Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1718: Tianxuan News

After absorbing the origin of Heavenly Dao, Zhang Ziling felt the power of the Three Thousand Great Dao that melted into his body began to surge, and the origin of Heavenly Dao was stripped out, and then absorbed by Zhang Ziling's body.

"This power..."

When Zhang Ziling saw that his body had taken the initiative to absorb all the origins of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, instead of storing it as before, a faint of shock flashed in his eyes.

He thought that the origin of the Dao would be like the origin of the Dao given to him by the Profound Sky, and those origins would be stored in his body.

Although I can use the power of those great principles, those are not my own power.

This method has advantages and disadvantages. Although the origin of the Dao is stored in her body, Zhang Ziling will not consume her own spiritual power when using the power of the Dao, but once the origin of the Dao is exhausted, Zhang Ziling can no longer use the power of the Dao.

The most obvious drawback was that in the forbidden area, he still had a lot of spiritual power in his body at that time, but the origin of the avenue was exhausted, so that Zhang Ziling could no longer use the power of the avenue.

If it were not for the inability to use the power of the Great Dao, Zhang Ziling's situation would not be so bad at the time.

But now, these avenues originally melted into his body and became his own.

Although using the law of time and space after that will consume one's spiritual power, but correspondingly... as long as one's own power is not used up, one can use the power of the Dao unlimited, which is no different from your own magic way.

For Zhang Ziling, this is undoubtedly a huge enhancement!

"Is this related to the bronze shard?" Zhang Ziling frowned slightly, and carefully examined the bronze shard, but finally did not find out the reason.

"I gave you all the origin, can you let me go?"

Tian Yangtian saw that after Zhang Ziling had taken his origin, he still didn't mean to let go of himself, and a touch of terror flashed in his eyes, thinking that Zhang Ziling was going to turn back.

Zhang Ziling came back to his senses, looked at Tianyangtiandao, and chuckled, "Of course, I always count the words."

The spikes dissipated, but Tian Yang Tian Dao was still bound by chains.

"What do you mean?"

Tian Yang Tian Dao struggled for a while, and asked Zhang Ziling: "The origin and authority of the Dao are in your hands. I have no use for you. Why don't you let me go?"

"Who said you are useless?" Zhang Ziling smiled, "After all, you are all staffed, and I have to ask you some information."

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Tian Yang Tian Dao breathed a sigh of relief, but his expression was still not very good: "I know, I will answer all of them truthfully. I don't know, I hope you don't force me."

"Tianxuan, do you know him?"

Zhang Ziling’s question caused Tianyangtiandao’s eyes to change slightly:

"How do you know her?"

Seeing the change in Tianyangtiandao's expression, Zhang Ziling's face condensed and said, "What do you know?"

Tian Yang Tian Dao took a weird look at Zhang Ziling, and then said: "It is not so much I know something, it is better that she did something too sensational and let all the world's heaven know her."

"Tianxuan is a heavenly path in a small world. It is said that it is still the top heavenly path in a T1 world, but she actually handed over all of her origin for a mortal without authorization..." Speaking of this, the heavenly path paused slightly. Quite embarrassing.

After all, he just handed over his origin...

"Not only that, when the Sky Profound himself was sent to the Ruins of Nirvana by the Ultimate, he swallowed the ultimate Origin Dao Heart boldly!"

After Tian Yang Tian Dao said this, there was a glimmer of admiration in his eyes, as if Tian Xuan had done something very extraordinary.

"Yuan Daoxin? What is that?" Zhang Ziling asked with a solemn expression.

"Yuan Daoxin is equivalent to the ultimate heart. It is an important treasure for the ultimate management of the three thousand universes. It can monitor the variables of any world in the three thousand universes at any time, so as to finally erase all factors that threaten its own rule."

"However, the Profound Sky took advantage of the ultimate carelessness, and he instinctively swallowed the Origin Dao Heart for life, causing the ultimate to lose control of the variables in the three thousand universes. Now the entire universe is in chaos, and the strong people everywhere are gushing. ."

"This Origin Dao Heart can be said to be the origin of the three thousand universes. It contains immense power. No one can withstand that level of power... Now the ultimate goal is to immortalize the Origin Dao Heart. Frozen, I was thinking of a way to extract Yuan Daoxing from the Profound Sky."

Tian Yangtian sighed very much: "I don't know what kind of person Tianxuan is for to achieve this... Obviously a good apology will be able to return to the position of the heaven, I have to..."

While talking, Tian Yang Tian Dao suddenly felt that the surrounding atmosphere was something wrong, and the expression on his face gradually stiffened.

He only learned about Tianxuan's name after he heard that. He had never heard of Tianxuan before.

However, the mortal who tied him now also knows the name of a heaven in the lower realm...

"Well, shouldn't..." Tian Yang Tiandao swallowed slightly and looked at Zhang Ziling with an incredulous expression.

The Profound Sky is the way of heaven from the small world... If Zhang Ziling had also been killed all the way from the small world, then things would be a bit scary.

There has never been a variable that can grow to such a strong point!

Zhang Ziling's expression was a bit ugly, obviously he did not expect Tianxuan to do so many things.

If it hadn't been for Tianxuan to swallow the heart of Yuan Dao, Zhang Ziling would not have been able to get here so smoothly.

Just listening from the tone of Tianyangtiandao, Zhang Ziling could imagine how dangerous things Tianxuan did!

The shock color on Tianyangtiandao’s face became more and more intense, staring straight at Zhang Ziling, I really don’t know how Zhang Ziling got here...

He knows the imprisonment of the small world very well, it is quite difficult for people there to step into the emperor rank, almost impossible.

From the current strength of Zhang Ziling, it is obviously stronger than many Taoists!

This is really... too hard to believe!

Tian Yang Tian Dao swallowed slightly, always feeling that the universe was about to change.

"Where is the Jieping Ruins?" Zhang Ziling calmed down and asked Tianyangtiandao.

Tian Yang Tian Dao's body shook suddenly, and he shook his head quickly: "The Ruins of Nirvana is a place that no one can reach. It doesn't exist in this world at all."

"Doesn't exist in this world?" Zhang Ziling frowned slightly.

"Yes... Nirvana Ruins is a prison of the ultimate definition. Only the ultimate can be opened. That place does not exist in any time and space in this universe. Anyone who is locked there will gradually erase their existence by this world. In the end it will be gradually forgotten by people..."

"No one has ever escaped from the Nirvana Ruins, especially Tianxuan is still frozen in the end, she is doomed to die." Tianyangtiandao whispered, and looked at Zhang Ziling with some fear, "I advise you to... "


"She is dead."

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