Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1731: Conquer Jinning

"Ziling, it's about to reach the Antarctic sky."

Izanami glanced at the distance marked by the system and said to Zhang Ziling.

Tianjiajie is three million light-years away from the Antarctic sky. Even if they use this crystal tungsten warship to make a space leap, it will take them more than half a month to reach the Antarctic sky.

Izanami and Zhang Ziling have been on this battleship for quite a few days, and the warship is undergoing a space transition at any time, making Izanami feel extremely boring.

"Well, it looks like it's almost done." Zhang Ziling nodded, and then summoned the heaven seeker.


"We're almost here, it's time to solve those guys." Zhang Ziling looked at the Heaven Seeker and said lightly.

"Solved? Solved who?" Izanami was taken aback, not understanding what Zhang Ziling was talking about.

They are all in the space transition now, surrounded by endless void, where are there enemies?

However, after hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Xun Tianyi suddenly showed a playful smile on his face, and hurriedly said: "I've been waiting for a long time, so I will get her out!"

When the voice fell, the celestial seeker turned into a light and merged into the battleship, and the soul spread out to the surroundings.

"Wait! What are you going to do?" Yixie Namei was confused, confused by Zhang Ziling and Xuntianyi, and quickly asked Zhang Ziling.

I really couldn’t bear the questioning of Izanami, Zhang Ziling couldn’t help but smiled bitterly: “When we left Tianyang Realm, we followed two tails. Now we are almost reaching the Antarctic sky, and we are in the void again. There is no way for the tail to escape. It can be solved."

"Boss, I found it!"

The sound of the sky seeker came from the tail compartment of the battleship.

"Let's go take a look." Zhang Ziling smiled at Izanami, got up and hurried to the tail compartment.

Looking at Zhang Ziling's back, Izanami was taken aback for a moment, then reacted, and hurriedly followed: "What are you hiding from me?"

Izanami couldn't believe it, besides her and Zhang Ziling, there was a third person in this battleship.

Zhang Ziling soon came to the rear of the battleship and saw the skyfinder crushing an intelligent robot on the ground.

That robot was different from the other robots in the battleship, and there was a look of horror in its eyes.

"Isn't this just an ordinary intelligent robot?" Izanami still didn't find something strange in this robot.

Except that its eyes are a bit strange.

"Jinning should have used a certain secret method to attach his soul to any non-living body, so that he escaped our search in Tianyang City." Zhang Ziling bound the robot with devilish energy and tied it. up in the air.

"There are too many people in Tianyang City. She has this secret method. If we are determined to hide it, it is really not easy for us to find her."

"But we took her body away, and her strength was greatly damaged. If she stays in the Tianyang realm and robs a person at will, she will probably never be able to return to the Antarctic Heaven."

"The only way she can regain her strength is to follow us back to the Antarctic Sky and find Daojun for help."

Zhang Ziling looked at the robot in front of him with a chuckle, and the demonic energy eroded into the machine, pulling Jinning's soul out.

"Devil, Demon Emperor..." Jin Ning's eyes were full of fear, but he did not expect that he would still be found after hiding so deeply!

"How did you find her?" Izanami looked surprised, she didn't notice the soul fluctuations in this machine at all!

"Actually, I found her with great difficulty." Xun Tianyi said with a smug look. "After all, this guy has no soul fluctuations. If she does nothing, we really can't find her."

"However, this guy is attached to an intelligent robot... You know, the intelligent robots on this battleship all work according to the set procedures, and this robot is completely different from the others."

Hearing the words of Xuntianyi, Jin Ning's eyes suddenly flashed endless regret.

After keeping up with the battleship, she was still cautiously hiding at first, but a few days later, she found that the Devil Emperor hadn't found her at all, and she grew courageous, and began to try to act as an intelligent robot.

Unexpectedly... this little action of myself would become the source of my own death!

"Master Devil, spare your life! I surrender!"

Feeling Zhang Ziling's devilish energy began to erode his soul, the fear in Jin Ning's eyes became more and more intense, and he quivered and said.

She doesn't want to die!

"What do you make me think, why you can exist?" Zhang Ziling asked.

Jin Ning swallowed slightly, and fear filled his eyes again.

Zhang Ziling's cold words made her soul tremble.


The devil qi gradually invaded her body, causing her consciousness to gradually freeze, and the whole person was gradually swallowed by fear.

"Antarctic sky management is very strict, and the forces are complicated. If an unidentified outsider enters the Antarctic sky, he will definitely be detained and checked. Your lord, you will have difficulty moving in the Antarctic sky."

"I have a good position in the Antarctic Sky. Although I can't help you see Tian Yuan Dao Zun, my lord, I can make your life in the Antarctic Sky unimpeded!"

"My lord, as long as you don't kill me! Jinning will recognize you as the master and be driven by you!" Under the fear of death, Jinning directly told Zhang Ziling a lot, even betraying his soul.

For Jinning, she now has the only extravagant hope to survive!

Even if you betray Tianyuan Daojun!

"Boss, listen to her saying that... It seems like a good choice for her to survive." Xun Tianyi whispered from the side.

After all, killing Jinning now has no meaning other than venting their anger. On the contrary, it is to let Jinning survive, and they can get a lot of benefits.

"Master Devil, if you don't worry about it, just plant me a ban or a slave mark!" Jin Ning said quickly, for fear that Zhang Ziling would kill her, "I will never, nor dare to betray!"

Only if you are alive can you continue everything, if you die...

But there is really nothing left.

"I also don't think there is any need to kill her. After all, she is a Taoist of the Antarctic Heaven. It is our first time to visit the Antarctic Heaven. If we don't know anything, it will be quite troublesome."

Izanami looked at Jin Ning for a while, and then spoke.

Seeing that both Izanami and Xuntianyi wanted to keep Jin Ning behind, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but nodded and said, "That's good..."

Upon hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Jinning's face suddenly filled with excitement.


Zhang Ziling's devilish energy was once again immersed in Jin Ning's body, but this time it was not to obliterate Jin Ning.

"Next, I will make you my demon slave. From now on, everything you have will belong to me, understand?" Zhang Ziling looked at Jin Ning and asked indifferently.

Feeling the icy cold coming from all over the soul, Jin Ning nodded without hesitation. After being caught, she had this kind of consciousness.

"That's good."

"From now on... you will be my personal belongings."

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