Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1730: Another piece, bronze fragment

Tianyang City, Xingluo Military Base.

The base was full of destroyed warships, and a faint smell of blood filled the air.

"It's pretty ruthless..." Zhang Ziling walked in this military base, looking at the warships that had been cut in half, shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

When he attacked the palace, Izanami found the largest military base in Tianyang City.

At the beginning Izanami also encountered strong resistance, but because Zhang Ziling attracted a large number of strong men, no one could stop Izanami, and the military base soon fell.

"Have you resolved it over there?"

Izanami sat outside the broken battleship and asked Zhang Ziling.

"Yeah." Zhang Ziling looked at Izanami and chuckled. "Have you found the battleship to the Antarctic sky?"

Izanami's figure was slightly distorted and appeared in front of Zhang Ziling, believing himself: "Don't look at who this palace is?"

"Take me to see." Zhang Ziling said quickly with his eyes lit up.

Tianyangjie is still quite far away from the Antarctic sky. If there is no precise positioning, Zhang Ziling would waste too much time to go to the Antarctic sky alone.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly the best choice to take the top-level spacecraft specially built for interstellar crossing.

"The monkey is anxious!" Yi Xana whitened Zhang Ziling, "Come with me."

The authority of the entire base has been controlled by Izanami. Although there are many institutions in the base, Zhang Ziling followed Izanami all the way, and it was unimpeded.

"Fortunately, the spacecraft is intelligent, and we don't need any complicated operations, otherwise I will have to find a few pilots."

Izanami took Zhang Ziling to the deepest part of the military base, and a black warship with metallic sheen appeared inside the Zhang Ziling battleship.

"The people at this base said that this battleship was made of crystal tungsten, which emptied the state treasury of the Xingluo Empire for nearly a hundred years." Izanami couldn't help laughing when she said this, "I heard that the white oak Before we can use it, it belongs to us."

"Crystal tungsten made... a big hand!" Zhang Ziling couldn't help exclaiming as he looked at the dark warship in front of him.

Crystal tungsten is an extremely precious metal in the universe. It has spatial properties. Anything made of crystal tungsten can easily travel through space!

Each piece of crystal tungsten is expensive. Now the Star Luo Empire has used tens of thousands of tons of crystal tungsten to build a battleship, and the resources consumed are undoubtedly astronomical.

This crystal tungsten battleship is undoubtedly the most precious treasure of the Star Luo Empire.

"However, no matter how much they spend their minds, it will ultimately be ours." Izanami chuckled, "Shall we go now?"

Hearing what Yixian said, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but glanced back, a hint of playfulness flashed in his eyes.

"Well, go now."


In Tianyang City, Mo Tianzheng compiled the endgame in Tianyang City. Suddenly, he felt a scorching breath in the distance, and then he saw a dark light rushing into the sky and disappearing outside the atmosphere.

"Are you gone..."

Mo Tian looked at the sky and muttered, but he didn't know why, there was a sense of ease in his heart for no reason.

Zhang Ziling's pressure on him is too great.

"Huh? That's..."

Mo Tian was still sighing about Zhang Ziling's departure, but suddenly felt a touch of energy immediately behind the battleship, disappearing out of the atmosphere.

Mo Tian wanted to find out, but it was too late.

The battleship and such energy, after leaving the atmosphere, started a space leap, and it has long been far away from the sky.

"Fine...I have noticed, Lord Devil Emperor must be clear."

Mo Tian shook his head, cast aside the doubts in his heart, and concentrated on what he was doing.

Although Zhang Ziling helped him to destroy the royal family of the Star Luo Empire, there are still too many unstable factors in this huge empire, which cannot be taken lightly.


The universe, in the extreme north, there is a planet made of ice crystals.

Outside the planet is an endless void, where there is no time and space, and ordinary people cannot find the ice crystal planet hidden in the chaos.

The sky above the planet is full of colorful aurora, violent spiritual power surging around, the surrounding spiritual power full of destructive aura is enough to wipe out all living beings!

This place is a place of silence that even Daojun dare not step into!

But in this quiet place, a man with long hair and shawl wandered in the ice field. Around him, there was a place of nothingness, calm and calm.

Endless spiritual power attacked him, but could not cause him any harm.

He wore a black robe, strolling in the ice field, and marching towards a beam of light far away.

That beam of light rushed straight into the sky, as if it was the source of the world's violent spiritual power.

As he got closer and closer to the beam of light, the surrounding spiritual coercion became stronger and stronger, and some Daojun-level black shadows crawled out of the ice field and stared at the man.


The dark shadows roared at the man, and the surging spiritual power turned into a hideous mouth in the air, biting away at the man.

But before it touched the man, its body was strangled into meat scraps, and crystals emerged from the monsters, and then they were frozen into ice and fell to the ground.

The man ignored the monsters and continued to move forward. There were more and more monsters crawling out from under the ice sheet around him, and the screaming roar roared in the ice sheet, biting at the man.

Without exception, those Daoist level monsters were all torn into pieces ten meters away from the man!

Stepping on the flesh of countless monsters, the man walked not far from the beam of light, and looked at the beam of light indifferently, his eyes dark and deep.

In the middle of the beam of light, a piece of bronze shard was suspended, surging with unimaginable spiritual power.

The spiritual power of the entire ice field is being absorbed by the bronze shard, and the defense around the bronze shard is getting stronger and stronger, starting to repel the man.

The man's expression did not change, he easily broke through the bronze fragment's defense, stretched out his white palm, and grabbed the fragment.

The endless spiritual power dissipated in an instant, the bronze shards fell into calm, the storm of the entire ice world disappeared, and the devastating spiritual powers all returned to the bronze shards.

The world calmed down.

At this moment, a beautiful woman appeared behind the man, knelt down on one knee, and respectfully said: "The Devil Emperor has broken through the shackles of the lower realm and has come to the upper world."

"Judging from the current changes in the universe, the Devil Emperor is likely to have obtained the Desolate Fragment."

"Have you come up..." The man calmly looked at the bronze shard in his hand, "What about it?"

"Naihe has been brought back to the clan by the evil prison, and he is always waiting for the clan chief to deal with it."


The man received the bronze in his body and said lightly: "Continue to pay attention to the whereabouts of the devil, right...what is my next itinerary?"

"Go to Dark Star and meet with His Royal Highness Ziyou." The beautiful woman immediately replied.

"Zi You?" The man's indifferent eyes finally warmed, "Go down and get ready, and set off immediately."

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