Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1690: All the emperors are out!

Zhang Ziling's voice entered the ears of everyone in the battleship group, and the captain looked at Zhang Ziling in a daze, and suddenly a bad premonition rose in his heart.

At this moment, the laser cannon has reached Zhang Ziling's face.

The captain narrowed his eyes and clenched his palms subconsciously.

With a faint smile at the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth, his fingers were put together and cut forward gently.


Dark magic energy erupted from Zhang Ziling's body, and those lasers were swallowed up by the magic energy in an instant.

The first wave of attacks by the battleship group was easily dismantled.

"Emperor rank powerhouse!" The captain roared subconsciously, his expression became a little flustered.

However, before the captain issued the next order, he saw a huge black sword gas coming from across the air.

"Quickly activate the defensive barrier--!"

The captain roared, but it was too late, the black sword gas easily cut all the battleships, and the entire battleship group exploded!

Bright sparks lit up in the universe, and even people in the clouds and stars could see countless warship wrecks falling from the sky.

Tarot and Carlot, who were still in the federal government, found that the battleships had all lost contact in an instant, and their faces turned pale.

Karin and Loloco in the spacecraft were stunned and couldn't believe it...

That battleship group was a top army built by the federal government for hundreds of years and spent countless resources, but now it was easily destroyed by Zhang Ziling...

"Big, my lord... what kind of power do you have?" Luo Luoco trembled. Zhang Ziling just waved his hand slightly, destroying the battleship group that made countless civilizations fearful...

This is probably not something the emperor rank powerhouse can do.

"Guru!" Karin swallowed hard, then slapped himself hard, thinking he was dreaming.

"Okay, kids, nothing will happen to you next." Xun Tianyi clapped his hands, letting Roroco and Carlin come back to their senses.

"Master Xuntian?" Luo Luo looked at Xuntianyi suspiciously, but didn't understand what Xuntianyi meant.

Now that Zhang Ziling has destroyed the battleship group, they can continue on their way. Why is there nothing to do?

"The battles that follow are from the emperor class. You two little guys are very obstructive at the side. You advance into my little world." Tian Xun Yi instructed Luo Luo Ke and Carlin.

"You two are very talented in equipment together, the boss intends to train you." Xun Tianyi smiled, "Your performance was very good just now, and the boss has reviewed it."

"Really?" Carlin called out subconsciously, his eyes full of incredible.

They have already seen the strength of Zhang Ziling, who is definitely the top powerhouse in the universe!

Such an existence needs to nurture them... Doesn't this mean they will soar into the sky in the future?

For them, Xuntianyi's words are far heavier than 100,000 Tianyun Coins!

"Really, stop talking nonsense, just come in for me!"

Tianxunyi didn't want to slowly explain to Karin and Loroko, and directly swallowed them with the spaceship.

Zhang Ziling saw that the Celestial Seeker had taken both Karin and Lorok into the small world, and no longer cared about the warships that had exploded, turned into a black light and rushed towards the virtual door.

At this moment, there is already a mess in Tianyunxing.

The entire battleship group was annihilated, and the database was invaded by an unknown virus, which resulted in the deletion of countless important data, leaving the federal government in extreme chaos.

The senior officials of the federal government were furious, alarming the existence of the upper world, and immediately ordered Tarot and Carlot to resolve the matter as soon as possible!

The turmoil of the federal government even attracted the attention of other imperial-level powerhouses on Tianyunxing. Now everyone knows that someone has forcibly broke into the virtual gate, and some courageous imperial-level powerhouses flew directly to the virtual gate in order to beg Fish in troubled waters!

And those imperial-level powerhouses who had good relations with the federal government also gathered under the integration of Tarot, stepped into the teleportation formation together, and teleported to the virtual gate to stop Zhang Ziling.

After Zhang Ziling destroyed the federal government's fleet, Tarot and Carlot couldn't help but announce Zhang Ziling's information.

Now everyone knows that Zhang Ziling is the criminal who was ordered by the upper world Taoist to be arrested. Whoever gets Zhang Ziling's head will be able to get the green to go to the upper world! .

Different from smuggling to the upper world to become an unidentified savage, you can go to the upper world with a green card without being wanted by the Daoist, and you can practice with integrity!

The green card leading to the upper world is something that the supreme civilizations in the small world dream of. When they reach the realm of the emperor rank in their bodies, the treasures in the universe no longer have much attraction to them.

But the green card allows them to break through the shackles and continue to grow stronger. This temptation... is far superior to any other treasure!

Suddenly, the entire Tianyunxing became extremely lively, and all the emperor rank powerhouses were alarmed and divided into two factions!

The emperor-level powerhouses who have been friendly with the federal government are clamoring to capture Zhang Ziling, while the other emperor-level powerhouses who are only temporarily staying in Tianyunxing are preparing to watch the excitement and find the opportunity to get into the virtual gate by the way.

Zhang Ziling and Tianxunyi rushed to the entrance of the virtual gate in front of everyone, only to find that the inside of the virtual gate had been blocked by some special force and could not move forward at all.

"These powers should have leaked from the upper world. It is estimated that it will take a while to clean up." Zhang Ziling said to himself, and black air began to flow in his palm.

"Zhang Ziling! What are you doing?"

As soon as Zhang Ziling was ready to do it, Tarot and Carrot led a large number of emperor-level powerhouses to the vicinity and blocked Zhang Ziling.

"Trouble!" Seeing Tarot and others appear, Zhang Ziling frowned slightly and turned to look at the government coalition!

After the fleet was annihilated, all the barriers around Tianyunxing disappeared. The great emperors who were preparing to fish in troubled waters also flew to the vicinity of the virtual gate, and in the distance saw Zhang Ziling and the emperor-level powerhouses of the federal government confronting each other.

There are thousands of emperor-level powerhouses on Tianyunxing, and more than half of the powerhouses have interests with the federal government.

Now those strong men are all behind Tarot and Carrot, exuding terrifying imperial prestige, exerting pressure on Zhang Ziling.

Then every powerful emperor looked at Zhang Ziling with endless greed, wishing to take off Zhang Ziling's head now!

And those strong men who have nothing to do with the federal government stand in the distance in twos and threes, watching the battle.

"That person is the rumored demon emperor who came out of the T1 world? The breath is so strong!" A great emperor looked at Zhang Ziling's back and admired him. He could feel the terrifying pressure from Zhang Ziling's body.

"I heard that the Devil Emperor killed the Azure Dao Venerable... Now that he is wanted by the Dao Monarch in the upper world, it is estimated that the federal government has been forced to be the opposite of the Demon Emperor. The powerhouse who can kill Dao Venerable is at least Dao. Zun...The strongest person in the federal government is only the supreme. How can you fight the devil emperor?" A half emperor said in a low voice, not optimistic about the federal government.

"That's not necessarily..." A great emperor shook his head. "There are more than 500 emperor-level powerhouses on the federal government. Those people are supreme from all the worlds. Which one has no hole cards? And the devil emperor is just one person. That's all, no matter how strong he is, it is impossible to defeat more than five hundred emperor rank powerhouses at the same time!"

The emperor-level powerhouses who watched the excitement have speculated on the combat power on both sides, Zhang Ziling and the government coalition confrontation, the surrounding atmosphere has been tense to the extreme!

This is the largest battle in the history of this universe!

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