Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1739: Stupid Deacon Lord?

"who are you?"

The old man spoke, his voice blasted like muffled thunder, and he rolled towards Zhang Ziling.

Jin Ning's expression changed abruptly, and she quickly said, "My lord, he is my new servant..."

"I didn't ask you." The old man yelled coldly, making Jin Ning's face pale as paper.


Zhang Ziling looked at the old man with interest, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, but did not reply.

After he walked into this hall, he clearly felt the old man's hostility towards him.

Although it is not yet known which link went wrong, Antarctic Sky is obviously aware that there is a problem with Jinning.

Seeing that Zhang Ziling didn't answer him, the old man's face became more and more gloomy, and a violent aura filled his body and rolled over to Zhang Ziling.

Jin Ning was overwhelmed by the old man's aura, and didn't know what to do now, becoming more and more anxious.

According to the original plan, she had to use her position to collect information from Zhang Ziling after reporting her task.

But from now on, as soon as she arrived at the Antarctic Palace, everything was strange.

Plan is worse than change.

"Boy, I'll give you another chance to honestly explain who you are, otherwise...don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The old man looked at Zhang Ziling who was wearing a silver mask and said lightly, his tone was extremely cold.

Hearing what the old man said, Zhang Ziling understood that the people in the Antarctic Palace did not yet know their identity.

If this is the case, the operating space is quite large.

Seeing that the situation is getting out of control, Jin Ning forcefully uses the spiritual power in his body, and said: "My lord, your coercion is too strong, he can't..."

"Enough Jinning."

Zhang Ziling's voice rang in Jin Ning's ear, interrupting her to speak, causing her body to shake slightly.

"I underestimated the method of the Antarctic Palace, but this does not affect my plan." Zhang Ziling twisted his neck slightly, walked in front of Jinning, looked at the old man, and slowly took off his mask.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's movements, Jin Ning's pupils shrank suddenly.

"the host?"

Zhang Ziling smiled, staring straight at the old man sitting in the void, and said with a light smile: "I'm very curious, how did you know that Jinning was controlled by me?"

Seeing that Zhang Ziling finally gave up hiding his identity, the old man's eyes were joking, and he looked at Zhang Ziling and said: "My Antarctic Palace's methods, can you understand this waste?"

"After you killed Bai Qu and Jinning, this seat felt like it."

"And you are even more rampant, and you are still killing in Antarctic City. If this is the case, if you don't know that you have a problem, then this seat cannot be the deacon hall master."

Seeing the old man's confident look, the joke in Zhang Ziling's eyes became more and more intense.

"Antarctic sky, no cats or dogs can get in."

Zhang Ziling took off the mask, and the old man still did not react at all. It was obvious that the old man did not know Zhang Ziling's true identity, only that Zhang Ziling killed Bai Li and Jinning.

Red Ghost and Qing Yuan did not see Zhang Ziling's face, and naturally they did not know Zhang Ziling's identity.

Perhaps the old man is very confident in his own strength, so he let Zhang Ziling in so boldly, thinking that he can easily suppress Zhang Ziling.

That said, this is the Deacon Hall, with countless strong people, and there are many elders in the Antarctic Palace, even if Zhang Ziling is stronger than the old ones.

But in this hall of deacons, as long as there is wind and grass, countless strong people will come over in an instant.

Therefore, the old man does not worry about Zhang Ziling being able to make a splash here!

However, it was precisely because of the old man's confidence that he gave Zhang Ziling more room for manipulation.

"Since your Excellency is so powerful, can you guess where I am from?" Zhang Ziling asked with a playful smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Huh! Playing with mystery!" The old man stroked his white beard and looked at Zhang Ziling contemptuously. "Do you think the old man did not recognize the method you used in Antarctica?"

"The methods you used are all the tactics used by the bugs in the Shadow Palace, and the recognition is too high." The old man shook his head, his eyes full of pity when he looked at Zhang Ziling.

The Antarctic Sky and the Shadow Palace are mortal enemies, and now the people of the Shadow Palace have broken into their Antarctic Sky base camp, and the end must be miserable.

Hearing what the old man said, Zhang Ziling raised his eyebrows slightly, quite pleasantly surprised: "Oh? You mean the Shadow Palace?"

"Still arguing?" The old man stared at Zhang Ziling and smiled, "We are fighting your Shadow Palace on Origin Star. You guys are good at using magic methods. We have already studied thoroughly, you can't hide from this seat!"

"Frankly explain the purpose of your coming here. If you are happy, you may be able to spare your life!"

"You don't have to think about running away. This Deacon's Hall is far away from any planet. It is a no-man's land with a radius of 100,000 light years. You can't jump out of the palm of your hand at all!"

After all, the old man strengthened his aura again, causing the entire hall to be slightly distorted.

After getting the news he wanted, Zhang Ziling ignored the coercion of the old man and turned to ask Jinning, "Where is the origin star?"

Jin Ning was still trying his best to resist the coercion of the old man, when Zhang Ziling suddenly asked him, but he was relaxed and pressure-free.

She knew that this was Zhang Ziling helping her resist the pressure, and she did not hesitate to say: "The Origin Star is at the center of the universe. It is the largest continent in the three thousand universes. The space there is weak and full of wormholes connecting the various worlds. , There are countless strong, it is the most chaotic place."

"There is not only the power of the four domains of the universe, but also the power of other universes. It is a paradise for the strong."

"There is such a place?" Zhang Ziling was a little surprised when he heard Jin Ning's words.

"It is said that a Taoist master is idle, thinking that there are too many powerhouses in the three thousand universes, but there is no chance to encounter them, so he deliberately opened up such a continent, connected three thousand worlds, and hid some of his own treasures. In the Origin Star, lure the top powerhouses of all universes to find them."

"In this way, more and more strong people go to Origin Star, where the strong will fall almost every day, causing more and more treasures in Origin Star, and more and more riots in spiritual power."

"Slowly, Origin Star becomes what it is now." Jin Ning popularized Zhang Ziling.

The old man looked at Jinning giving Zhang Ziling a gloomy look, and his body trembled slightly because of his anger.

He felt insulted.

If Zhang Ziling is from the Shadow Palace, he definitely knows the place like Origin Star.

In his opinion, Zhang Ziling asked Jinning about Origin Star in front of him, just insulting his IQ.

" can give this seat enough!"

The violent aura spouted from the old man's body.

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