Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1750: The destroyed continent

A terrifying aura surged out of Daojun Tianyuan's body, so that Emperor Tianyong couldn't breathe.

The surrounding air gradually solidified, and the strongest Emperor Men Taoism in the Mo Yu Continent has now become a ruin.

"That, that is?"

One by one, old monsters rushed to the ruins, and when they saw Emperor Tianyong kneeling before a strange man, his face was shocked.

"Emperor Tianyong... actually kneeled down?"

"Who is that man? What a terrifying power!"

"He seems to be injured, what kind of existence is it to make that person hurt?"

A group of powerful saints stood in the void, staring at Daojun Tianyuan with shocked faces, endless doubts arose in their hearts!

The appearance of Tianyuan Daojun was beyond their cognition.

Emperor Tianyong is the strongest in their mainland, an invincible existence...

But this invincible existence is now kneeling in front of others?

The Great Emperor Tianyong looked at Tianyuan Daojun in horror, his body trembled slightly, and infinite fear grew in his heart.

He can feel that the man in front of him can! Destroy this continent!

Daojun Tianyuan glanced impatiently at the group of saints standing in the sky, and tyranny emerged in his eyes:

"A group of ignorant natives... kill them all!"

He felt very aggrieved because of the defeat, but now he is watched like a monkey again, which makes him extremely irritable.

Feeling the power gradually surging in Daojun Tianyuan, Emperor Tianyong shook his body suddenly, and screamed: "You run away--!"

The voice of Emperor Tianyong echoed in the air, making countless saints' expressions greatly changed:

"Emperor Tianyong is letting us... escape?"


Daojun Tianyuan sneered at the corner of his mouth and waved his hand in the air at will. A part of the space in the sky was directly torn apart by him, and several saints were torn into pieces.

When the other saints saw this, all their eye sockets were cracked, and desperately fled to the distance!

Daojun Tianyuan is a nightmare to them!

Too powerful!

"That guy, I shouldn't chase here, so let's treat this as a relaxing paradise for the time being." The smile on Daojun Tianyuan's mouth became stronger and stronger, and now he urgently needs to vent his suffocation.

But for him... it was a good idea to slaughter this continent to vent his anger.

After making up his mind, Daojun Tianyuan ignored Emperor Tianyong and began to massacre the entire continent.

The Heavenly Dao of Mo Yu Continent trembled, and he did not dare to chase the waves.

The Great Emperor Tianyong watched in horror at Daojun Tianyuan easily slaughtering the creatures of the entire continent, increasingly desperate.

Daojun Tianyuan's aura pressured him to breathe, unable to move, he could only watch his compatriots being slaughtered.

"Damn..." Emperor Tianyong hated to the extreme, his eyes were bloodshot.

In an instant, the entire continent was plunged into the shadow of Tianyuan Daojun, endless creatures were slaughtered and blood flowed into rivers!

"God! Who can punish this demon?" The Great Emperor Tian Yong looked desperately at the whole world in a sea of ​​flames, with bleeding and tears in his eyes.

For example, today Lord Yuan Dao has ascended to the nine heavens, controlling the thunder of the world, with a wave of his hand... nearly 100 million creatures have been chopped into coke!

The sky was crying and howling.

He couldn't figure out what they did wrong that caused such punishment!

When Emperor Tianyong was desperate to the extreme, the space in front of him was slightly distorted, and a man in a black robe walked out of it.

Emperor Tian Yong looked at Zhang Ziling in shock, desperate.

Here's another one!

Mo Yu Continent... is over!

"Boss... Isn't this guy too much?" The Sky Seeker flew out of Zhang Ziling, watching the whole world plunge into a sea of ​​flames, his eyes full of anger.

They just slowed down for a few minutes, and a continent would be destroyed...

"This world is really too fragile...It is estimated that it has become the punching bag of Daojun Tianyuan." Zhang Ziling frowned and looked at Daojun Tianyuan in the sky with a gloomy expression, "That guy, really has a sense of superiority! What should the creatures of the small world do?"

"What do you demons want to do? Why do you want to invade our world?" The Great Emperor Tianyong roared at Zhang Ziling, attracting Zhang Ziling's attention.

Zhang Ziling and Xuntianyi only noticed that an emperor was kneeling beside them.

"There is an emperor in seems to be one of the strongest in this continent." Zhang Ziling looked at the Great Emperor Tianyong a little, and then lifted the imprisonment imposed on him by the Tianyuan Daojun.

Being lifted from the imprisonment, the Great Emperor Tianyong suddenly rushed towards Zhang Ziling like crazy, his eyes were red: "I want to kill you demons!"

Seeing the Emperor Tian Yong rushing towards him desperately, Zhang Ziling frowned slightly, released some spiritual pressure, and suppressed Emperor Yong that day.

"Yes, damn!"

Being suppressed again, Emperor Tianyong's heart was bleeding, and his fingers grabbed into the ground.

He hates himself for incompetence!

Seeing the appearance of Emperor Tianyong, Zhang Ziling sighed slightly, and instructed the heaven-seeking instrument: "Xuntian, you first completely analyze the information on this continent, and after I solve the Tianyuan Daojun, I will talk about restoration. Mainland China."

Now Zhang Ziling is in the realm of Taoist masters, and waving his hands can create a world.

The Mo Yu Continent is just a continent in a small world universe. Although there are many living creatures, Zhang Ziling can still resurrect all the creatures slaughtered by the Tianyuan Daojun in a short period of time.

"You, what did you say?"

When the Great Emperor Tianyong heard what Zhang Ziling said, he suddenly raised his head and looked towards Zhang Ziling, his eyes were full of incredible.

He thought he had heard it wrong.

"You want to restore the Mo Yu continent?"

Zhang Ziling glanced at the Great Emperor Tianyong unanimously, but thought that he was also a victim, and finally explained patiently: "The guy above who slaughtered your mainland is a powerful man in the Dao Sovereign realm I am chasing and killing. You have caused such a big magic, I am also very distressed."

"Dao, Daojun?" The Great Emperor Tianyong was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly exclaimed, "Is there any other realm above the emperor's rank?"

"Why are you so stupid?" Xuntianyi also glanced at Emperor Tianyong impatiently, "There is the realm of supreme above you, and above the supreme there is the Taoist, and above the Tao is the Taoist monarch. !"

"The world you are in is nothing more than a planet in three thousand small universes. You will find out if you go out and have a look in the future."

Hearing what Xuntianyi said, Emperor Tianyong was also stunned for a while, and he had not digested it completely.

From ancient times to the present, the strongest in their mainland is the Great Emperor, and every time the strongest who stepped into the Great Emperor will disappear inexplicably...

Therefore, he always thought that the emperor rank was the end of cultivation.

"It turns out that I am ignorant and ignorant." The Great Emperor Tianyong smiled bitterly, and then his eyes became deep, and he solemnly kowtoed Zhang Ziling.

"Senior can laugh at my ignorance as much as possible, but I implore senior... to save Mo Yu mainland!"

Zhang Ziling looked at the humble appearance of Emperor Tianyong, a trace of sympathy flashed in his eyes, and said in a low voice, "Sure enough... the so-called middle world and small world... there should be no such restrictions... "

After the words fell, Zhang Ziling had disappeared in place.

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