One after another, terrifying desolate beasts crawled out of the circle, staring at Zhang Ziling, and the foul wind swept towards Zhang Ziling.

Daojun Tianyuan's face became gloomy to the extreme, falling on the head of an ancient barren beast, and looking at Zhang Ziling coldly: "It has been a long time since no one has let me lose a barren beast."

"You are the first in nearly ten thousand years..."

Zhang Ziling glanced at the dense wild beasts around him, but he didn't care at all. He looked at Daojun Tianyuan and smiled lightly: "Am I the first? Then I will do it again and be the last one."

Zhang Ziling's voice fell, and the turbulent demon energy turned into black chains, and quickly shot at the surrounding wild beasts.


Seeing that Zhang Ziling wanted to control all his wild beasts at the same time, Daojun Tianyuan couldn't help but sneered, and a huge barrier rose up around Zhang Ziling to disperse all his devilish energy.

At the same time, the wild beasts all bite away at Zhang Ziling, the terrifying spiritual power turned into a wind, and Zhang Ziling was to be completely shredded.

Daojun Tianyuan provided buffs to all the desolate beasts in the distance, and all the desolate beasts were shining with a faint blue light, whether it was power or speed, those desolate beasts had improved a lot.

"whispering sound!"

Seeing the wild beast rushing, Zhang Ziling suddenly cut a wild beast into two with a huge sickle in his hand, but the wild beast quickly returned to its original shape and rushed towards Zhang Ziling again.

"It's all immortal?"

Zhang Ziling found that no matter how he attacked the wild beasts, even if the wild beasts were turned into fleshy beasts, the wild beasts would be able to recover in a very short time, and they would not be killed at all!

"Huh! In Tianyuan Daojun's reincarnation innate realm, the life of the desolate beast is endless, even if it is beaten to ashes, it can be resurrected, that guy is still doing useless work!" You Dao Venerable watched Zhang Ziling crazy slaughter Desolate Beast could not help but laugh out loud.

"There are many Daojun-level desolate beasts among the hundred thousand desolate beasts. The guy in the Shadow Palace can kill all those desolate beasts, indicating that the strength is stronger than ordinary Daojun, but...what's the use of being strong? ?"

"Hahaha! That's right, no matter how strong he is, what's the use of him? As long as this continues to be consumed, his spiritual power will inevitably be exhausted. At that time, it will be his death date!"

Although the Dao Venerables saw that Zhang Ziling killed those monster beasts just like cutting melons and vegetables, no one was worried about Zhang Ziling's strength.

As long as the desolate beast of Taoist Tianyuan continues to consume like this, Zhang Ziling's spiritual power will be exhausted sooner or later.

Even if it is not exhausted, Daoist Tianyuan will still be in his heyday by then, and under the declining conditions, they will not see any hope of victory for Zhang Ziling.

Daojun Tianyuan just stood in the distance, watching his wild beasts besieging Zhang Ziling calmly, and he only needs to pay attention that his domain is not destroyed by Zhang Ziling, and he can do nothing.

"Boss, it's not a way for you to kill like this, let's just kill it!" Seeing that Zhang Ziling had been slaughtering wild beasts, Xun Tianyi didn't seem to bother Tianyuan Daojun at all. He couldn't help but be a little worried, and quickly reminded.

It was afraid that Zhang Ziling would fall into a strange circle.

"It's okay, the lives of these wild beasts are limited, and it's not that they can resurrect indefinitely." Zhang Ziling said quickly, and at the same time beheaded two wild beasts.

"Furthermore, I found that the power of the blood and blood of these wild beasts is connected to Dao Sovereign Tian Yuan... Even if I go to kill that guy now, and there are these wild beasts, Sovereign Yuan Daoist will still be able to resurrect that day."

"But if that's the case, that guy will probably recognize the strength gap between us, and maybe even run away like this."

Zhang Ziling explained to Xuntianyi while slaughtering the wild beasts.

"The boss, what do you mean, we are here to kill the wild beast and slowly wear his blood?" Xun Tianyi asked again.

"No..." Zhang Ziling shook his head, "It is estimated that he will soon discover something is wrong, and it won't be that easy when we want to kill these wild beasts."

"Then we now?"

Xuntianyi was confused by Zhang Ziling. Daoist Tianyuan could not kill, and these barren beasts could not be killed. Doesn't that mean Daoist Tianyuan could not be killed?

"Don't be so pessimistic..." Zhang Ziling chuckled, eyes flickering, "Every time I kill a barren beast, there will be my devilish energy in those barren beasts. When I give these barren beasts a round, As long as the Tianyuan Daoist is in contact with these wild beasts, no matter where he goes, I can find him."

"And as long as he cuts off contact with these wild beasts, he himself will lose his huge vitality power. When that happens, it will be easier for us to kill him. You only need to lock his breath."

While talking, Zhang Ziling beheaded the monsters that rushed over.

Every monster beast that was beheaded by Zhang Ziling would have a trace of devil energy immersed in their body and melted into their blood.

All this is proceeding in an orderly manner.

And after hearing Zhang Ziling's explanation, Xun Tianyi finally let go of the worry in his heart, and began to quietly record the breath of Daojun Tianyuan, so that he could track it after Daojun Tianyuan escaped.

The surrounding Taoist priests did not know that Zhang Ziling had sprinkled the big net of death on them. Everyone regarded this as a drama and watched it with relish.

As time passed, Daojun Tianyuan finally found something wrong.

He originally wanted to use the wild beast to consume Zhang Ziling's power, and then he would take Zhang Ziling effortlessly.

But now he found that after so long, apart from his own barren beast dying time and time again, Zhang Ziling showed no signs of aura weakness at all.

"This guy, shouldn't it be the practice of fighting to nurture war, right?" Daojun Tianyuan frowned slightly and said softly.

In the universe, many magic cultivation methods obtain spiritual power not by cultivation, but by karma and vitality obtained by killing.

As long as you kill more creatures, you can absorb more blood qi, and the more spiritual power in your body will be.

Demon cultivators who have practiced this kind of exercise rarely can break through to Dao Zun, let alone a monarch.

But once you break through to the realm of Dao Sovereign Dao Sovereign, this kind of horror of magic cultivation is far better than other monks.

They are tireless killing machines in the battlefield. As long as they are allowed to rush into the crowd, they will kill and fight more and more until everyone is dead!

The most taboo thing to fight against this kind of monk is the crowded tactics.

Realizing that his desolate beast would probably not consume a little bit of Zhang Ziling's power, but might provide him with a lot of spiritual power, Tianyuan Daojun no longer hesitated, and quickly took his Eudemons group back.

The roaring wild beasts around Zhang Ziling suddenly turned into light spots and dissipated, and the surrounding huge magic circle also shrank and disappeared.

"I guess it's correct... This Tian Yuan Daoist is not a stupid person, and he will soon be able to discover the strangeness."

Zhang Ziling stopped and looked at Taoist Tianyuan, but a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "But it's okay...I just marked it all!"

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