Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1717: Seize the source of heaven

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, the celestial seeker was also unambiguous, and he quickly probed every corner of the palace with his spirit.

Zhang Ziling temporarily stopped the torment of Tianyangtiandao, and assisted the celestial seeker to investigate.

However, after Zhang Ziling stopped torturing Tianyangtiandao, instead of a relaxed look on Tianyangtiandao's face, he became more nervous, as if he was afraid of what Zhang Ziling and Tianxunyi would find.

Noting the unconcealed panic in Tianyangtiandao's eyes, Zhang Ziling was also more convinced that Tianyangtiandao was hiding something.

The palace was extremely quiet, and the Heaven Seeker was analyzing the data of Jie Xin bit by bit, and Zhang Ziling was also paying attention to the every move of the Heavenly Path.

"Boss... come and take a look!"

Tianxunyi suddenly called out, and Zhang Ziling hurried to the direction of the skyhunter.

Tian Yang Tian Dao saw the location of the heaven seeker, his expression changed suddenly, and he began to struggle, anxious on his face.

Zhang Ziling walked to the place where the heaven seeker was, and found a tiny hole in the ground. If you didn't look closely, the hole would not be found at all.

"Boss, this hole should have been secretly opened by Tianchangtiandao. It is likely to be used to transmit help messages to the outside world!" Xun Tianyi said quickly, with a gloomy expression, "That guy is simply delaying time. Probably we already know the news that we shot him."

"Boss, or we just slaughter that guy, let's talk about it in another world!"

Tian Yang Tian Dao's body shook suddenly when he heard the words of Tian Xun Yi, and his face couldn't stop surging fear.

When did the gods say that they would kill them?

Zhang Ziling frowned slightly, squatted down to examine the small hole carefully, and his spiritual power gradually penetrated.

After a while, Zhang Ziling's brows stretched out and said: "He does have a back hand below this, but because my devilish energy has blocked this place, he cannot use his back hand smoothly."

"This small hole should be the hole he secretly made... If he is given a period of time, I am afraid he will really call to rescue the soldiers." Zhang Ziling destroyed all the underground restrictions, and then he gave him a lot of money. The hole made by the force of nine cattle and two tigers can be easily filled.

"Unfortunately, I really thought he was a man who would rather die than surrender... So everything is pretending." Zhang Ziling looked at the Tianyangdao, who was struggling on the ground, with a playful look in his eyes.

"Pretending to be more likely to die than surrender, but in fact feels confident, procrastinating at the cost of suffering, and looking for a chance for myself... really a talent."

Zhang Ziling walked up to Tianyangtian Dao, stepped on his calf, and said: "If you are really not afraid of death, I would be a little bit difficult, after all, I have not been able to forcibly seize those permissions from your hands."

"However, since you can endure such a great pain in order to survive, it shows that you are very sorry for your life..."

Zhang Ziling's feet exerted a slight force to break the bones of Tianyangtiandao.

The severe pain distorted Tian Yangtian's expression, but he just held back the pain without screaming.

"Sure enough, you guy is not afraid of pain at all. Isn't it M?" Zhang Ziling chuckled, grabbed Tian Yang Tian Dao, and looked directly into his eyes.

"But... as long as you are afraid of death."

"You, what are you going to do?" Seeing Zhang Ziling's eyes, a touch of fear could not help but trembling in the eyes of Tian Yang Tian Dao, and asked in a trembling voice.

The torture of Zhang Ziling just now, although he was suffering, he could still endure it, and even after being tortured, he still had a hint of joy.

However, now he felt the real killing intent in Zhang Ziling's eyes.

That cold breath made his whole body tremble!

Now that Zhang Ziling has destroyed all the backhands he prepared, his hope of escape now is really slim to the extreme...

He doesn't want to die yet.

"Give you five minutes to think about it."

Zhang Ziling used a black chain to set up Tianyang Tiandao, and a sharp thorn that shone with cold light pointed to Tianyang Tiandao's forehead and kept approaching.

"After five minutes, this spike will pierce your head and wipe out your physical body with consciousness."

"At that time...Even if you are a god, you still can't survive."

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Tianyangtiandao's pupils suddenly shrank, and his body trembled violently as he watched the spikes that kept approaching him.

This time, Zhang Ziling is here!

He really felt the fear of death!

"In this universe, there are too many people like you who have the power of heaven and the origin of the Dao. You should know this better than me. So, don't try to challenge the authenticity of my words."

Zhang Ziling said indifferently, that thorn kept approaching Tianyangtiandao.

At this moment, Tianyangtiandao's whole body was wet with sweat, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his body couldn't stop shaking.

Seeing the spike getting closer and closer to him, his fear of death grew stronger and stronger!

"I give it! I give you everything!"

Soon, Tian Yang Tian Dao gave up resistance and quickly shouted at Zhang Ziling.

He has a hunch that Zhang Ziling, a lunatic, really dares to kill him!

Hearing the cry of Tian Yang Tian Dao, the smile at the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth became stronger and stronger, and he stopped the spike.

However, the spike still hung in front of Tianyangtiandao's forehead, lingering.

"I said...Would you like to remove this guy first?" Tianyangtiandao felt very uncomfortable and suggested to Zhang Ziling.

After his life was threatened, he was also completely persuaded, showing his original appearance.

Zhang Ziling didn't answer Tianyangtiandao, just staring at him straightforwardly.

Looking at Zhang Ziling's eyes, Tian Yang Tian Dao knew that he did not have any room for bargaining, and he sighed heavily, drawing out the origin of the heaven in his body.

A ball of light floated in the palm of Tian Yang Tian Dao, and the strong strength of Tian Dao immediately flooded all around.

After Tian Yang Tian Dao took out his origin, the whole person's breath suddenly dropped a lot, his face became pale and his body was weak.

"The power of the Dao of Heaven, the origin of the Dao, are all in my origin of the Dao..." Tian Yang Tian Dao looked at his origin, very distressed.

Although he won't die without the origin of Heavenly Dao, he will become extremely weak, and it will also cause him to lose control of the Heavenly Dao Realm.

In other words, he will completely become a puppet, Sora has the identity of the Dao of Heaven, but he can't even affect the grass and trees of the Heavenly River...

Looking at the origin in front of Tianyangtiandao, Zhang Ziling didn't hesitate to take it over, feeling the power in the origin.

Because Zhang Ziling has the origin of the Profound Sky, he still has a better understanding of the origin of the Heavenly Dao. After a little inspection, it is clear how important the origin of the Heavenly Dao is.

After a while, the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth raised slightly, directly in front of the Heavenly Dao, absorbing the origin of that Dao!

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