Return to the Earth as a Bully

: Chapter 1692 Break through the virtual door!

Zhang Ziling detonated the power in those dozens of emperor rank powerhouses. The powerful impact directly exploded and collapsed the surrounding space. All the surrounding powerhouses were affected, and the virtual door behind Zhang Ziling... All explosive power!

The power in the virtual door was exploded, and a purple-gold tunnel appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Xumen... there is no guardian!"

The imperial powers who were blown into the distance saw the purple-golden tunnel, their expressions couldn't help changing, and they subconsciously exclaimed.

Most of the imperial powers who stayed in Tianyunxing have been to the Xumen and have seen the purple-golden tunnel.

In the past, there would be two guards guarding the purple-golden tunnel to prevent anyone without a green card from entering the upper world.

After the federal government blocked the virtual gate, they never came here again. They did not expect that the guards in front of the virtual gate had disappeared.

"That's the virtual door?" Zhang Ziling turned and looked at the purple-golden tunnel, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The space in the tunnel looks very fragile, and a little force may be able to collapse the space inside.

It is difficult for Zhang Ziling to believe that that is the gateway to the upper world.

"If you don't leave now, when will you stay?"

Just when Zhang Ziling was in doubt, a great emperor who was watching the excitement rushed directly into the tunnel, intending to go to the upper world.

In the small world universe, their realm has been limited to the emperor, and only a few people can step into the supreme.

But even so, the Supreme is still very weak in front of Dao Zun.

They can only break through the shackles after stepping into the upper world and escape the liquidation of each era...

For all the emperors, behind the virtual door is their most desired place!


Tarot had just recovered from the previous explosion when he saw a great emperor rushing towards the tunnel and could not help but ridicule.

If it was so easy to travel to the upper world, then he would have passed.

The emperor rank powerhouse soon rushed to the entrance of the purple-golden tunnel, and his eyes couldn't stop the ecstasy.

He has stayed in Tianyunxing for thousands of years, and has never found a chance to go to the upper world... This time there is no guard at the virtual gate, he will definitely be able to pass!

He can't wait for a shift to smuggle every 10,000 years.

The liquidation of each era is about to begin. If he can't go to the upper world, he will end up... only death!

Everyone's eyes were placed on the emperor rank powerhouse, their fists clenched.

If the strong man successfully passes through the virtual gate, they will immediately rush into the tunnel and head to the upper world.


Zhang Ziling's eyes changed slightly. Just now, he caught a trace of extremely small power passing through the neck of the emperor-level powerhouse.

The emperor rank powerhouse also carried ecstasy on his face, and quickly rushed into the tunnel.


The strong people around gradually became excited, ready to rush over together.

But the next moment, the facts poured cold water on everyone.

The imperial emperor who rushed into the tunnel, I don’t know when... his head had fallen off his neck, and the headless body of the whole person flew forward quickly, and was finally thrown out under the squeeze of some kind of force. tunnel.

"The guards set up a Dao-zun-level restriction at the virtual door. The monks who have no permission to enter without permission will only end with death!" Tarot whispered, showing no sympathy for the emperor who had his head cut off. By.

Every virtual door leading to the upper world is controlled by the Taoist monarch. In order to restrict the monks in the small world from going to the upper world, how could they allow such a big loophole in the virtual door?

The powerful emperors looked at the headless corpse with complex expressions, and felt as if they had knocked over a five-flavored bottle.

Everyone wants that person to pass through the virtual door, but it's a pity...

"Xuntian, do you see clearly?" Zhang Ziling asked in a low voice.

"Look clearly, there seems to be some restriction near the tunnel... This power is a bit terrifying, and the emperor will be seconded immediately!" The Heaven Seeker said solemnly.

Tian Xun Yi just estimated it, if it had just broken through the virtual door, it would probably end up with the emperor whose head was cut off.

The surrounding atmosphere immediately cooled down and divided into three camps.

One side is the Federal Government. After sacrificing dozens of emperor rank powerhouses, they dare not continue to act easily and stare at Zhang Ziling.

On the other side is a group of neutral emperor rank powerhouses, their purpose is just to fish in troubled waters, through the virtual door, but now there is an unknown restriction in the virtual door, they even dare not move.

In the end, it was Zhang Ziling alone. He looked at the Xumen quietly, his eyes flashing red, as if he was thinking.

"Boss, shall we go directly?" Xun Tianyi asked, but hesitated in his tone.

Whether this is a real virtual gate, Zhang Ziling is not sure at all. If the end of the tunnel is not in the upper world, but somewhere else, then Zhang Ziling may be lost in the universe.

"No, you can't rush like this recklessly..." Zhang Ziling slightly shook his head, "This virtual door belongs to the ultimate management facility. We rushed in like this, and it is likely to be fooled."

"Then what should I do now? Continue fighting with those guys?" Xun Tianyi asked.

"No... those guys can just help us solve the problems we are facing now." A joke flashed in Zhang Ziling's eyes, "They are all ready-made scapegoats, no need for nothing!"

"Boss, what do you mean..." Xun Tianyi was stunned, and then reacted suddenly, couldn't help but laugh, and began to mourn for the group of powerful emperors behind him.

"What is he going to do?"

When a group of emperor-level powerhouses in the federal government saw Zhang Ziling began to portray the formation in the void, a trace of doubt flashed in their eyes and asked in a low voice.


Zhang Ziling drank softly, a light blue magic circle condensed out of thin air, and then quickly grew bigger and pressed towards the purple golden tunnel.

As the magic circle drawn by Zhang Ziling approached, a scarlet circle appeared in front of the tunnel and collided with Zhang Ziling's circle. The two suppressed each other and collided with dazzling light.

"He wants to break through the virtual door forcibly?"

Tarot saw the entanglement of the two magic circles and exclaimed, making the expressions of everyone around him changed.

Soon, the magic circle drawn by Zhang Ziling canceled out the law, and the prohibition covering the tunnel disappeared.

The corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth slightly hooked, turning into a light and rushing in.

The powerful emperors outside looked at each other, and finally chased Zhang Ziling crazy.

They want to follow the devil emperor and rush to the upper world!

Not only the neutral emperor rank powerhouses, even the group of powerhouses who have made friends with the federal government, can't help but follow.

Just now fighting against the Devil Emperor, everyone recognized the Devil Emperor's strength, and now the Devil Emperor is taking the lead in the charge...How can they not take advantage of them?

Tarot watched one after another imperial rank powerhouse rushed into the tunnel unharmed, and a trace of entanglement flashed across his face.

With the strength of the devil emperor, it is estimated that the guards can't hold it down. If the devil emperor forcibly breaks through the virtual door, he has a great chance to rush over.

If he can travel to the upper world like this, why should he work so hard in the federal government?

"I'll go one step ahead!" Carlot couldn't help but rushed in with a group of strong men.


Seeing Carrot also left, Tarot gritted his teeth, finally made up his mind and rushed in with Carrot!

Soon, the emperor rank powerhouses outside the virtual gate all followed Zhang Ziling and rushed into the virtual gate together!

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