Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1684: Wanted Zhang Ziling!

One hundred thousand days cloud coins!

This is an astronomical figure for anyone below the Tianyun Star Emperor rank!

Even some large families in the mainland do not have such huge assets.

If the benefits are sufficient, people will do whatever it takes!

In front of one hundred thousand days of cloud coins, Roroco could not even kill him.

Such a huge wealth can not only change the destiny of their family, but also make their family a prominent family in Tianyunxing!

Loroko couldn't refuse such a big temptation.

"My lord, please give me some time to prepare. After all, the virtual gate is already forbidden, and it is not so easy to pass." Luoluoke suppressed the excitement in his heart and said to Zhang Ziling.

"How much time do you need?" Zhang Ziling asked, not in a hurry.

"Three days!" Luoluoke stretched out three fingers, "In three days I have everything ready, my lord, come directly to the civilian area to find me!"

Lonok's eyes were tough, and he didn't look like a fourteen-year-old boy at all.

"Okay." Zhang Ziling nodded, took out a bag of Sky Cloud Coins from the space ring and threw it to Loroco, "In three days, if I find that you are lying to me...I will do it at my own risk."

Hearing Zhang Ziling's icy voice, Luo Luoco swallowed hard and nodded.

After making an agreement with Luoluoke, Zhang Ziling talked to Luoluoke for a while, and then he called the Heavenly Seeker to **** Luoluoke back.

Now Xuntianyi also has the strength of the emperor's pinnacle, and he can come and go freely among the sky clouds. Zhang Ziling is also relieved to let the skyhunter go out alone.

After Xun Tianyi left with Luoluoke, Zhang Ziling groaned for a while on the seat, his figure twisted slightly and disappeared in place.


Sky Cloud City, Federal Government, Cloud Palace!

Tarot sat in his office looking through the emperor skills given by Zhang Ziling and was already fascinated.

"It's worthy of being the supreme powerhouse from the T1 world, and the emperor-level exercises he took out are so profound!" Tarot looked more and more excited, and felt that he was spending 250,000 days of cloud coins extremely worthwhile.

Although "Moxin Jue" is a practice created by Zhang Ziling at will, Zhang Ziling was already supreme when he created "Mo Xin Jue". Every word in it contains the Supreme Way, which is difficult to understand.

Although Tarot got the emperor skill given by Zhang Ziling, he couldn't penetrate it in a short time. He wanted to turn this technique into his own combat power, and it took some time to comprehend it.

But this is not a problem for Tarot at all.


At this moment, the office door was knocked open, and a bald guy rushed in.

"Carrot?" Tarot put away "Devil Heart Jue", "What are you doing?"

Tarot frowned slightly and his expression was not good.

Carlot is also an imperial powerhouse, a colleague of Tarot, and serves in the federal government.

However, Tarot has always been at odds with Carlot, and the relationship between the two is not very good, so the two usually don't meet.

Now Carrot rushed directly into his office, there must be no good!

"You got into a big deal!" Carrot looked at Tarot with a sneer, and threw a stack of papers on Tarot's desk.

Tarot picked up the file and frowned.

Carlot took the information of Zhang Ziling, which he helped to register.

Every imperial expert who came to Tianyunxing would perform a simple registration. He also followed the procedure for Zhang Ziling's registration, and couldn't figure out what would go wrong.

Thinking that Carrot came to find the fault deliberately, Tarot's eyes became extremely cold, and he looked at Carrot and asked in a cold voice: "Are you coming to trouble me on purpose?"

With "Devil Heart Jue", Tarot thinks that his strength will surpass Carlot sooner or later, so naturally he won't be afraid of him!

"Intentionally? Humph! I came here to make trouble on purpose today!" A joking flashed in Carlot's eyes, "Did you forget how the virtual door was closed?"

"You..." Tarot's eyes couldn't help changing when he heard Carlot's words.

As a core member of the federal government, of course he knows the specific situation of Xumen!

The so-called instability of the virtual gate is a lie, and the few dead emperors were all killed by the guards.

Without the help of the guards, the federal government of their districts wanted to suppress the thousands of emperor-level powerhouses on Tianyunxing, it would be a fantasy!

"A few days ago, Qing Zhou Dao Zun was killed in the process of clearing up the variables. You should know about this?" Carlot sneered, his eyes getting more and more joking.

Tarot's face became paler and paler, and his body trembled slightly. There was a vague premonition in his heart.

The death of Dao Zun Qingzhou is undoubtedly the biggest thing that has happened in the universe, and it is extremely important to it!

"What kind of world do you think the strong man who can kill Qingzhou Dao Zun will appear in?"

Hearing what Carrot said, Tarot swallowed slightly, and said in a trembled voice: "T1 world..."

"In our small universe, there are only four worlds that can be called T1-level worlds, and the earth has already lost its name after the demise of the gods hundreds of millions of years ago. The evil elementary world has also been overthrown by the ultimate, and Emperor Tianyang Jie is a T1 world that has only recently been granted permission from above. Do you think...Where will Dao Zun Qingzhou die?" Carlot said a lot, and Tarot's body trembled more and more.

"Xuanxiao Continent..." Tarot was already completely limp after saying this, and his whole body was relieved.

Of the other three T1 worlds, two have fallen, and one is not enough. The only one who can be born to be able to kill Dao Venerable... is the Xuanxiao Continent!

And Zhang Ziling is a strong man who came from the Xuanxiao Continent, so who killed Dao Venerable... is already very obvious!

Tarot still couldn't believe it...he actually took advantage of the prisoner who was personally ordered by the upper world Taoist to be arrested?

Thinking of this... Tarot's face was ashamed.

That "Devil Heart Jue", it must be impossible to keep...

Tarot trembling hands, reluctantly took out "Devil Heart Jue", and destroyed it in front of Carlot.

Zhang Ziling was the prisoner who killed the Dao Zun Qing Zhou. The existence named to be arrested above, "Devil Heart Jue" is the dirt. If he cultivates... he will also be caught!

That's 250,000 Tianyun Coins!

Tarot looked at the destroyed "Devil Heart Jue", his heart was bleeding, and he hated Zhang Ziling more and more.

In his opinion, it was Zhang Ziling that caused him to lose most of his worth in vain!

Carlot's mood was very good, he wanted to laugh when he watched Tarot suffer.

"Next..." Tarot's eyes showed endless spitefulness, and he raised his eyes to look at Carlot, "What do we want from above?"

"What do you think?"

Carlot picked up the document about Zhang Ziling on the desk and slowly tore it away...

"This is a big opportunity to get a green card to the upper world, of course you have to seize it!"

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