Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1748: Collapsed starry sky

After Tianyuan Daojun took back his wild beast, he looked at Zhang Ziling solemnly and gradually became serious.

Zhang Ziling's strength is stronger than he thought, and he can't use the wild beast to confront the enemy, which is equivalent to breaking his arm!

The situation on the court instantly became confusing.

The Dao Venerables around obviously also realized that something was wrong. No one expected that Dao Monarch Tian Yuan took the initiative to put away all his wild beasts.

"Why did Daojun Tianyuan put away the desolate beast? Why didn't you continue to consume that guy's spiritual power?" Some cultivators didn't understand why Daojun Tianyuan did this, and looked confused.

A cultivator next to the Dao Zun looked more transparently, and said in a condensed voice: "The Dao Monarch in the Shadow Palace is probably practicing the magic way, bloodthirsty exercises. The more creatures he kills, the stronger he will be."

"I'm afraid that Daojun Tianyuan discovered this and took his barren beast group back."

As soon as the Dao Zun spoke out, the surrounding monks' expressions suddenly changed: "Impossible! The magic cultivation technique is too overbearing, although the early practice is extremely fast, but the more difficult it becomes later, there are few monks who can cultivate to the supreme. There are so few, how can there be a magic cultivator who has cultivated to the level of Daojun?

Many Dao Venerables couldn't believe that Zhang Ziling was the kind of monk who became stronger in the Vietnam War, and looked incredulous.

"Then who of you will explain, why did the Tianyuan Daoist take back all the desolate beasts?" The Daoist snorted coldly, and poured cold water on everyone ruthlessly.

Even now, no matter how unwilling to admit it, no one can face the facts...

Zhang Ziling was much stronger than they thought.

Generally speaking, demon cultivators often crush other monks in the same rank because of their domineering techniques and spiritual power.

And now there is a magic repair that has broken through to the level of the Taoist, and everyone feels cold in the back.

Of course, the truth of the facts is not what everyone thinks, Zhang Ziling is not the kind of magical cultivation, nor does he practice the kind of overbearing exercises.

However...if everyone knows the truth of the matter, I am afraid it will be even more desperate.

Zhang Ziling is not a Daoist, but...



Zhang Ziling stepped on the water in the void and rushed towards Daojun Tianyuan.

The violent spiritual power in his body was like a hurricane, blowing towards the surrounding Taoist priests. After touching Zhang Ziling's spiritual power, many Taoist priests were twisted into fragments, causing everyone's scalp to burst and fleeing away. go with.

"Who is this guy?"

Daoist Tianyuan saw Zhang Ziling's speed much faster than before, and he couldn't help but screamed, gathering the barrier again, trying to block Zhang Ziling.

However, this time Zhang Ziling did not give Daojun Tianyuan another chance. Before the light blue barrier had condensed and formed, Zhang Ziling had already appeared in front of Daojun Tianyuan and slammed his fist in the face of Daojun Tianyuan. on.


Half of Daojun Tianyuan's face was directly smashed by Zhang Ziling's fist, and the whole person was like a cannonball, directly hitting a star far away, causing that star to explode!


The Dao Venerables around looked stunned, and couldn't believe what he saw.

The one who was beaten out... was Daojun Tianyuan?

"He, who is he?"

"Am I crazy?"

"Impossible... This must be a dream!"

Many powerful people gradually became crazy, and the moment Tianyuan Daojun was beaten out, their hearts were completely swallowed by fear and shock.


Among the broken stars, Daojun Tianyuan rushed out, surrounded by white flames, and his pupils had become white.

"Damn beast!"

He screamed in a low voice, condensing an unimaginable magic circle behind him, and terrifying spiritual power surged in it.

Everyone saw that Daojun Tianyuan poured his power into the magic circle, causing the surrounding starry sky to begin to twist.



The dull voice sounded, and everyone just felt their hearts beating.

"Die me!"

Daojun Tianyuan roared, and the dazzling white light burst out from the circle, turned into a light cannon, and bombarded Zhang Ziling.

The surrounding cosmic space began to collapse, and many Taoist priests were involved in the shattered space, and then turned into ashes under the powerful spiritual force!

One by one Dao Venerables fled outside like crazy, their faces were full of fear, for fear of being caught in by that white light!

Daojun Tianyuan suddenly became angry, the power of destroying the sky and the earth, even if it is tens of thousands of light years away, you can feel the terrifying spiritual power fluctuation!

One by one Dao Venerable was drawn into it by the white light, and finally turned into ashes.

Those people may not have thought that in the end, they would struggle to get out of a group of strong men. They thought that they had waited for the help of Daojun Tianyuan, but in the end they died at the hands of Daojun Tianyuan...

"Master, run away!"

Jinning, who was behind Zhang Ziling, saw that Baimang rushed towards Zhang Ziling, his eyes were about to split, and he exclaimed!

This attack of Daojun Tianyuan was enough to collapse a universe, and it was not an attack that humans could resist!

Under that white light, everything will be annihilated, including Daojun!

Daojun Tianyuan had a frantic smile on his shabby face, and a pair of eyes were filled with light, staring at Zhang Ziling:

"Die to me--!"

However, Zhang Ziling turned a deaf ear to Jinning's warning. He looked at the white light that was rushing towards him, a trace of joke flashed in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly:

"At this level, it's like talking..."

Zhang Ziling whispered, stretched out his white palm, and gently pressed it on the white light.


A breathtaking sound came from Zhang Ziling's palm, and then the white light filled with horror began to twist strangely, and then it was absorbed by Zhang Ziling's palm!

The entire starry sky fell into a dead silence, and the few Taoist priests who were still alive looked at Zhang Ziling with dull eyes, endless shock surging in their eyes.

Daojun Tianyuan’s full attack...

Was it so easily absorbed?

"It's impossible!" Taoist Tianyuan roared, he didn't believe that Zhang Ziling could resolve his attack so easily.

"I don't believe how much you can absorb!"

His expression gradually became ferocious, and the magic circle behind him expanded several times again, and even more terrifying power surged in it, making the heart throb and the soul trembling!

"Back to you."

Before Tianyuan Daojun could accumulate his strength, Zhang Ziling's faint voice rang in Tianyuan Daojun's ear, and then Tianyuan Daojun was horrified to find that Zhang Ziling's palm was filled with white light!

An incredible aura of destruction filled the starry sky.


The white light in Zhang Ziling's palm lit up, and then the huge white light that Daojun Tianyuan blasted out before sprayed out from the palm of Zhang Ziling's palm and swept towards Daojun Tianyuan.

The starry sky all around collapsed!

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