Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1689: Battleship group!

The spacecraft was getting closer and closer to the virtual gate, and Zhang Ziling could even feel the fluctuations in the power of the virtual gate.

That kind of power is different from any power Zhang Ziling has ever seen, and its entire power level is higher than that of the universe.

"Is that a virtual door?" Zhang Ziling's soul swept over, only to see a hole similar to a black hole, swallowing everything around it, and it couldn't be called a door at all.

The unique energy covering the outside of the virtual gate interfered with Zhang Ziling's soul search, preventing Zhang Ziling from exploring the specific situation inside.


At this moment, Zhang Ziling frowned slightly and couldn't help looking back.

A large fleet suddenly flew towards them.

"Warning! Large-scale battleships approaching detected!"

The cold system sound rang in the spaceship, and Roroco and Carlin's expressions changed greatly.

"How could this be?" Lorok was panicked in an instant, he could see a large-scale battleship group approaching them on the radar.

Obviously, they have been locked by the federal government's battleship group.

"Impossible to be discovered! The system permissions we stolen are of the highest level, and there will be no abnormalities in the federal government." Luo Luoco couldn't believe it, and the whole person was quite at a loss.

"It doesn't matter, since they have all been discovered, I have to fight on, and the power is full!" Karin became very calm at this time, directly pulling the power of the spacecraft to the limit and rushing towards the virtual door.

No matter what the reason, they must be locked by the battleship group now. If they don't escape, they can only turn to ashes under gunfire.

At least, still have to struggle a bit.

The cabin was red and warnings were heard everywhere.

"Are they Tarot?" Zhang Ziling whispered, his eyes flickering.

He just disappeared from his vision for a moment, and the federal government had already responded.

However, Zhang Ziling was not very surprised, his whereabouts were easy to guess.

After all, the powerhouses who can come to Tianyunxing are basically aimed at the virtual door.

Tarot only needs to check which spacecraft has passed the checkpoint within this period of time, and he can easily lock his tracks.

The energy barrier covered Tianyunxing in all directions, and it was impossible to avoid it.

"Prepare for the space leap!" Carlin roared, the spacecraft flew rapidly in space, and the space in front began to fold, driving the folded space of the spacecraft to rush.

"Are you crazy? This spaceship can't withstand the space leap now!" Lolo could not help but yell, seeing the pressure in the cabin full.

The entire spacecraft has begun to vibrate, and it seems to fall apart at any time.

With the strength of this spacecraft, it can only withstand a space jump at most in a short time, and it will disintegrate after more time...

The spacecraft they built themselves were not as strong as they thought.

"No way, don't run now, we will be dead if we are locked by the warship of the federal government at that time!" Carlin's neck was bruised, and now he can no longer take care of so much.

"Everything else is fine... Go to the Xuanmen first!"

"Warning! Engine overload! Engine overload!"

"Loloco, you put the prepared virus into the federal government's database, and help us hold off for a while." Carlin yelled loudly, ignoring the warning.

As long as you get to the Xumen, the spacecraft will burst and it will be fine!

"You... forget it, so be it!" Loroke couldn't find a better way, so he had to call up the system interface, plant a virus into the federal government's database, and delete their data indiscriminately.

If the database is messed up, the federal government will be involved in most of its energy!

"Report to the captain, that spaceship is undergoing a space leap, request instructions!" In a large warship, the crew reported to the captain.

"Use the laser cannon to blast down the garbage, and don't let them reach the virtual door!" The captain ordered, his face gloomy to the extreme.

After Tarot sent the message, he immediately ordered a search for the periphery of Tianyunxing, and soon found the small spacecraft that was smuggling.

As the commander-in-chief of the battleship group, it is a huge negligence to make people smuggle successfully. The most serious consequences may not even be able to keep his head!

He wished to blast Carlin's spaceship into waste now!

As the order was issued, the battleship group locked on Carlin's spacecraft one after another, and the terrifying muzzle locked the spacecraft, filled with the cohesion of destructive light.

"A strong energy response is detected, the space folding is unstable, and the space transition cannot proceed!"

The powerful force of the battleship group hindered the space folding, and Karin had no way to make a space leap.


Karin slapped the console fiercely and couldn't help but look back.

Now he could see a lot of battleships following their ass.

Although the spacecraft sprayed fire with all its strength, there was still no way to escape the chase of those large warships.

Those battleships are all gathering the essence of Tianyunxing's science and technology, which is not comparable to their small boats pieced together from the garbage dump!

"Are these guys crazy? We are just a small boat, we need the whole army to dispatch?" Karin growled irritably, but still controlled the spacecraft to fly forward.

Blue flames spit out, and the shuttle-shaped spacecraft almost turned into a strip of light.

"My lord, we seem to be unable to escape this time!" Karin could feel a bunch of guns staring at the back of his head, "You should abandon the ship and run away. It's not far from the virtual gate here. With your strength, you should Able to fly!"

"Let's flee in the other direction and lead them away!" Luo Luoke also had red eyes, gritted his teeth, and did not ask Zhang Ziling to take them.

They came here with a determination to die, but when they were about to face death, they could still feel endless fear.

No one wants to die!

However, if they took the money, they had to do it in the end.

"Boss, what are we going to do now?" The sky seeker inside Zhang Ziling asked, not very eagerly.

Although the attack of the battleship group looked terrifying, it was not a threat to them.

"I don't know what's going on at the Xuanmen now. We have to speed up and rush to it. Anyway, it has been discovered that the spacecraft can't sit on it. We ourselves passed faster." Zhang Ziling said.

"Are we going to give up these two children?" Xuntianyi asked quickly.

"The performance of these two children is not bad, they are worth training." Zhang Ziling chuckled lightly, "I will solve the battleship group, you put these two children into the small world."

"Okay!" Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, the Heaven Seeker was also quite happy. It originally liked the two cat-eared boys better, and it was very much in line with its desire to save good lives.

"That's it." Zhang Ziling released the sky seeker, and then his body was slightly distorted, and the whole person disappeared in the seat.

"grown ups?"

Kalin and Lorok found that Zhang Ziling appeared outside the spacecraft, blocking the battleship group alone.

"Report to the captain, an unknown person has appeared in front of you!"

In the large battleship, the crew members saw Zhang Ziling standing in the universe and reported loudly.

"Whether he is a man or a ghost, I will blast out the dregs for Laozi!" The captain roared, the artillery of the battleship group condensed dazzling light, and countless laser cannons spurted out and shot at Zhang Ziling quickly!

Zhang Ziling stood alone in the void, watching the laser cannons rushing towards his face, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.


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