Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1697: One dozen five!

Dark magic energy surged from Zhang Ziling's body, and black chains gradually condensed around him, giving people great pressure.

The surrounding emperor-rank experts saw the surging demonic energy and the black chains flying all over the sky, their pupils shrank suddenly, and suddenly realized something.

"That's..." Everyone swallowed sharply, and their bodies began to tremble slightly.

Purple Prison Dao Zun frowned slightly when he saw Zhang Ziling's appearance, and said coldly, "What do you mean?"

The other four Taoist priests also felt that something was wrong, and their expressions gradually became serious.

A mere half-emperor cannot have the guts to be rampant in front of them.

"What do I mean?" Zhang Ziling chuckled, his eyes flashed red, and the whole person suddenly disappeared in place!

Seeing Zhang Ziling disappeared, the expression of the Purple Prison Dao Zun suddenly changed, and he quickly urged the strength in his body to gather defenses.

The speed Zhang Ziling showed was absolutely impossible for Half Emperor to achieve!

But before the Purple Prison Dao Sovereign didn't react, Zhang Ziling had already appeared in front of the Purple Prison Dao Sovereign, and hit his head with a fist.


Purple Prison Dao Venerable's whole person was like a cannonball, which was directly shot out by Zhang Ziling and plunged into the distorted space.

The other four Dao Zun's expressions changed drastically, and they looked at Zhang Ziling quickly, and shouted coldly, "What are you doing?"

Zhang Ziling's sudden move was beyond everyone's expectations!

Zhang Ziling stood alone among the four, the dark devilish energy surging around, his long hair and black robe were windless, giving people a great pressure.

"Devil Emperor!" The surrounding powerhouses finally recognized Zhang Ziling and exclaimed, causing a commotion.

Tarot looked at Zhang Ziling with an unbelievable expression. He had no idea... The disappeared Devil Emperor would have been in their crowd all the time?

"Damn it, all of us were used as guns by him!"

At the thought of Zhang Ziling deliberately leading them into the virtual door to help step on the trap, Tarot couldn't help but flash through a trace of cruelty, and endless anger could not help but gush out in his heart.

No one wants to be used as a gun like a fool.

However, now Zhang Ziling is the only strong one among them who can fight against Dao Venerable, even if Tarot's heart is angry, his face is calm.

Only the Devil Emperor can keep them alive.

"You are the Devil Emperor?"

Hearing the exclamation of the surrounding emperor monks, the expressions of the four Taoist priests suddenly changed, and no longer hesitated, they immediately divided into four sides, condensing an enchantment and sealing Zhang Ziling inside!

They came here to encircle and suppress the Devil Emperor, and the Devil Emperor beheaded the existence of Dao Zun Qingzhou, absolutely not to be underestimated.

The violent power poured over Zhang Ziling, the entire tunnel shook violently, the surrounding twisted space was shaken away, and a group of emperor rank powerhouses were shaken out by the terrifying power erupted by the Taoist priests.

The dazzling light flooded the surroundings, the surrounding power became more and more restless, and the violent power raged wildly.

As soon as the four Taoist priests took action to suppress Zhang Ziling, they felt a tremendous amount of pressure from Zhang Ziling, making them out of breath!

Zhang Ziling seemed to have only been imprisoned in the enchantment, without any harm at all!

"Ju, unexpectedly, there are four Dao Venerables together suppressing the Devil Emperor... Is he really that strong?" A strong emperor couldn't believe what he saw, and thought dazedly.

"The Devil...Even if he is a powerhouse in the T1 world, how did he cultivate to such a level?"

In everyone's cognition, the upper limit of cultivation for a monk in the T1 world is a little higher, even if it is a variable, it will be obliterated before it grows up.

It is incredible that such a powerful man who can make four Dao Venerables work together has been born in the universe!

A group of powerful emperors stood behind, looking at the four Taoist priests in shock, unable to describe their current mood.

"You bastard! Looking for death!"

At this moment, the roar of the Purple Prison Dao Venerable came, and he flew back from the distorted space, surrounded by the violent purple energy, and glared at Zhang Ziling in the enchantment.

The violent breath caused the entire tunnel to collapse, and all the strong were discolored!

"Purple Prison, don't be impulsive!"

A Dao Venerable wanted to stop the Purple Prison Dao Venerable, but now the Purple Prison Dao Venerable has been completely dazzled by anger and directly turned into a purple electric power to rush towards Zhang Ziling.

He couldn't bear the humiliation of being slapped in the face by a monk in a small world!

As soon as the Purple Prison Dao Venerable rushed into the enchantment, he suddenly felt an ancient murderer staring at him, causing him to stand upright!

"Not good!" Purple Prison Dao Zun's face suddenly changed.

"Unexpectedly, someone would take the initiative to run in." Zhang Ziling watched the Purple Prison Dao Zun rushed in, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but raise a joking smile.

"I don't believe it!" Purple Prison Dao Venerable quickly stabilized his mind, and directly greeted Zhang Ziling with a punch.

He had already rushed in at this moment, and he had only to go hard.

"I originally wanted to try how strong the barriers condensed by the Dao Sovereigns of the upper world are, but one must take the initiative to send it up."

Zhang Ziling chuckled, raising his hand and easily grasping the fist of the Purple Prison Dao Zun, and squeezed it slightly!

Purple Prison Dao Venerable's arms suddenly twisted into a twist shape, and his clothes burst!

"Purple Prison!" The four Dao Venerables outside the barrier were about to split their eye sockets. They immediately let go of the barrier and rushed towards Zhang Ziling together, trying to save Dao Venerable Purple Prison.

As soon as they launched an attack on Zhang Ziling, they were aware of the terrorist power Zhang Ziling possessed.

It is definitely not a coincidence that Dao Zun Qingzhou can be killed!

Only if they go together, may they be able to win the Devil Emperor...

But now, the Purple Prison Dao Sovereign took the initiative to send it up alone, suddenly letting their joint plan go to waste!

Seeing the four people rushing towards him, Zhang Ziling did not intend to retreat temporarily. The devilish energy surging around his body immediately condensed four chains and shot at the four people!

At the same time, Zhang Ziling directly tore off the Purple Prison Dao Venerable's arm, pinched his neck with one hand, and the devilish energy turned into a silk thread and wound around the Purple Prison Dao Venerable!

The four Taoist priests were flew out by Zhang Ziling's chains, and hideous bloodstains appeared on their bodies.

"What are you going to do?" The Purple Prison Daoist roared at Zhang Ziling. After being restrained by the devilish energy, endless ominousness surged in his heart.

"Relax!" Zhang Ziling chuckled, and then the devilish energy that restrained the Purple Prison Dao Venerable suddenly shrank!


The Purple Prison Dao Venerable suddenly let out a screaming howl, and the voice made everyone's soul tremble...

The surrounding emperor-level powerhouses watched Zhang Ziling beating five Taoist priests in shock, and even forgot to breathe.

So strong!

You know, before Zhang Ziling started... but more than 800 emperors died in the hands of those five people!

Now that the five Taoist priests have no resistance in front of Zhang Ziling?

"Help me!" Purple Prison Dao Venerable finally felt fear, and panicked to his companion for help.

He can clearly feel that Zhang Ziling is constantly taking his power!

However, the other four people were already entangled in Zhang Ziling's devilish energy, and there was no way to get out to save him. They could only watch him as Zhang Ziling took power!

Almost instantly, the name Devil Emperor...

In everyone's hearts, it has become synonymous with terror!

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