Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1736: Kill 10,000 people instantly

"The guy in front, don't hesitate to catch it!"

A large group of heavily armed soldiers rushed over to Zhang Ziling, awe-inspiring, and the neat stepping even made the ground shake!

Not only that, there are even a few Dao Venerables in that group of troops, with a terrifying aura!

"Hahaha! Little bastard, you are dead!"

Dao Zun, whose thigh was torn off by Zhang Ziling, once again showed a hideous look, roaring at Zhang Ziling, his eyes were full of jokes.

This is the Antarctic City, the site of the Stardust Sect, Zhang Ziling will not be arrogant for long!

"Hurry up and suppress him!"

"Kill him!"

Several Dao Venerables nailed by spikes in the air saw the arrival of reinforcements and began to cry, their eyes full of resentment.

"That is from the Stardust Sect!"

Jinning saw the large group of troops coming over, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, wanting to remind Zhang Ziling.

The people of Stardust Sect are good at battle formations, and an army of tens of thousands of people attacked, enough to instantly kill all the strong below Daojun!

However, before Jinning had time to remind, the whole person was stunned.

The demon energy at Zhang Ziling's feet diffused to the surroundings. I don't know when... the entire ground has become pitch black, and it is still spreading around.

"What a strong power..." The suppressed emperor felt the powerful aura in Zhang Ziling, his pupils shrank slightly, shocked.

The large number of troops rushed to Zhang Ziling's side, all of them focused on Zhang Ziling, and they did not notice the changes in the ground under their feet.

Several Taoist priests took the lead, with a terrifying momentum.

"No one has ever dared to make trouble in Antarctic City, looking for death!" The eyes of a Dao Zun who rushed over flickered. In his eyes, Zhang Ziling had become a dead person.

"There are probably... tens of thousands of people..." Zhang Ziling slightly estimated the army that had rushed over, and the joking in his eyes became more and more intense.

Among the people who arrived, the weakest were in the realm of Zhenwu, and most of them were saints and emperors, even the supreme.

If this army is placed on the Xuanxiao Continent, it will be enough to sweep the entire universe!

Even the Devil's Palace, I am afraid that there is no way to persist in this powerful army for more than a second.

"This Antarctic Palace seems to be a little stronger than I imagined." Zhang Ziling said to herself, not caring about the group of powerful men who rushed over.

The group of suppressed emperors behind Zhang Ziling also showed a deep horror on their faces.

In the world they are in, there are very few who can reach the realm of saints, not to mention the emperor... that is a strong man who can only be born in tens of thousands of years.

They had never imagined that they would be able to see such a large number of imperial powers at a time!

"However, that's it..." Zhang Ziling's mouth raised slightly, his eyes flashing red.


The magic energy covering the ground suddenly protruded from the ground, turning into endless spikes, penetrating the bodies of the monks.

The screams are everywhere, blood dripping!


The army of tens of thousands of people were all nailed in the air, tearing their bodies apart, endless blood flowed down the spikes, and a sickening smell of blood permeated all around.

The surroundings became quiet, only the sound of blood dripping on the ground.

Several Dao Zun looked at the hellish scene in horror, and their bodies trembled slightly.

"How, how?"

They couldn't believe what they saw, an army of tens of thousands of people... and there were several powerful Daoist ranks among them.

Just like that, all dead?

"Good, so strong..."

Even the great emperors who had been suppressed had a dull expression at this moment, completely unresponsive.

The overwhelming aura of the tens of thousands of troops who rushed over just now made everyone tremble.

However, they really did not expect that those people would all die in less than a second.

Dao Venerable who fell beside Zhang Ziling looked at Zhang Ziling in horror, and said in a trembled voice, "Who are you on earth?"

Being able to kill so many powerful people in an instant is definitely not what Dao Venerable can do!

The man wearing the silver mask made his soul tremble.

"It doesn't matter who I am..." Zhang Ziling regained his gaze on the Dao Venerable, and the dark magic energy turned into silk threads again, binding the Dao Venerable whole body.

Feeling the icy cold coming from the expression of his skin, the fear on that Dao Zun's face became more and more intense: "Oh, my lord is forgiving...I, I am wrong!"

"What's wrong?"

Zhang Ziling asked softly, the devilish energy soaked into that Dao Zun's skin and began to erode his bones, making him very itchy.

At this moment, the blood of the Dao Venerables nailed by the spikes has been exhausted, and the devilish energy eroded their bodies and deprived them of their power.

They were speechless, and could only be swallowed by fear.

"I, I..." The Daoist who was pressed by Zhang Ziling actually didn't know until now, where did he provoke Zhang Ziling?

He is just bullying some lower realm emperors...

Zhang Ziling killed him when he came up, and he hasn't been relieved even now.

Dao Zun did not answer, and the pupils under the silver mask became colder.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The piercing pain began to stimulate the Dao Zun's nerves, and the screams echoed all around.

"Master... we have been here long enough!"

Jin Ning watched Zhang Ziling torturing the Dao Zun from behind, with deep worries in her eyes.

Although Zhang Ziling killed all the strong people who rushed over for a while, this is the Antarctic Palace after all. There are as many strong people as they need. If they continue to spend here and wait for the Stardust Sect to arrive, they may be there. There is no place for Antarctic City here.

Hearing Jinning's words, Zhang Ziling also gradually recovered calm: "I know."

After all, he still has his own business to do, and if he wastes too much time on this Dao Venerable, he will also have a lot of trouble.

Directly roasting the Dao Zun into coke with black fire, Zhang Ziling cut the chains of a group of Lower Realm Great Emperors to restore their strength.

After all the great emperors felt their power came back, the expressions on their faces couldn't help showing joy, and they quickly thanked Zhang Ziling:

"Your Excellency, I am so grateful!"

They didn't expect that they would be saved like this.

"This Antarctic City is still too dangerous for you now..." Zhang Ziling did not give everyone a polite, "but I believe that with your methods, it is easy to live in this place without my help."

"I just hope that after your cultivation, you don't forget where you came from, and don't lose your heart."

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, all the emperors looked at each other, and then they all bowed deeply to Zhang Ziling:

"I'll wait, remember your teachings."

"If there is a chance to get together again in the future, I will follow you!"

The voice fell, and the figures of the great emperors were slightly distorted and disappeared in place, hiding in the Antarctic City.

"Master, don't you help them? There are countless strong people in this Antarctic City. I'm afraid..." Jin Ning saw that Zhang Zilinghua worked so hard to keep them alive, but let them struggle in Antarctic City.

"You don't know the lower realm... to be able to ascend to the Great Emperor's existence in that kind of environment, the experience is still more serious and dangerous than it is now."

"Each of them, after arriving in this world, has the qualifications to ascend to Daojun. This is difficult, and it is not difficult for them."

Zhang Ziling said lightly, glanced at the **** corpses around, there was no emotion in his eyes.

"So many people have died here. I guess it won't be long before I hide my identity. Let's go to the Antarctic Palace and get things done now."

"After that, I still have to do something."

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Jin Ning's body shook suddenly.

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