Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1716: Torment

Tianyang realm, above the nine heavens, outside the realm.

"Boss, this is the place." Looking at the white palace in front of him, Xuntianyi said to Zhang Ziling.

This place should be a place that no one can reach by any means. It is the abode of heaven.

However, after attacking Zhang Ziling in Tianyangtian Road, his location was located by Zhang Ziling, and then Zhang Ziling and Tianxunyi tracked him over.

"It seems that all the places where Heavenly Dao lives are the same..." Zhang Ziling looked at the white palace in front of him, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and fell outside the palace.

"Are you going to invite me in, or let me in by myself?" Zhang Ziling said, his voice echoing around.

There was no reaction in the palace, and Zhang Ziling did not move. He stood quietly outside the door and waited.

After a while, the gate of the palace slowly opened, and a strong force of heaven came upon his face.

Zhang Ziling chuckled and stepped in, followed by Tianxunyi.

There was nothing in the palace, and the whole body was white. A long-haired man in a white robe stood in the middle of the palace, staring at Zhang Ziling indifferently.

Heavenly Way!

"Who are you?" Tian Yangtian asked Zhang Ziling with a gloomy expression, and asked coldly.

He was sleeping well in Jie's heart. He suddenly felt that a foreign body was invading his world. He wanted to get rid of the foreign body, but found that the foreign body was stronger than he had imagined, and he couldn't get rid of it directly.

Later, he personally took action, wanting to destroy Zhang Ziling and Tianxunyi directly.

However, Zhang Ziling's strength is far superior to him, and there is no way he can do any harm to Zhang Ziling...

Later, he found that Zhang Ziling had positioned him, and it was too late to hide.

When Zhang Ziling found out of Jie's heart, he knew that he had no ability to stop Zhang Ziling!

"It doesn't matter who I am." Zhang Ziling looked at Tianyangtiandao and chuckled, "The important thing is, do you want to live?"

Tianyangtiandao's face changed slightly: "What do you mean?"

"literal meaning."

The dark magic energy surged out of Zhang Ziling's body, and then spread to the surroundings, dyeing the entire palace black.

A trace of terror flashed in the eyes of Tianyangtiandao, and he looked around in a panic, trying to use his own power to expel Zhang Ziling's power, but found that only his own power was constantly being eroded.

He gradually lost control of Jie Xin!

Soon, Zhang Ziling's magical energy eroded the entire palace, and the surroundings became pitch black, shining with dark red light.

Tian Yang Tiandao was wearing a white robe alone, which was very conspicuous in this dark palace.

"Okay, Lord Tiandao, we should have a good talk next."

A throne gathered behind Zhang Ziling, and he sat down leisurely with a joking smile on his mouth.

He has completely shielded this world heart from the outside world, and Tianyangtiandao can no longer get any contact with the outside world.

Tian Yang Tian Dao soon realized the seriousness of the matter, and kept backing away, only to find that he did not know when a wall appeared behind him, blocking his way back.

"What do you want to do?" Tian Yangtian asked sharply. He possessed the strength of Dao Zun Great Perfection. This sharp shout contained endless spiritual power and swept towards Zhang Ziling.

However, to Zhang Ziling, the coercion of Tianyangtiandao is no different from the breeze.

"Since you are so direct, I don't want to detour, and give me all your authority, including the origin of Three Thousand Avenue."

Zhang Ziling said unceremoniously with Erlang's legs upright.

"This is impossible!"

Tian Yang Tian Dao didn't even think about it, and directly rejected Zhang Ziling.

If you give all your authority and the origin of Three Thousand Dao to Zhang Ziling, then what is he?

"It seems that our Heavenly Dao hasn't figured out the current situation..." Zhang Ziling chuckled, snapping his fingers slightly.

A huge black claw appeared in the wall behind Tianyang Tiandao, grabbing Tianyang Tiandao, and tightly trapped on the wall.


Tianyangtiandao couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in his eyes, and a strong ominous premonition was born in his heart.


A sharp thorn protruded from the wall and pierced the shoulder of Tian Yang Tian Dao!


His white robe was dyed red with blood, and his screams echoed in the palace.

"Are you awake?" Zhang Ziling asked when looking at Tian Yangtian.

"You guy... Your lord will never let you go!" Tian Yang Tian Dao looked at Zhang Ziling hatefully, without giving in at all.

"My lord? Are you talking about the ultimate?" Zhang Ziling chuckled, "Just so, he will definitely not let me go..."


Three more spikes pierced from his left shoulder and knees, nailing him to the wall!

The black claw disappeared, and replaced by several bone spurs, piercing Tianyangtiandao's chest.

"Why are you doing this again? Hand over the authority in your hands and obediently recognize me as the master, so you won't be tortured like this." Zhang Ziling sighed, with sympathy in his eyes.

"Don't think about it!"

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The blood splattered, and the stern cry of Tianyangtiandao echoed in the palace, and the scarlet blood stained this sacred palace.

"There is no concept of time here. No matter how long we stay here, it's only a moment outside." Zhang Ziling said quietly, without even looking at the Tianyangdao, "So, we have a lot of time."

"Sooner or later, you have to hand over your authority, why bother here?"

Tian Yang Tian Dao stared at Zhang Ziling, with endless resentment in his eyes: "Kill me if you have a seed!"

"Kill you? Let the ultimate realize that something is wrong with one of his worlds?" Zhang Ziling sneered, "You are too naive in thinking."

In the heart of this world, Heavenly Dao's recovery speed is very fast, and the wound that Zhang Ziling just caused will be healed in a few seconds.

However, it is this kind of abnormal resilience that has turned into a painful nightmare of Tianchangdao!

He didn't have the slightest resistance in front of Zhang Ziling, but his strong resilience made it easy for Zhang Ziling to torture him.

Over time, Zhang Ziling's methods have become more and more cruel, and the spirit of Tianyangtiandao tends to collapse.

"Boss, this guy would rather die than surrender..." Xun Tianyi looked at Tian Yang Tian Dao collapsed in a pool of blood, his face a little ugly.

At this moment, the breath of Tianyangtiandao was still at its peak, but the spirit had already collapsed.

But even so, Tian Yang Tian Dao still clung to his own authority and let go...

"Is this guy so capable?"

Zhang Ziling frowned slightly, faintly feeling something was wrong.

Tian Yangtian knew that if he didn't hand over his authority, the torture would not stop, and he couldn't delay any time at all.

His persistence should have been meaningless.

However, he still persisted...This seemed abnormal to the extreme.

"No..." Zhang Ziling shook his head, a ray of light flashed in his eyes.

"Xuntian, check this palace carefully and see what else we have missed!"

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