Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1696: Where is the Devil Emperor?

"Hey... I didn't expect such a group of idiots to think of breaking the virtual door to break the game!"

After a group of powerful emperors blasted through the three light gates, a sharp voice rang in everyone's ears.

After Tarot and Carlot heard that voice, their faces changed drastically!

"Tao, Dao Venerable..." Tarot swallowed slightly, his body trembled slightly, and his eyes filled with infinite fear.

There are faintly five figures displayed in the dazzling light, and their breath is terrifying to the extreme.

The surrounding worms gradually receded, but the emperor rank powerhouses did not have any mood to relax at all, their expressions were solemn.

The five people who appeared suddenly gave them unprecedented pressure!

Among the five people, there are three men and two women. The man headed by him has black hair, a pair of purple pupils, and a beauty mole at the corner of his eyes, making him more prettier than a woman.

The four people behind, two men, one fat and the other thin, and the women are extremely coquettish, with charming smiles on their faces, which are extremely seductive.

The breath of the five is far beyond the Azure Dao Zun, the breath is terrifying!

After they came out, the surrounding space became unstable.

"These guys..." Zhang Ziling looked at the five people who appeared from the light gate in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Obviously, these five are all directed at him.

Tarot and Carlot's bodies trembled slightly, and a dead gray color gradually appeared on their faces. The two of them are now following a group of people to break through the virtual door, which is equivalent to directly betraying the federal government.

Dao Zun will never show mercy to their subordinates!

"Who are you?" The only remaining supreme powerhouse looked at the five people with cold eyes and asked in a cold voice.

After blasting the three light gates, five people came out, and now everyone knows what happened to the light gate!

"Oh? I didn't expect that there is still a supreme among this group!" The headed man raised his eyebrows, quite surprised.

"It was originally intended to bring you guys into our space and kill them, but I didn't expect that there were still more than two hundred people left..."

"There are still so many people. It is a bit of a hassle to solve it together!" The headed man's mouth raised a joking smile, raised his hand slightly, and opened his five fingers slightly.

The supreme suddenly felt a huge suction coming from him, and the whole person had no time to resist, so he was directly sucked into his hand by that dao.

"Catch the thief first, capture the king, since there is still a supreme among you, let's solve it first." Dao Zun chuckled, purple light flashing in his eyes, and a mysterious purple spiritual power poured out from his palm, entwining the supreme.


The complexion of a group of strong men changed drastically, and they watched the supreme burst into pieces!

There was a dead silence all around.

"It's boring..."

The headed Dao Zun clapped his hands, and from beginning to end, the corners of his mouth kept smiling jokingly.

"Why, how can it be so strong?"

The eyes of the emperor-rank experts couldn't help but feel fear, and their bodies couldn't stop shaking.

Supreme is the strongest among them, but it is easily solved by the other party?

"Ats, remember...My name is Dao Zun Purple Prison." The headed Dao Zun grinned exaggeratedly, and a frightening aura erupted from his body.

The emperor-rank cultivators present suddenly felt immense pressure and couldn't breathe.

In the past, Qingzhou Dao Zun was the nightmare of the universe!

But the five people who appeared now... any one of them gave them far more pressure than Qing Zhou Dao Zun!

Everyone, only despair!

Tarot and Carlot's faces were pale, they didn't know what to do now.

Zhang Ziling still didn't reveal his strength, hiding among the people, carefully examining the five Taoist priests.

"Who knows where the Devil Emperor is?" Purple Prison Dao Venerable glanced at the powerful emperors and asked softly.

No one answered, the atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme.

Purple Prison Dao Venerable frowned slightly, grabbed an emperor-level powerhouse at random, and asked, "Where is the Devil Emperor?"

The terrifying aura poured into the body of the emperor-rank strong, causing the emperor-rank strong to bear extremely strong pressure, and his body was cracked!

"I don't know..." The emperor rank powerhouse simply couldn't bear the aura of the Purple Prison Dao Venerable, and it was only a moment before he bleeds!


The neck of the powerful emperor was broken by the Purple Prison Dao Venerable.

He tossed the body of the strong man at will, disdainfully said: "Trash!"

None of the surrounding emperor-level powerhouses dared to move rashly!

The pressure on them by the Purple Prison Daoist is really too great, so that they can't see any hope of winning at all.

"I know where the person you are looking for is!"

Suddenly Zhang Ziling's voice rang, attracting everyone's attention.

"Oh?" Purple Prison Dao Zun raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Zhang Ziling, his eyes filled with playfulness.

After they appeared, there were not many people present who even dared to speak, but now a half-Emperor Pinnacle stood up, which was quite surprising.

Tarot looked at Zhang Ziling's back, always feeling a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

But no matter how he recalled, he couldn't remember when he knew such a half emperor.

"Where is he?" Purple Prison Dao Venerable looked at Zhang Ziling and asked, until he hadn't shot Zhang Ziling directly as before.

Zhang Ziling chuckled: "It's not difficult to tell you, but I also want to ask you a question."

"Giggle! Have the courage!" The woman behind the Purple Prison Dao Zun trembled with a smile, and her beautiful eyes were full of jokes.

In her opinion, Zhang Ziling is really cute.

"What do you want to know?" Purple Prison Dao Venerable also seemed to be interested, looking at Zhang Ziling and asked.

In fact, when there were thousands of emperor rank powerhouses in Zhang Ziling's side, they were still a little guilty, afraid of capsize in the gutter.

However, they designed to kill 80% of the emperor-rank monks, and the remaining people no longer threatened them, and the Purple Prison Dao Venerable was also very playful.

"Where is the real virtual door?" Zhang Ziling asked straightforwardly without talking nonsense.

The three virtual doors just now were traps created by these Dao Venerables, and the real virtual doors must have been hidden by them.

"You still want to see the Void Gate now? In order to climb to the upper world, your spirit is really amazing..." The Purple Prison Taoist looked at Zhang Ziling and shook his head, his eyes were full of jokes.

Zhang Ziling stood calmly in the void, looking at the Purple Prison Dao Zun calmly, his expression unchanged.

"However, seeing you have worked hard for so long, it would be very pitiful if you didn't see the end in the end. Then I will show kindness and show you all!"

The Purple Prison Dao Venerable smiled, the purple light all over his body surged, the space above him was slightly distorted, and a colorful light gate... gradually appeared!

"This is the virtual door you dream of... Through here, you can go to the upper world. It's a all have to die, tusk." Purple Prison sighed, seemingly sorry for everyone.

"It's just one step to the end... It's really dramatic!"

The Purple Prison Dao Venerable laughed, and suddenly he turned his expression again, staring at Zhang Ziling and asking in a cold voice: "Okay! Now you should tell me...Where is the Devil Emperor?"

The corners of Zhang Ziling's mouth raised slightly, and his eyes flickered:

"it is good!"

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