Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1691: Terrifying strength

Standing in front of the Xumen, Zhang Ziling looked at the five-hundred-odd emperor-level powerhouses, his expression didn't panic.

The surrounding atmosphere was very depressing. The coercion of hundreds of emperor rank powerhouses overlapped, causing the surrounding space to be slightly distorted.

Tarot looked at Zhang Ziling with a gloomy expression, his heart was full of anger.

Zhang Ziling slashed all the warships of their federal government with a single sword, and the fleet that they had spent countless resources to build from Tianyunxing was instantly destroyed, which can be said to directly cause the federal government to collapse.

But he has become the directly responsible person and will definitely be held accountable in the future.

This pot came from the sky and made Tarot very angry.

"Everyone, what are you looking for?"

Zhang Ziling laughed and asked knowingly.

"T1 world supreme, the devil emperor of Xuanxiao Continent, seized the authority of the heavens, slayed the gods, and obliterated the Taoist..." Carlot stood up, looked at Zhang Ziling and said in a deep voice, "What do you think we are here for? "

"The investigation is quite clear... It seems that Tianxuan's account is also counted on me..." Zhang Ziling smiled, and the dark magic energy began to surge around.

"Devil Emperor, Dao Monarch has sent five Dao Sovereigns over here, plus we have hundreds of emperor-level powerhouses, two Great Sovereigns... you have no chance of winning at all!" Tarot said loudly, "If you surrender now , Self-defeating cultivation base... I can still ask Dao Zun to open up a side and spare your life!"

On the side of the federal government, it seems that it has absolute power to suppress.

"Heh, I want to catch me..." Zhang Ziling's eyes gradually appeared jokingly, "Unfortunately, wait, it's not enough!"


As soon as Zhang Ziling said this sentence, there was a tumult around him, and the faces of all the strong could not stop the anger!

They are all supreme from all walks of life, invincible in the world they are in, and hundreds of millions of creatures bow their heads in front of them.

No one has ever dared to call them "you wait"!

"Don't talk nonsense with him, the head of the devil emperor, I want it from the unintentional emperor!"

At this moment, a great emperor couldn't restrain the anger in his heart, and turned into a light that rushed towards Zhang Ziling, and a terrifying force burst out of him, distorting the surrounding space.

"court death!"

Seeing the great emperor rushing over, the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth raised slightly, and the demon energy around him spontaneously condensed into a dark chain, which easily penetrated the great emperor's head.

Blood splattered!

The violent power came to an abrupt end, and the supreme powerhouse who claimed to be the "Wuxin Emperor" instantly lost all his vitality and turned into a dead body.


Everyone gasped with a breath, and their pupils shrank sharply.

In fact, they all have strong psychological preparations for the Devil Emperor, but no one can imagine that the Devil Emperor's strength is so terrifying!

Although Wuxin Tiandi is not the strongest among Tianyunxing, he is still a veteran emperor, and his strength is extremely vigorous.

But even so, the Wuxin Heavenly Emperor was killed before even touching the Devil Emperor...

Zhang Ziling's powerful strength made everyone feel a little desperate.

"He is just one person, let's go together!"

After a moment of silence, dozens of powerful emperors rushed towards Zhang Ziling at the same time, and the mighty emperor formed a giant dragon comparable to the stars behind him, roaring towards Zhang Ziling!

In their own world, they are almost always strong people who have challenged them all the way. When they encounter an existence stronger than themselves, although they will be afraid, they will not shrink back.

The challenge of escalation is easy for everyone present.

Dozens of great emperors can join forces to destroy a world in an instant, even Daoist...has to face it!

There was no time for people to think about it, and the attacks of the emperor-ranked powerhouses immediately hit Zhang Ziling's face.

The terrifying force gathered by the great emperors made the virtual door become a little unstable.

Seeing those powerful emperors joining hands, Zhang Ziling didn't evade, spreading his five fingers slightly, pressing on the energy giant dragon that was impacting.


The dark devilish energy and the power of the emperor rank powerhouses were entangled, the dragon was torn to pieces in an instant, and the dazzling light spread to the surroundings, and the surrounding powerhouses subconsciously blocked their eyes with their arms.

The expressions of those powerful emperors changed as soon as they came into contact with Zhang Ziling, and endless fear burst into their hearts.

Even if they gathered the power of dozens of people, after they met Zhang Ziling, they still felt like they had hit an iron mountain, and they couldn't shake it at all!

"Come and help!" There was a great emperor who immediately warned Dasheng in his heart, and hurriedly yelled, wanting those strong men who have not yet taken action in the rear to come and help.

"What can I do for you? Anyway, they will come to accompany you soon..." Zhang Ziling chuckled, his palms turned black, and then the strength of the dozens of great emperors was quickly eroded by Zhang Ziling, and they suddenly felt that their limbs became heavy. Extremely.

Endless devilish energy gushes from Zhang Ziling's body, easily breaking through the defenses of dozens of emperor-level powerhouses and binding them.

"What the **** is this?" The strong people felt bad and wanted to break free of Zhang Ziling's devilish energy, but as they worked harder, the devilish energy became more tightly bound, and even penetrated into their skin, eroding the meridians.

The strength disappeared in a little bit.

The powerhouses in the back saw the devilish energy surging ahead, and swallowed all of them, not daring to move forward easily.

They can feel the terrifying power contained in the demonic energy.

"What to do?" Tarot sweated profusely and asked Carrot next to him anxiously.

The strength of the Devil Emperor was beyond everyone's imagination, and hundreds of them would not be able to cause damage to Zhang Ziling.

But if they retreat now, the Devil Emperor will definitely break through the virtual door and leave. When the time comes, the blame will come down and both of them will die!

"This is all something you provoke. You ask me who do I ask?" Carlot was very irritable and didn't want to talk to Tarot at all.

If he didn't covet to go to the upper world green card, he would not jump into this fire pit at all, even if the Devil Emperor runs away, it has nothing to do with him.

But now, even if he escapes, he will not escape death if the blame comes down in the future.

Not only Tarot and Carlot, but also the imperial powers behind them, and even the existence of the two supreme levels, are also retreating at this moment.

There is only one green card, but their life... only one.

Thinking about it carefully, Azure Dao Venerable is already an invincible existence in the universe, and can easily destroy any civilization in the universe, but even so... Azure Dao Venerable is still beheaded by the Devil!

The strength of the Devil Emperor can be imagined.

Such a horrible existence should be captured after the Dao Venerables of the upper world come down, and they shouldn't provoke them at all!

Everyone gradually regretted it, and the monarch powers who were bound by the devilish gas gradually showed fear on their faces.

They felt a destructive force gestating in them.


A soft word whispered quietly in everyone's ears.

The next moment, the devilish energy exploded suddenly, and the powerful aftermath of the shock spread to the surroundings, sweeping away many strong people.

Those dozens of emperor rank powerhouses turned into huge explosion sparks at this moment.

The virtual door gradually shattered, and the forces inside were constantly disappearing under the powerful impact!

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