The old man stood up, his old face turned red.

In his opinion, Zhang Ziling's actions just now were an insult to his Chi Guoguo and could not be forgiven.

"Master, he is Equatorial Dao Venerable, and his cultivation is completed in Dao Venerable. Even if his strength is in the forefront of the Antarctic Palace, it is quite terrifying!"

Jin Ning quickly reminded Zhang Ziling when he saw that the old man had signs of doing something.

"Jinning, you eat something inside and out!"

Chi Yi Dao Zun saw that Jin Ning was indeed standing on Zhang Ziling's side, his eyes turned red, and he stood up directly.

The whole hall turned red, and flames were burning.

The surrounding temperature rose rapidly, and even the ground began to melt!

Jin Ning looked at the mysterious formations emerging from the melting ground, her expression suddenly changed, and exclaimed: "The master is not good, he has already placed a restriction here!"

"It's too late now. The prohibition in this hall is a circle set by the Taoist Lord himself. This seat wanted to give you a chance to survive, but you don't cherish it, so no wonder this seat!"

Chi Yi Dao Zun looked at Zhang Ziling and Jin Ning coldly, his expressions were as cold as frost: "Today, you both have to die here!"


The Chi Yi Dao Zun's voice fell, and the whole hall was lit up with a raging flame, the surroundings became red, and a powerful and terrifying barrier began to rise all around!

"It turns out that this is a trap..." Zhang Ziling looked at the changing scenes around him, his eyes gradually becoming deeper.

Ever since Jinning and Zhang Ziling entered the Antarctic City, the Antarctic Palace has been eyeing them.


The whole hall of deacons sounded a piercing alarm. Before the strong men in the hall could react, they saw a large number of troops rushing in outside the hall, with great momentum.

"What happened to this?"

A Taoist priest quickly grabbed a heavily armed soldier and asked, asking with curiosity.

Most of the deacons in this hall of deacons are Dao Venerables who have come back from all over the universe to hand over tasks, and they don't know anything about what happened in the Antarctic Palace.

"I heard that Jinning Dao Zun brought back a monk from the Shadow Palace. Now the Equatorial Dao Venerable has trapped those two people in it. We are ordered by the Equatorial Dao Venerable to rush over to prevent the people from the Shadow Palace from escaping. Go out." The soldier said quickly, not daring to defy Dao Zun's will.

"The people in the Shadow Palace dare to come here? Are you too courageous?"

After hearing the soldier's words in the hall, a surprised look appeared on his face. Obviously, he didn't expect that there would be people from the Hall of Shadows in the Deacon Hall who would dare to enter!

You know, this Deacon Hall is already the hinterland of the Antarctic Palace, and there are countless strong people here, even if the Daoist comes over, they don't necessarily go out.

"Hey, the monks in this Shadow Palace are all idiots, dare to come here and undercover!"

"No, I have to go and see the excitement. It's been a long time since I saw Chi Yi Dao Zun make a move. This time I just feasted my eyes!"

"I already feel that there are strong energy fluctuations over there, let's pass together!"

Many strong men in the hall were already excited, and hurriedly followed the large group of soldiers to the inside of the deacon hall.

These people are basically performing tasks in various small worlds, and they are basically invincible in those places, and they have no chance to go all out.

This time the people from the Shadow Palace mixed in, and Chi Yi Dao Zun made another move, and a group of idlers naturally became excited.


As more and more people rushed towards Zhang Ziling's direction, the Equatorial Dao Zun had completely raised the magic circle and stared straight at Zhang Ziling.

He knew about Zhang Ziling's instant killing of 10,000 people on the back of Antarctic City, and knew that Zhang Ziling's strength would not be weaker than him, so he did not intend to head-on with Zhang Ziling.

What if the ship capsized in the gutter?

Chi Yi Dao Zun sneered at the corner of his mouth and looked at Zhang Ziling and said, "The kid in the Shadow Palace, no matter what your purpose is in my Antarctic Palace, but in the Jiuyan Burning Heaven Formation, even if you break through Daoist, you have to skin this seat too!"

When the Chi Yi Dao Zun's voice fell, the entire hall was suddenly incinerated. Zhang Ziling and Jin Ning appeared in a flame purgatory, while the Chi Yi Dao Zun had flown out of the barrier, completely sealing Zhang Ziling and Jin Ning inside.

"Within a quarter of an hour, the body of the cultivator in the Shadow Palace will be incinerated. At that time, this seat will capture his soul and torture the purpose of getting out of the Shadow Palace." Said Chi Yi Dao Zun faintly, his tone of voice was exhausted. It is self-confidence.

The quartet armies waited in full battle, and one after another formed a forbidden circle to block the surrounding space to prevent Zhang Ziling from holding the space avenue circle and sending away.

Outside the barrier, a large number of troops who had rushed over had already surrounded the surrounding area, and there were many Daoist level powerhouses onlookers who seemed to have regarded Zhang Ziling as an object of fun.

"I don't think that kid's cultivation base is very good. Using the Jiuyan Burning Sky Formation seems to be a waste." You Dao Zun looked at Zhang Ziling in the big formation, and didn't think Zhang Ziling was so strong.

"I don't agree with your conclusion. After all, the other party is a monk in the Shadow Palace. I heard that the master of the Shadow Palace has broken through again recently, killing our Antarctic monks in Origin Star. This guy can If you rush here, you can't underestimate it!" Slim whispered when he heard the news from the front line, a dignified light flashed in his eyes.

"Indeed! The guys in the Shadow Palace are just as cunning as a mouse. Since they dare to come here with confidence, they must have a back hand, otherwise our Antarctic Heaven would not have to have such a large army."

A group of powerful Daoists are talking in the barrier, but not many people really despise Zhang Ziling.

However, no one thinks that Zhang Ziling can escape from the circle, at most they just think that Zhang Ziling can hold on for a while.

Zhang Ziling glanced at the number of people outside the barrier, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

After arriving at the Deacon’s Hall, Zhang Ziling deliberately swept the Deacon’s Hall with his soul. Although there are many strong people, there is no army.

The large number of troops surrounding them all appeared in this world instantly after the Equatorial Dao Zun raised the circle.

"You monks in the Antarctic Palace are so efficient?" Zhang Ziling asked Jinning curiously.

At this moment, Jin Ning was still struggling to resist the extremely high temperature around him, and said with a trembling: "Back to the master, the Antarctic Army will be stationed in a world independently, and they can use the large array to teleport to any place in the Antarctic Palace at any time. "

"Then I have destroyed this Deacon Hall, will it have any impact on the Antarctic Palace?" Zhang Ziling asked again.

Jin Ning wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled bitterly: "Master, all parts of the Antarctic Palace are independent. You ruined this place, and it has no effect on other places."

"Furthermore, this is just a world, even the Equatorial Daoist can easily restore it."

"That's it..." Zhang Ziling seemed disappointed.

Jinning knew what Zhang Ziling was playing, and after a pause, he said:

"However, if you kill all the people here, Master, maybe Daojun Tianyuan will notice you."


Zhang Ziling's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard Jinning's words.

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