Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1681: Civilian area

In a bar in Tianyun City, Zhang Ziling was sitting alone at the bar.

Although the decoration style of the bar is novel, it is similar to the style of the earth.

Even though the strong people gathered in Cloud City this day, there were still countless weak people living in the city.

The bar Zhang Ziling looked for was in a civilian area. Most of the people drinking here were from the bottom of society. Zhang Ziling didn't even see a Nirvana-level powerhouse, and the strongest one was just equivalent to the Ning Palace realm.

However, Zhang Ziling wanted to find this kind of place.

After all, Zhang Ziling also slaughtered a Dao Venerable, and he was very likely to be targeted by the ultimate, and both the small world and the upper world were the ultimate turf, and Zhang Ziling did not want to be too public.

Before understanding the general situation of the ultimate, Zhang Ziling did not want to fight the ultimate.

It is the most stupid way to rush forward without knowing anything about the enemy.

Who knows if there is a little secret between the high level of Tianyunxing and Dao Zun Qingzhou? Zhang Ziling didn't want to be sold directly.

According to Dao Zun's statement, Xumen is always guarded by guardians, and coupled with that it is an important channel for communication between various universes, there is no such thing as closing.

Tarot said that the virtual gate was closed, and all the emperor-ranked powerhouses stayed in Tianyunxing...This is very strange in itself.

After hearing the Tarot's statement that the virtual gate was closed, although Zhang Ziling did not attack the Tarot on his face, Zhang Ziling no longer believed in the Tarot.

After ordering a strange beer at random, Zhang Ziling began to look at the people in the bar.

When it comes to where a city is the most informed, it is undoubtedly the place where there is wine.

Although there are no senior citizens in this bar, they are all native indigenous people, and perhaps they know more than those imperial-level powerhouses from another world.

Now that the virtual gate is closed, the emperor-level powerhouses staying in Tianyunxing will either mix in the senior citizen zone to communicate with other powerhouses, or they will retreat all the year round to improve their strength and like to go to the civilian area. I am afraid that only Zhang Ziling is the only one. .

Soon, Zhang Ziling focused his attention on a boy wearing a waiter costume.

The boy has a yellowish face and thin skin with cat ears, but his eyes are clear and spiritual.

This kind of poor boy, Zhang Ziling believes that as long as he has money, he can get a lot of useful news from him.

Zhang Ziling snapped his fingers and greeted the maidservant with cat ears to find the poor boy.

"Sir, is there anything I can help?"

The cat-eared boy walked up to Zhang Ziling and asked respectfully. He worked in bars all year round and had met all kinds of people, but orthodox humans like Zhang Ziling were rare.

Judging from the texture and temperament of Zhang Ziling's clothes, the cat-eared boy dared to conclude that Zhang Ziling was at least a second-class citizen and a nobleman in Tianyun City.

Although he didn't know why a nobleman would come to a commoner's bar, since the nobleman called himself, then his own opportunity came!

Zhang Ziling looked at the cat-eared boy a little, and asked, "How much do you know about Tianyunxing?"

Powerhouse from outside world?

Hearing Zhang Ziling's question, the cat-eared boy's pupils shrank suddenly, and his heartbeat began to accelerate rapidly.

Local residents, even second-class citizens, would never ask Zhang Ziling!

Among the heavenly clouds, the highest status is the people from outside!

There are only two aliens who can reach Tianyunxing.

One is the supreme powerhouse of the universe who broke the energy barrier and forcibly came to Tianyunxing. The other is a businessman who travels through the virtual door to do business from other universes.

No matter what kind, they are the uppermost existence of Tianyunxing, possessing extremely high status and massive wealth.

The boy with cat ears did not expect that there would be a senior citizen here!

"I grew up in Yuncheng this day, and I can't tell you about Tianyunxing!" The boy with cat ears was extremely excited, and said excitedly to Zhang Ziling, "My lord, you are looking for the right person for me!"

"Very good." Zhang Ziling took out a Tianyun coin, "As long as you tell me something, the money will be yours."

Seeing the Tianyun coins in Zhang Ziling's hand, the cat-eared boy's breathing became more and more rapid, his whole body trembling with excitement.

One Tianyun coin is enough to change the fate of his family!

Others in the bar saw Zhang Ziling taking out a Tianyun coin, their eyes lit up, and they all looked straight at Zhang Ziling with greed in their eyes.

Most people here have never even seen Tianyun Coin!

The cat-eared boy stretched out his hand to pick up the Sky Cloud Coin, but he hadn't touched it yet, the Sky Cloud Coin was taken away by Zhang Ziling.

"You have to answer my question first, and you have to do something for me." Zhang Ziling looked at the cat-eared boy with a chuckle, "If I am satisfied, you will have more Tianyun coins."

The cat-eared boy looked at Zhang Ziling's space ring longingly, swallowed slightly, and nodded fiercely.

"My lord, I have been here in Yunxing for more than 30 years, and I must know more than this kid!" At this moment, a strong tiger-faced man came to Zhang Ziling and shouted, "What do you want to know, You can ask me!"

After he saw Zhang Ziling taking out the Tianyun coin, he couldn't help it anymore and came forward to grab the front of the boy with cat ears.

It's impossible for a tiger-faced man to let go of such a large fortune.

"Oh?" Zhang Ziling raised an eyebrow.

When the cat-eared boy saw that the tiger-faced man was about to grab his job, he was flustered, and quickly questioned the tiger-faced man, "My lord called me first. Why do you do this?"

Facing the question of the cat-eared boy, the tiger-faced man gave the cat-eared boy a vicious look, and then kicked the cat-eared boy, kicking the cat-eared boy directly, and knocking the cat-eared boy out. A table scared many people.

"Little bunny, you dare to talk to me like that? Tired of life?" The tiger-faced man snarled and threatened the cat-eared boy, and everyone around him shrank his head.

This tiger-faced man knew second-class citizens, and he was a hegemon in this place, and it was not at all that third-class citizens like them could afford.

After kicking the boy with cat's ears, the tiger-faced man looked at Zhang Ziling with a smile on his face, "My lord, I am the news of this piece. Just ask, I know everything!"

Zhang Ziling looked at the tiger-faced man in front of him playfully, with an inexplicable smile on his mouth.

This tiger-faced man dared to hit someone he wanted to use in front of him...

Judging from the actions of the tiger-faced man and the reactions of the surrounding people, the security of Yunxing on this day may be extremely chaotic...

There are no laws and regulations, and it is even more unbearable than Xuanxiao Continent.

I am afraid that Zhang Ziling will have to change his way of doing things a little bit.

"Can you take me to the Xumen?" Zhang Ziling seemed to no longer care about the cat-eared boy, and directly asked the tiger-faced man.

"Xumen?" Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, the tiger-faced man's face changed slightly, "My lord, this, this..."

Now that the Void Gate is closed, the emperor rank powerhouses are staying in Tianyunxing, and no one dares to talk about Void Gate, let alone the past.

There, it has become hell!

The tiger-faced man didn't expect that what Zhang Ziling wanted to know was that kind of ghost place.

If he does go, he will die but he will die.

"I can!"

At this moment, the cat-eared boy kicked by the tiger-faced man stood up and shouted to Zhang Ziling.

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