a holy medicine, Zhang Ziling needed as much.

"We provide exchange services, whether it's materials, medicinal materials or magic weapons, martial arts and martial arts... as long as the seniors can exchange them, we will exchange them one by one according to the value."

"One holy medicine can be exchanged for one hundred days of cloud coins, one holy soldier can exchange for one hundred and five days of cloud coins, and the holy rank martial arts can be exchanged for two hundred days of cloud coins." Tarot introduced Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling frowned slightly when he heard Tarot's words.

Whether it is a holy medicine or a holy martial skill, you can sell profound gold coins at sky-high prices in the Xuanxiao Continent, but you can only exchange three-digit sky clouds in this sky cloud...

This gave Zhang Ziling a feeling of being pitted.

Seeing the change in Zhang Ziling's expression, Tarot also understood and smiled.

In fact, all the strong people who came to Tianyunxing for the first time would have Zhang Ziling's expression.

Tarot explained: "Senior, don't worry, Tianyun coins are the highest level currency here. One Tianyun coin can be exchanged for one thousand silver coins, and one silver coin can be exchanged for one thousand copper and gold coins."

"Let me make an analogy. Senior, if you want to buy a mansion in the Senior Citizen Zone of Sky Cloud City, a few hundred silver coins are enough. Most of the residents in the city use copper and gold coins for daily currency transactions. Over the course of a year, the cost is no more than a silver coin at most."

"After all, Senior, you are the deity of the world, how can you not exchange low-level materials for silver coins, copper and gold coins, right?" Tarot looked at Zhang Ziling and smiled.

Hearing Tarot's explanation, Zhang Ziling felt much better.

At least, not too much.

"How many Tianyun coins can be exchanged for the emperor rank technique?" Zhang Ziling took out a self-made emperor technique "Moxin Jue" and placed it in front of Tarot.

"Emperor rank technique?" Tarot's eyes lit up when he heard Zhang Ziling's words, and he quickly took over the emperor skill given by Zhang Ziling to read it out, and his expression became more exciting as he watched.

"Wonderful! Great! It's really an emperor-level technique!" Tarot called out excitedly.

After stepping into the emperor rank, he just didn't have the matching exercises to practice, Zhang Ziling's "Moxin Jue" simply solved his urgent need!

In fact, with the exception of T1 worlds like the Xuanxiao Continent, the imperial rank powerhouses of other worlds, unless they are truly against the sky, it is quite difficult for them to create their own imperial arts, and most of them are left by their predecessors The cultivation technique is not like that of the Xuanxiao Continent... The great emperor can easily create the emperor technique.

Zhang Ziling still underestimated the position of Xuanxiao Continent in the universe, and even despised Tarot's excitement.

After all, Tianxuan used to help Zhang Ziling to make up for the holes in the creation of the son of chaos, but unreasonably seized the power of other worlds. The heavens of those worlds dare not even fart in front of the Tianxuan. He came out to suppress Tianxuan.

"This, this can be exchanged for two hundred thousand days of cloud coins at the market price. If the senior is willing to sell it to me alone, I am willing to give out two hundred and fifty thousand days of cloud coins!" Tarot said excitedly while looking at Zhang Ziling.

Two hundred and fifty thousand sky cloud coins are already half of Tarot's wealth!

"Then give it to you." Zhang Ziling didn't care about this, as long as he could exchange money.

Not to mention Zhang Ziling, even the other great emperors of the Xuanxiao Continent, the emperor skills they master are all worthy of nothing!

Seeing Zhang Ziling's promise, Tarot was also excited to transfer two hundred and fifty thousand days of cloud coins from his account to Zhang Ziling's newly created account, and then he carefully accepted the "Magic Heart Jue".

Seeing Tarot's appearance, even the sky seeker inside Zhang Ziling could not help but utter a "earth turtle".

After changing the currency, Zhang Ziling bought a real estate in Tianyun City and temporarily lived there as a senior citizen.

In Tianyunxing, the class is very strict, and senior citizens can wantonly insult lower-level citizens without any punishment. Even high-level federal government officials must be polite when they see senior citizens.

Although there is a federal government in Tianyunxing, in Zhang Ziling's view, Tianyunxing is actually no different from Xuanxiao Continent.

The strong is respected, the weak eats the strong, strength represents everything.

The federal government is just a puppet institution to maintain the stability of Tianyunxing.

The foreign imperial-level powerhouses are all the highest-ranking citizens, while the descendants of those imperial-level powerhouses in Tianyunxing are second-class citizens. The native-born aboriginals, or the low-level monks who wandered and traveled from other places, did not have any Privileged third-class citizens have the lowest status as slaves who can be bought and sold at will. They don't even have status.

Zhang Ziling didn't have the kind of leisurely attempt to subvert Tianyunxing's social structure, and those strong emperors would only be at the top no matter what kind of social structure they were in.

Even if the sky cloud star is anarchic chaotic planet, the status of the emperor rank powerhouse will only be more noble.

As a powerful emperor, Tarot is willing to accept those who break the energy barrier because he can get considerable benefits like encountering Zhang Ziling.

After registering the information and finding a place to stay, Zhang Ziling randomly found a reason to dismiss the Tarot. Even the welcome party specially prepared for him by the senior officials of the Sky Cloud Star government directly rejected Zhang Ziling.

For Zhang Ziling, Tianyunxing was just a transit point, and he didn't want to waste too much energy on Yunxing.

Traveling through the distance of a million light years, even Zhang Ziling felt a little tired.

After returning to his home to rest for a while, Zhang Ziling began to move around Tianyunxing.

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