Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1737: Red Ghost and Green Kite

The massacre of a large number of powerful men in the north of Antarctic City quickly caused a sensation in the entire city, and countless forces were dumbfounded.

As the direct victim, the Stardust Sect even threatened to give the murderer to the corpse!

However, the monks in the vicinity were all killed, and their spiritual power was extremely restless. Many great abilities were unable to reshape what happened before, and there was no way to find out who did it in a short time.

Suddenly, who is the murderer has become the talk of all the big forces in Antarctic City, and the Stardust Sect has become a joke of the big forces.

The entire Antarctic City became lively.


However, no one thought that the murderer that the whole city cared about was now following Jinning to the Antarctic Palace swaggeringly.

Before Zhang Ziling came here, he had cleaned up all the traces of the northern part of Antarctic City. Even if the Stardust Sect was able to reach the sky, there was no way to find them in the first place.

And this period of time was enough for Zhang Ziling to do everything.

Zhang Ziling slowly followed behind Jinning, and at the same time helped the skyfinder analyze the entire Antarctic City, analyze the distribution of major forces and the layout of various buildings.

After seeing the attitude of the monks in the Antarctic City towards the strong from the lower realms, Zhang Ziling did not have the slightest impression of the people here.

Zhang Ziling is now thinking about who should kill and who shouldn't.

Anyway, after receiving the news of the Shadow Palace, Zhang Ziling also prepared to clean the Antarctic sky and transform it into a magic palace.

Zhang Ziling wanted to bridge this upper world from the small world.

The so-called three thousand middle world, three thousand small world. For such unfair treatment to the creatures of the lower realms, he must use his own power to merge them into a big world!

At that time, there will be no distinction between the lower realm and the upper realm. No matter which world it is a monk, there will be no so-called cultivation limit, and there will be no so-called 100,000-year cycle.

Although this won't change the fate of most living beings, at least Zhang Ziling's thoughts are well understood.

Jinning doesn't know what Zhang Ziling is planning now. After she reported in the Antarctic Palace, she waited in the hall nervously for her superiors to summon her.

She knows what Zhang Ziling is going to do. Zhang Ziling is likely to take action against Daojun Tianyuan. She is...


"Isn't this Jinning? You are back!"

Just as Jin Ning and Zhang Ziling were waiting in the hall, they stopped Jin Ning with a chuckle, causing her body to shake suddenly.

Jin Ning looked around and saw a man and a woman walking towards her.

Red Ghost Dao Zun! Dao Zun Qing Yuan!

"Why are they here?" Jin Ning's eyes couldn't help but feel a worrier.

Zhang Ziling raised his eyes and looked up, his eyes narrowed slightly and the corners of his mouth sneered.

Unexpectedly, I met so soon...

Zhang Ziling lowered his head slightly, his eyes flashing red and light.

"Why are you two here?" Jin Ning regained her composure and asked when she looked at the red ghost and the green kite.

Hong Gui and Qing Yuan had to go back to the Antarctic Sky for too long before she, and it stands to reason that they had already finished the report and would not appear here.

The red ghost glanced at Zhang Ziling, who was wearing a mask next to Jinning, and then smiled and said, "You don't know what happened to the north of the city, right?"

Jin Ning was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "How could I not know that so many people were killed and the entire Antarctic City was shaken."

"But... what's this about you two?"

Hearing Jin Ning's words, the red ghost hahad and said, "It's none of our business, but the Stardust Sect is going crazy, and we are happy to watch the fun."

They were all monks who belonged to the Antarctic Palace, and the incident in the Stardust Palace had no effect on them.

Qing Yuan also glanced at Zhang Ziling with a smile, and then asked Jinning: "By the way, what about the white oak guy? Wouldn't you still play in Tianyang Realm?"

At that time, after they banned Zhang Ziling, Jinning and White Qu were prepared to stay in the Tianyang Realm for a while, and they confirmed that Zhang Ziling could not escape before returning to their lives. The Red Ghost and Qing Yuan did not want to stay in the Tianyang Realm, so Just came back early.

"The white oak is still in the world, and it is estimated that it will take a while to come back." Jin Ning would naturally not tell the truth that the white oak has been thrown out to feed the dog, nonsense.

"The guy Bai Li knows the broken empire that manages him all day long. It's really boring!" The red ghost complained, and finally noticed Zhang Ziling beside Jinning, and asked, "This one is?"

"He is my new servant, afraid of life, and doesn't like talking very much." Jinning had already made up Zhang Ziling's identity and said immediately.

"What kind of male slave do you accept? If there is a demand, just ask me, I am alive and well!" When the red ghost heard what Jin Ning said, he instantly wanted to bend, and smiled wretchedly at Jin Ning.


Jin Ning scolded the red ghost irritably, and then said, "What do you want to do when you come here?"

Normally no one would come to the Antarctic Palace. The Red Ghost and Qing Yuan came here suddenly, absolutely purposeful.

Moreover, Jin Ning always had an ominous premonition, feeling that the Red Ghost and Qing Yuan came over this time and were aimed at her.

But Jin Ning also didn't know where he showed off his vest.

"Dao Zun Jinning, your lord would like to please." At this moment, the waiter of the Antarctic Palace walked into the hall and said respectfully to Jinning.

"Yeah." Jin Ning nodded when interrupted by the waiter, and followed the waiter into the hall.

Zhang Ziling got up and followed Jinning silently, as if he didn't care about the matter here.

Hong Gui and Qing Yuan looked at Zhang Ziling's back with Jin Ning leaving, their expressions gradually turned gloomy, and their eyes narrowed slightly.

"Did you see anything?" Qing Yuan asked in a sharp voice.

The red ghost shook his head and said, "I can't see the depth of that guy..."

"The above said something went wrong on the side of Tianyangjie, Bai Qu and Jinning were both killed... But Jinning is clearly still alive now, and there is no change in his aura. It is sure that it is him." Qing Yuan lowered her head and thought, her eyes suddenly lighted up. Light and dark.

The red ghost asked in a low voice, "You said, would the masked man be..."

"Impossible!" Qing Yuan shook her head sharply, "That place, even Daojun Tianyuan can't get out, that guy definitely can't get out!"

"It will take some time for the specific news from Tianyangjie to arrive. We must first stabilize them."

"Should we tell Stardust Sect over there..." the red ghost asked again.

"Don't worry about them, they can find out by themselves. After all, there is a record of the time Jinning returned to the Antarctic Sky. They are not stupid, and they can find it soon."

"If we rush in, it will complicate the matter."

Qing Yuan muttered in a low voice, looking at the direction where Zhang Ziling and Jin Ning were leaving, her eyes became deep: "But... where did that guy come from the strong?"

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