Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1741: Ready to kill

"You mean, kill all the powerful people around here, and Dao Sovereign Tianyuan will appear?" Zhang Ziling confirmed, his eyes flashing with excitement.

Seeing Zhang Ziling’s excited look, Jinning didn’t know how to describe his current mood, and said to Zhang Ziling: “After all, most of the strong men in the Antarctic Heaven have gathered in the Deacon’s Hall. If the deity is killed, even if it is the Antarctic Sky, they will lose a lot of powerhouses at once, they will not be able to bear it."

"Furthermore, the other powerhouses of the Antarctic Sky are all fighting in the Origin Star. The death of the powerful behind this is also a huge blow to the Antarctic Sky. Tianyuan Daojun will not let the master you be here."

Speaking of this, Jin Ning couldn't help but flash in his eyes:

"Master, I haven't seen Daojun Tianyuan, and I don't know how strong he is. Are you sure you want to do this..."

In Jining’s opinion, although Zhang Ziling is also a powerful Daoist, no matter how Taoist Tianyuan is one of the four strongest people in the universe... If Zhang Ziling fights Daojun Tianyuan, it’s really not Someone can win.

After all, even in the Antarctic City, the Stardust Sect, the Nantian Pavilion and the Immortal Gate also have Daoist level powerhouses.

But for their existence, they can still only choose to vassalize the Antarctic Heaven. It is conceivable that... Tianyuan Daojun is definitely much stronger than ordinary Daojun!

However, Jin Ning's worries, Zhang Ziling, did not care at all. After he knew that Daojun Tianyuan would come out, he was already ready to do a big job!

He is still wanted by Daojun Tianyuan, not to mention Daojun Tianyuan is still a guy who does things for the ultimate, how could he let go of that existence?

The most important thing is that now the Antarctic Sky and the Shadow Palace are fighting on Origin Star, and Tianyuan Daojun, as the highest existence of Antarctic Sky, can't help but know the news of Zi You.

Therefore, for any reason, Zhang Ziling was not going to let the group of people outside.

Dark magic energy surged out of Zhang Ziling's body, and the surrounding flames were swallowed by the magic energy, turning completely dark and cold.

"Hahaha! That kid is still delusional to erode the flames of the Jiuyan Burning Heaven Formation? Crazy?" When a strong man saw Zhang Ziling starting to fight back, he burst into laughter, and his eyes were full of jokes.

The Jiuyan Burning Heaven Array is a magical formation set up by a powerful Daoist. That flame can even pose a threat to the Daoist. How can it be easily swallowed?

"The three armies listened to the order, sealed off the space with all their strength, don't let that kid escape!" Chi Yi Dao Zun thought that Zhang Ziling's current methods were nothing more than blindfolds.

Now he probably couldn't hold it anymore, ready to escape.

When the surrounding army heard the command of the Equatorial Dao Zun, they all used their spiritual power, making the surrounding space more staring and unable to penetrate easily.

When it comes to fighting at the Taoist level, the human sea tactics have basically no effect. Therefore, most of the army is based on the power of the emperor, and the supreme takes the lead. The massive spiritual power is gathered together to make the surrounding space stable, making The monks within a certain range could not tear the space to escape.

After all, Dao Venerable is quite difficult to kill, even if a few Dao Venerables besie one, as long as you are not paying attention, the besieged Dao Venerable will tear up the space and escape.

Therefore, generally the two sides are fighting, and if one side wants to kill the other side, it must use a part of the force to strengthen the space.

If this kind of chores were left to Dao Zun to do, it would definitely involve a great part of the energy of the top combat power.

Therefore, the role of the army has slowly become a blockade of space, and the main battles are carried out by powerful Daoists.

Which side Dao Zun wins, it means which side wins.

The power condensed by tens of thousands of emperor ranks, although terrifying, even if Dao Zun was hit, he would die.

However, that kind of condensed power is too slow to hit Dao Zun at all, and can only be used to stabilize the space.

After seeing the army starting to stabilize the space, the Taoist priests who watched the drama in the sky did not show sympathy in their eyes towards Zhang Ziling and Jin Ning.

As long as the space freezes, it means that Zhang Ziling and Jinning’s retreat is completely blocked. They...


"It's a pity that Dao Venerable Jinning, I was still going to pursue her, but I didn't expect that she would die here today." The powerful Dao Venerable shook his head and sighed, thinking that Jin Ning would definitely die.

"Yeah... Why is Dao Zun Jinning unable to figure it out like this? After taking refuge in the Shadow Palace, can the Antarctic Heaven let her live?"

"It's just a traitor, what's to be regretted?"

The eyes of the Taoist priests were full of joking, and the eyes of Zhang Ziling and Jin Ning looked as if they were looking at two dead men.

"Xuntian, is the surrounding space blocked?"

After Zhang Ziling eroded all the flames in the enchantment, he asked the Tianxun Yi again, not surprisingly the monk's mockery.

After all, Zhang Ziling is now ready to kill all the people around, so naturally he can't let any one go.

It is necessary to block space.

I am afraid that the people around would never have thought that the people they thought would undoubtedly die had dug a hole for all of them.

"Boss, I've done it all. The people in this Deacon's Hall don't have my permission, don't even want to send it out by yourself!" Heaven Seeker chuckled in Zhang Ziling's body.

When the army condensed the space outside the enchantment, the Celestial Seeker also took the opportunity of the surrounding spiritual power to ban all the surrounding enchantments.

I am afraid that the people outside still don't know, they have already stepped into the coffin with half their feet.

"that's OK."

Hearing the words of Xuntianyi, Zhang Ziling's mouth couldn't help but sneered, his eyes flashing red.

A powerful force permeated his body, immersed in the restraint below.

"what happened?"

Chi Yi Dao Venerable suddenly felt that the Jiuyan Burning Heaven Formation had become extremely unstable, and his expression changed slightly.

Afterwards, the entire Deacon Hall began to vibrate, trapping Zhang Ziling and Jin Ning's enchantment, and began to collapse.

Those raging flames began to weaken.

"Nine Flames Burning Heaven Formation?" Chi Yi Dao Venerable saw that the barrier began to collapse, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

"This, how is this possible?"

He had no idea what was going on, he had lost contact with the Jiuyan Burning Heaven Array, and he could no longer control it!

The surrounding Taoist priests also realized that something was wrong, and began to stir.

"No? This Nine Flames Burning Heaven Formation was really eroded by the guy in the Shadow Palace?" You Dao Venerable's face was incredulous, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

"Impossible! That guy definitely doesn't have that kind of power... and we didn't even notice that guy made any movements, how could it be the magic circle he destroyed?" Some people denied it, not thinking that Zhang Ziling did it.

"Could it be that the Nine Flames Burning Heaven Formation hasn't been maintained for too long? Spiritual power has passed away?"

A group of Dao Venerables speculated wildly about the cause of the collapse of the Jiuyan Burning Heaven Array, while the Equatorial Dao Venerable was devastated to the extreme.

"Damn it! How could something go wrong at this time?"

If Zhang Ziling destroys the army, let that fellow escape!

"This guy is very! I definitely can't let him escape!" Equatorial Dao Zun's eyes exploded, and his momentum began to surge.

"The three armies listen to the order! The Nether Array can't be formed, completely defended!"

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