Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1682: arrogant

Just now, the tiger-faced guy's kick was not light, and the boy with cat ears now feels sore all over, and his bones are about to fall apart.

Zhang Ziling looked at the boy with cat ears and found that his eyes were filled with ruthlessness and tenacity.

"I can take you there! As long as you give the money, I am willing to do anything!" The cat-eared boy looked at Zhang Ziling and said loudly.

This time is an opportunity for him. After missing it, I am afraid he will never encounter it again in his life.

A Tianyun coin is an astronomical figure for him, and it is impossible to earn it in a lifetime.

In order to change the destiny of his family, he is willing to do anything, even his life!

When the tiger-faced man saw that the cat-eared boy stood up again, a haze flashed in his eyes.

In his opinion, if he can't do this business, then no one will do it!

"Boy, you are looking for death!" The tiger-faced man directly picked up the stool on the side and walked towards the cat-eared boy, aggressively.

Seeing the tiger-faced man approaching, the cat-eared boy couldn't help but flash in his eyes.

He has a small body, but he can't fight against the tiger-faced guy!

In Tianyunxing, human life is the least valuable.

Even if the tiger-faced man kills the cat-eared boy in public, no one will come to trouble him, so the tiger-faced man has nothing to worry about!

Moreover, he also believed that a nobleman like Zhang Ziling would not care about the life of a commoner.

After all, Zhang Ziling just didn't care.

The tiger-faced man approached the boy with cat ears and raised the stool to smash it at the boy with cat ears. The boy with cat ears subconsciously blocked his head with his arm.

"You move him and you die."

At this moment, Zhang Ziling's flat voice sounded, causing the tiger-faced man to stop his movements abruptly.

Suddenly there was silence in the bar.

The cat-eared boy carefully moved his arm away, and he was relieved to see that the tiger-faced man had not smashed it down.

His small body cannot bear the bench of a tiger-faced man.

After hearing Zhang Ziling's words, the tiger-faced man felt a sense of fear in his heart and his body trembled slightly.

However, if he didn't take action against the cat-eared boy today... I am afraid that the prestige he has accumulated with great difficulty will be destroyed.

In Sky Cloud City, the life of common people is quite difficult. If you don't bully others, only others will bully yourself.

The tiger-faced man does not want to lose his prestige =.

Anyway, in the eyes of the tiger-faced man, Zhang Ziling is nothing more than a businessman from another world. The strong dragon does not crush the snake, and there is noble behind him. In fact, he is not afraid of Zhang Ziling.

He didn't believe that Zhang Ziling would clashed with the local nobles of Tianyunxing for an unidentified civilian.

Now that the virtual gate is closed, everyone has to stay on Tianyunxing. If the relationship between Zhang Ziling and the local forces deteriorates, this will also bring losses to Zhang Ziling.

The tiger-faced man believed that Zhang Ziling would not embarrass him.

At best, I've saved Zhang Ziling's face, so I will apologize later.

After thinking about it a lot, the tiger-faced man's face filled with a hideous color, and he directly smashed the stool at the cat-eared boy!

An air blade slashed across.


The next moment, the arm of the tiger-faced man holding the stool was severed by the transparent air blade, and blood spewed out.

The tiger-faced man clutched his broken arm and screamed like a pig, covered in cold sweat.

The cat-eared boy looked at the tiger-faced man wailing in front of him in shock, his brain blank.

What happened just now?

Zhang Ziling beckoned to the Maoer boy and said softly, "Come here."

The cat-eared boy hadn't recovered yet, he walked up to Zhang Ziling in a daze, very nervous.

No one knows what happened just now, and the tiger-faced man was suddenly cut off his arm.

The arms that fell on the ground and the spewing blood stimulated everyone's nerves.

"How much information do you know about the virtual door?" Zhang Ziling asked the boy with cat ears.

"I, I..." The cat-eared boy was frightened and could not speak for a while.

"Well, it was indeed my fault just now. Let me make up for you first." Zhang Ziling chuckled, sucking the tiger-faced man not far away with one hand and pressing it casually.


The tiger-faced man knelt down directly facing the cat-eared boy!

"Apologize." Zhang Ziling said indifferently with Erlang's legs tilted and his face supported with one hand.

The tiger-faced man's expression was twisted into a ball because of intense pain, and his broken arm was still bleeding out. If he didn't deal with it sooner, he would lose blood and die sooner or later!

The tiger-faced man now knows the horror of Zhang Ziling. After Zhang Ziling spoke, he didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly apologized to the cat-eared boy: "I was wrong! Please have a lot of yours, please spare me!"

"I, I..." The cat-eared boy looked at the tiger-faced man in a daze, his brain blank.

He has never encountered such a situation!

Under Zhang Ziling's powerful pressure, the tiger-faced man kept kowtow to the cat-eared boy, his blood had stained the ground.

All the people around looked at Zhang Ziling in horror. They really didn't expect a person with such a beautiful appearance to be so cruel!

It really is a nobleman.

Zhang Ziling didn't care about other people's eyes at all, but secretly healed the cat-eared boy's injury.

I don’t know how long it took. The cat-eared boy finally recovered, and quickly said to Zhang Ziling: "Enough, sir, he is going to die!"

"He was going to kill you just now." Zhang Ziling looked at the cat-eared boy and said with a smile in his eyes.

The cat-eared boy pursed his mouth, still feeling that the tiger-faced man was a little pitiful. They had never known each other before. If the tiger-faced man died because of him, he would not be happy.

"My lord, please let him go, I'll be fine." The cat-eared boy pleaded.

When the tiger-faced man heard what the cat-eared boy said, he also kowtowed his head and thanked him.

However, every time the tiger-faced man kowtows, a hint of resentment flashes in his eyes.

Zhang Ziling can't afford to provoke him, but this cat-eared boy, after this incident...definitely let this kid's family be ruined!

In the eyes of the tiger-faced man, everything he suffered now was caused by the cat-eared boy!

"Let's go, I don't want to stay here anymore." Zhang Ziling got up and said to the cat-eared boy, without even looking at the tiger-faced man.

"Yes Yes……"

The cat-eared boy is now afraid and respectful of Zhang Ziling, so he doesn't dare to defy Zhang Ziling's words.

Zhang Ziling got up and left, and the cat-eared boy followed Zhang Ziling tremblingly.

Looking at the back of Zhang Ziling and the boy with cat ears, the tiger-faced man showed endless resentment.

"I must make you pay!" The tiger-faced man screamed in a low voice, making the people around him shudder.

The people around were ordinary people, no matter it was Zhang Ziling or the tiger-faced man, they couldn't afford it.

However, before the tiger-faced man stood up, his body began to swell rapidly, and then the tiger-faced man exploded in the horrified eyes of everyone!


Minced meat spilled over the bar, and countless people looked at the **** scene in horror and vomited.

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