Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1683: Closed virtual door

Zhang Ziling took the boy with cat ears out of the bar and walked slowly on the street.

The civilian areas in Tianyun City are full of metal buildings. The air is filled with the smell of nasty tails. The sky is yellowish brown, and the surroundings are extremely depressive. Zhang Ziling dislikes it.

The cat-eared boy followed Zhang Ziling tremblingly, very nervous.

Although Zhang Ziling gave him a lot of wealth, from what Zhang Ziling did just now, it is clear that Zhang Ziling did not regard his life as a matter. The boy with cat ears followed behind Zhang Ziling, and his muscles were tight because of tension.

"Don't be afraid, as long as you don't do some stupid things, I'm harmless." Zhang Ziling could feel the tension of the cat-eared boy and smiled comfortingly.

"Yes, yes..." The cat-eared boy nodded awkwardly, but still couldn't relax.

Zhang Ziling did not insist on this, and soon returned to the senior citizen zone with the boy with cat ears.

Compared with the civilian area, the senior citizen area is two worlds!

Here the sky is blue, birds and flowers are scented, and spirit beasts jumping for joy can be seen everywhere.

Not many people use transportation in the senior citizen zone, most of them walk directly or fly directly. The buildings are also different from the unified metalization of the civilian area. The architectural format of the senior citizen zone is various, whether it is a floating island or a sky city... just myth There is everything in the legend.

After all, there are supreme and powerful people from all walks of life on Tianyunxing, even if it is a short stay, it is impossible to live in greetings.

As long as the imperial-level powerhouses have requirements, the federal government of Tianyunxing will help them build it regardless of everything.

Zhang Ziling can even see a towering world tree in the senior citizen zone!

To be honest, this was the first time that the cat-eared boy went to the senior citizen area and saw the picturesque scenery around him. His eyes lit up.

I heard that the nobles in the Senior Citizens' Zone all spend in Sky Cloud Coins.

The cat-eared boy looked around excitedly, suffocating him with the breath of every passerby.

Zhang Ziling is also used to this. After all, this is a transit point for this universe to other small worlds, and Tianyunxing is only a planet that can be reached by top powers from all walks of life.

Tianyunxing has a large number of imperial-level powerhouses all year round, and any government will probably do the same as the Tianyunxing federal government, trying to comfort those powerhouses who can easily overwhelm the mountain.

Now that the virtual gate is closed, a large number of imperial-level powerhouses are staying in this sky. If the Tianyunxing government does not build this high-level citizen zone to the extreme, I am afraid that this sky-cloud-star has long been wiped out by the imperial-level powerhouses. went.

After all, any emperor rank powerhouse possesses unimaginable power.

Although the real estate purchased by Zhang Ziling in this high-level citizen's area is not as exaggerated as a palace of other imperial powers, it is also a luxurious garden, a retro courtyard, with mountains and waters, and antique.

If this garden is placed on the earth, it is probably invaluable.

In the courtyard, there are Zhang Ziling's favorite peach trees and stone tables, and there is a pool of water next to it with a rockery.

The villa is built by the pool and is quite elegant.

Although Zhang Ziling's residence is not very conspicuous in this high-level civic area, it still surpasses those buildings in the civilian area hundreds of times.

The cat-eared boy walked in the gardens of Zhang Ziling and looked at the colorful sacred fish jumping out of the pool, his eyes lit up.

"By the way, I still don't know your name." Zhang Ziling was sitting at the stone table, and the rabbit-eared maid in the garden immediately came up to make tea for Zhang Ziling.

After Zhang Ziling bought the garden, he also presented more than a dozen maids who specialize in gardening.

From fox ears, rabbit ears and cat ears...all kinds of beautiful maids should have, and they will not refuse the garden owner to do anything to them!

When Zhang Ziling bought the manor, they were Zhang Ziling's private property.

Of course, Zhang Ziling has no interest in doing anything to them, and it is enough to let them do some gardening.

"My name is Luoluoke, and I am fourteen years old!" The cat-eared boy hurriedly stood straight and replied, his cheeks flushed.

The young girls near Zhang Ziling were all dressed in maid costumes and white stockings. Every one was beautiful and eye-catching.

He had never seen such beautiful girls, especially the cat-eared girl, which made his heart beat faster.

"Loloco..." Zhang Ziling looked at Loloco hurriedly with a smile, and waved to the maids in the garden to make them retreat.

With the silver bells of the maids' laughter away, Loloco was relieved.

"Sit down, let's have a good talk." Zhang Ziling motioned for Luo Luo to come and sit down.

Luo Luoke took a deep breath and sat in front of Zhang Ziling, still blushing.

"This kid... hasn't he seen a woman?" The Heaven Seeker in Zhang Ziling's body looked at Luoluoke and couldn't help but ridicule.

"I'm only fourteen years old, what are you thinking?"

Zhang Ziling softly rebuked Tianxunyi, and then asked Luoluoke: "Tell me all you know about the virtual door."

"Yes, my lord!"

Luo Luoke cleared up his emotions and sorted out his thoughts for a while, and then said to Zhang Ziling: "The virtual door is in the outer orbit of Tianyunxing, and has been controlled by the federal government. Every week, there is a car from Tianyun City to the virtual door. For the cosmic train, each ticket requires one hundred cloud coins, so basically only senior citizens and some wealthy second-class citizens can get on that train to go to other universes."

"However, recently, the federal government suddenly stopped the trains and announced that the virtual door was closed. Everyone is prohibited from going to the virtual door to other universes."

"At that time, some of the imperial rank powerhouses were dissatisfied with the actions of the federal government, so they went to the Xumen. However, a few days later, the bodies of those imperial rank powerhouses appeared in Tianyunxing one after another, and they all died in a miserable manner." Luo Luoke said to Zhang Ziling solemnly.

"What is the reason for the closing of the virtual door?" Zhang Ziling frowned slightly and asked.

"The official announcement is that the space of the virtual door is unstable and the energy is rioting. All the creatures near the virtual door will be strangled by the energy of the riot." Luo Luoco replied, "but judging from the corpses of those emperor-level experts, Obviously it was caused by man."

Hearing what Loroke said, Zhang Ziling became more convinced that Tianyunxing's federal government had a problem.

However, a planetary government can restrain thousands of emperor rank powerhouses, which sounds a bit fanciful.

"How did you know these news?" Zhang Ziling asked again.

Luoluoke was only a 14-year-old civilian. Although he was a native of Tianyunxing, he was able to know the scars on the corpse of a powerful emperor, which also surprised Zhang Ziling.

"Lord, my elder brother is a crew member of the space train. He has seen those corpses." Lolo scratched his head with a smile, "He told me."

"Do you have any way to go under the hood without being discovered by the federal government?" Zhang Ziling asked again.

Even the emperor-rank experts died at the virtual gate, and now all the emperor-rank experts of Tianyunxing are obediently staying in Tianyunxing, they have no idea of ​​going to the virtual gate...

There must be a big problem at this virtual door!

I am afraid that Zhang Ziling will have to go to the Xumen in person to find the problem.

However, the connection between Tianyunxing and Void Gate was too close, and Zhang Ziling would be easily spotted if Zhang Ziling rushed through.

"My lord, do you really want to go?" Luo Luoluo was a little shocked, after all...Xumen is now a forbidden place, and all emperor-ranked powerhouses have to die there... In Luo Luo's eyes, Zhang Ziling is going to die.

"One hundred thousand sky cloud coins."

Zhang Ziling spoke suddenly, the surrounding air instantly solidified, and Luo Luoke felt suffocated.

"Do you have a way?"

After recovering, Roroco's eyes were red and he nodded sharply.


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