In front of the crowd, countless transparent insects crawled out along the twisted space and quickly approached the crowd.

Each insect's physical strength has a tiny crystal, slightly distorted, shining with a light blue light.

Zhang Ziling could feel a trace of the law of space in those tiny crystals.

Looking around, the scalp was tingling with the dense cluster of insects.

The hand of a half emperor in the front accidentally touched a bug, the tiny crystal in the bug's body quickly twisted, and then exploded, wringing the half emperor's arm into another space together.

Blood was gushing, and the half-emperor screamed out loudly, but before he had time to escape, dozens of insects pounced on him and exploded one after another!

In an instant, that half-emperor was twisted into pieces, and the sky was full of blood!

"It's the worm! Run everyone!" The experienced emperor roared out hoarse.

In the next moment, more insects rushed over, and several emperor-rank experts caught the insects, and then the entire body was torn apart by the twisted space.

Seeing the worms coming over the sky, the remaining great emperor did not dare to stay here any longer, and fled madly.

Zhang Ziling frowned slightly, but he did not choose to go ahead at this time, and followed the crowd back.

"What kind of bug is that?" Zhang Ziling asked the person next to him while fleeing.

"You don't know? The worm parasites in the Void Gate all year round. It is another terrifying creature that guards the Void Gate besides the guards! Otherwise, why do you think smuggling is so dangerous? The guards are not afraid that we can get into the loop! "

"After encountering those bugs, the source crystals in their bodies will immediately explode, forming a small range of distorted spaces, and randomly teleporting the parts of their bodies to other spaces!"

"What's more terrible is that those bugs will ignore the cultivation base after they explode, and their spiritual power can't stop them at all!"

The strong man anxiously explained it to Zhang Ziling, then immediately accelerated and fled back.

When encountering the Air Fragment, no one has the will to fight.

"Boss, do you want to shoot?"

Seeing the overwhelming bugs approaching behind, the sky seeker asked.

With the current situation, those bugs may soon be able to force all the strong out, and then only Zhang Ziling will break through the virtual door.

There is still a considerable distance from the finish line. If there is no one to help step on the thunder, I am afraid that even Zhang Ziling will be in trouble.

Just like these worms, if Zhang Ziling didn't know their characteristics at the beginning, he would probably not pay attention to let those worms touch him.

Those bugs exploded ignoring the cultivation base, which is also quite troublesome for Zhang Ziling.

While Zhang Ziling was still considering whether to make a move, those strong men who fled to the front flew back and stopped around Zhang Ziling.

"Huh?" Seeing this situation, Zhang Ziling frowned slightly, and hurriedly swept over with his soul, and found that a large number of airborne worms appeared in their path, blocking their back path.

"Don't panic, everyone, gather barriers to block those bugs!" A supreme in the federal government finally spoke, shouting loudly!

With people taking the lead, the powerful people also reacted quickly, and quickly sacrificed their own magic soldiers, condensing layers of barriers around them.

Those emperor-level powerhouses who are good at portraying the formations also raised one after another, blocking the outside.

Soon, the air fragments on both sides hit the barrier of the strong people and exploded one after another.


The space on both sides collapsed in an instant, and the strong people felt immense pressure, and quickly urged the spiritual force to stabilize the barrier.

Fortunately, the emperor rank powerhouses are not fuel-efficient lamps. Even if the Air Fragment insects rushed through the weak spots of the barriers, everyone quickly put them on, and for a while, they maintained a balance with the impact of the Air Fragment insects.

The Air Fragment has no threat for the time being.

Everyone finally felt relieved. Although the collision of those insects caused them to consume a lot of money, everyone's space ring had a massive amount of pills to replenish spiritual power, and there was no need to worry about exhaustion for a while.

"Everyone, go ahead, don't waste time here." The Supreme, who gathered everyone's defenses, said, inspiring all the strong.

They resisted the Air Fragment Worm, and naturally they didn't have to exit again, and continued to move forward according to the current rhythm, and they would soon reach the end.

The powerhouses marched forward against a large number of airspace worms, and a large number of airspace worms exploded, creating a lot of twisted space around them.

"Now everyone is tied together..." Zhang Ziling put away his plan to shoot, and muttered in a low voice.

In the current situation outside, even if the Supreme goes out, it is impossible to escape death. Only when everyone advances together can it pass the virtual door...

"That's fine, just to see what else is ahead..." Zhang Ziling continued to hide his strength, perfunctorily providing strength to the outer barrier, and followed the crowd to fly forward.

After a wave of airsplitter attacks, more than a hundred emperor-level powerhouses died during the flustered escape, and there are only seven or eight hundred people still in the barrier.

But everyone's mental state is very good, it can even be said to be excited!

In their opinion, they can go to the upper world immediately, and the dead...have nothing to do with them.

The impact of the Air Fragment Worm lasted for a long time, until the crowd reached the end of the tunnel, the number of Air Fragment Worm was greatly reduced, and gradually disappeared with the explosion.

"Here! The entrance to the upper world!"

When everyone saw the light gate in front, excited expressions appeared in their eyes.

As long as you pass through that light gate, you will be able to go to the upper world and let the shackles that have always limited your realm disappear!

"This..." Tarot couldn't believe it, so he came to the end of the virtual gate?

There is no guardian's breath near the light gate, and even the prohibition does not exist, it seems to let them in and out!

"I will try first!"

Soon, the supreme who had gathered a group of powerful men couldn't help but rushed to the light gate first.

Under the eyes of everyone, the supreme entered the light gate in front of everyone and disappeared in front of everyone.


Seeing that the supreme passed through the light gate safely, all the powerhouses roared out excitedly and rushed towards the light gate.

One after another, they didn't enter the light gate, without triggering any restriction at all.

"It's that simple?"

Standing behind everyone, Zhang Ziling frowned as he watched one strong one safely enter the light gate.

If going to the upper world only needs to break some restrictions, and then deal with those air fragments, then for Zhang Ziling...

It's too simple.

When Zhang Ziling hesitated, nearly half of the strong had already passed the light gate, and the people behind were getting more and more excited.

"No... why is there a door over there?"

Suddenly, a scream caught everyone's attention. Everyone quickly looked in the direction that the great emperor pointed, and suddenly found that place...

I don't know when, exactly the same door appeared!

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