Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1695: Desperate?

After seeing the new light gate, the surrounding atmosphere instantly solidified, and everyone seemed to have seen a ghost.

Another door?

"How could this be?" The emperor who had almost entered the light gate stopped, his expression ugly to the extreme.

This sudden appearance of the light gate made everyone confused.

"Be careful!"

Suddenly there was a sharp shout, before the Great Emperor who had stopped in front of Guangmen had time to react, he was suddenly sucked in by Guangmen, his breath disappeared instantly!


The crowd took a breath, and a trace of fear flashed in their eyes.

Suddenly, another light gate appeared in front of everyone.

The three light gates stood in the tunnel, causing the surrounding atmosphere to instantly cool down.

Just such a small light gate quietly swallowed more than 400 emperor rank powerhouses, making everyone never dared to move forward for a while.

No one knows what happened to the people who entered the light gate. In this situation, no one dared to act rashly.

"These three light gates, which gate is the real one?" A strong emperor asked, his tone full of anxiety.

Obviously the end is just ahead, but this kind of thing happened again!

"Xuntian, do you see any problems with these doors?" Zhang Ziling asked in a low voice, with a rather solemn tone.

Zhang Ziling could not find out what was going on inside the light gates, his soul was completely absorbed after touching those light gates.

"I don't know, these three light gates seem to be exactly the same, and I don't know the specific situation inside." Xuntianyi has no idea about this.

Only when you enter the light gate can you know what is going on inside, but if you enter rashly now, then everything next becomes uncontrollable.

In the unlikely event that there is no man's sky connected behind the light gate... it would be even more difficult to come back then.

"Tarot, what is the situation with these three gates? You belong to the federal government. You should know some news?"

Soon, the powerhouses turned their spearheads to Tarot and asked harshly.

They are all here, no one will choose to give up!

"This light gate is the portal to the upper world, and you can go to the upper world after stepping into the light gate. But what is going on now...I don't know!" Tarot's expression was ugly, and he quickly defended.


Just when everyone was getting into a deadlock, the whole tunnel began to tremble violently, and more and more Air Fragmenters crawled out of the twisted space and quickly approached everyone.

"Quick defense!" Seeing the air fragments reappear, the complexion of the powerful emperors changed drastically, and they quickly gathered the barrier.

Countless air worms exploded on the barrier where the crowd condensed, and the space of the entire tunnel became more and more unstable.

The explosion sounded everywhere, and everyone resisted the attack of the Air Fragment with difficulty.

They are now less than half of the people. Although everyone can withstand the Suicide Attack of the Air Fragment Worm, everyone is feeling tremendous pressure now.

"No, this is not the way to go!"

A strong person felt that his power was consumed too quickly, and a trace of anxiety flashed in his eyes.

Now they have fewer people, but the Air Fragment Worm has become more and more, if they continue to be consumed here, they will be consumed sooner or later, and then buried under the explosion of the Air Fragment.

"It doesn't matter, just choose a light door to enter! Even if it is not in the upper world, it is possible to survive!" Someone could not accept the result of this chronic death, and directly chose a light door to rush in, and then there was no breath.

Afterwards, several emperor-level powerhouses rushed in together, and the barriers gathered by the people outside became a little weaker, and the powerhouses had to reduce the area of ​​the barriers to strengthen their defenses.

The powerful emperor ranks felt like they were about to squeeze together.

"These guys!" Tarot frowned, and a gloomy expression flashed across his face.

This is indeed the end of the virtual gate, but it is not clear what is behind the light gate of Tarot, and going in this way is almost like looking for death.

However, if they don't take a gamble, after the Air Fragment breaks through the defense, they can only wait to die.

Soon, a few more powerful men couldn't stand the process of waiting for death outside, so they found a light gate and rushed in.

"Boss, you can't go on like this!" Seeing that there are fewer and fewer people around, the sky-seeking instrument's tone has gradually become dignified, "Shall we rush too?"

It's really not a way to wait like this, it's better to rush in first to see what is going on.

"No one knows what exactly is going on there. If there is some kind of trap opposite the door or it will send us to other places, it will waste us too much time!" Zhang Ziling directly rejected the proposal of Tianxun.

"Then what should we do now?" Xun Tianyi asked, "Sooner or later those people will be killed by the Air Fragment, and then we will still have to break through the door!"

"Wait!" Zhang Ziling frowned slightly, and decided to observe the situation again.

In the next period of time, as more and more people rushed into the light gate, the number of strong people outside was already less than two hundred.

The attack of the Airborne Worm became more and more fierce, and everyone's activity space had been compressed to the extreme, and many people had even shrunk near the light gate.

It is the beginning of a nightmare for everyone to reduce the scope of defense!

Those monks closest to the light gate suddenly felt a huge suction from the light gate and directly sucked them in!

"No! Get away from the light gate, everyone!" Tarot roared, his eyes cracking.

The three light gates appeared huge suction power, and the emperor rank powerhouses had to be involved in a part of their energy to resist that terrifying suction power.

However, the worms outside had no intention to keep their hands. More and more worms ran into the barriers of the people's cohesion, tearing everyone's defenses apart.

The barrier gradually cracked!

"I don't believe it! After so many years, I will be killed by several doors!" A great emperor was about to be driven crazy by the current desperate situation, and directly blasted the light door behind him.


The light door vibrated violently, and the light dimmed a little.

"What are you doing?" Tarot yelled out directly when he saw someone messing up.

"What are you doing? This light gate is about to kill us all!" The great emperor roared, and banged the light gate with another palm, directly causing the light gate to crack!

"Quickly stop him!" Tarot roared and rushed to the emperor.

If the Light Gate is destroyed, their way to the upper world will be lost!

"He was right, now he can only break and stand up! Otherwise, he has to wait for death!"

However, this time, many emperor rank powerhouses couldn't help it anymore. They were not stupid, and could see the current situation clearly.

If this situation is allowed to continue, everyone will have to die, it is better to chaos once!

At the same time, hundreds of emperor-rank experts attacked the three light gates together!

The terrifying spiritual power poured on the light gate, the three light gates were all shattered, and the entire space vibrated violently.

The dazzling light shines from the shattered light door and shines on everything!

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