Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1751: Are you the devil?

"Hahaha! It's just a group of turtles from the lower realm, still want to resist?"

Daojun Tianyuan's expression became completely savage, and he became more excited as he watched group after group of strong men on Mo Yu Continent organize a senseless resistance.

In his eyes, the creatures on the Moyu Continent, including Heavenly Dao, are dispensable rubbish!

"You can make the Lord feel more comfortable, it is your glory!"

"So, go to death obediently!"

Daojun Tianyuan laughed and manipulated Thunder, and wiped out a group of True Martial Realm cultivators who rushed to die.

"Damn it, does this guy want to destroy our Mo Yu Continent with one person?" A group of monks stood among the corpses, looking desperately at the Tianyuan Daojun in the sky, seeing no hope at all.

"Where did he come from? Why did he treat us this way?"

All sentient beings wailed, and desperation filled the mainland.

Daojun Tianyuan's laughter echoed in the sky, and he swept away his previous depression by killing him.

"When I go back, I will unite with the masters of the other three domains, and I will surely eradicate your Shadow Palace, leaving no one behind!" Thinking of Zhang Ziling, Tianyuan Daojun's eyes filled with infinite resentment.

He has hated Zhang Ziling to the extreme, and now he has escaped. The Antarctic Sky has not been able to stop Zhang Ziling from being there. He can even imagine the destruction of his Antarctic Palace.

"I see, you don't need to go back, just stay here."

Suddenly, Zhang Ziling's faint voice rang in Daojun Tianyuan's ears, causing Daojun Tianyuan to shake his body suddenly.

The space in front of him was slightly distorted, and Zhang Ziling walked out of it, looking at him with a cold expression.

Zhang Ziling said indifferently: "I think you are very happy to kill here? Do you want me to create a world for you to kill?"

Seeing Zhang Ziling appeared, Daojun Tianyuan suddenly said, "How do you know I am here?"

He thought that he hadn't left any traces when he ran away, and it was impossible for Zhang Ziling to find him!

After asking, Tianyuan Daojun also knew that he couldn't stay here for long, so he would run away again.

"Don't waste your efforts... Your hundred thousand wild beasts have been marked by me. As long as you hide those wild beasts in the small world in your body, even if you escape to the ultimate, I can find it. You!" Zhang Ziling saw that Daojun Tianyuan wanted to escape, he couldn't help but sneered, extinguishing his fantasy.

"My one hundred thousand wild beasts?" Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Taoist Tianyuan changed his expression, suddenly remembering the time when he used wild beasts to besiege Zhang Ziling in order to consume Zhang Ziling's spiritual power.

"Did you do your hands and feet at that time?" Daojun Tianyuan reacted and exclaimed.

"It still seems not stupid." Zhang Ziling looked at Tianyuan Daojun with a chuckle, "This place is no better than your Antarctic Sky. The spiritual power level of this place is lower and the space is fragile... As long as you exhaust the spiritual power in your body, this The spiritual quality of the place is simply not enough to restore you."

"Huh! Stop bluffing people here! Even if I am not your opponent, it is still not easy for you to kill me! The reason why I don't fight you is just not wanting to waste too much of my strength."

"In this small place, you are like me. After using spiritual power, there is no place to supplement!" Tianyuan Daoist was not bewitched by Zhang Ziling at all, coldly snorted.

"Really?" Zhang Ziling's mouth raised a playful smile, "What if I was born in a small world?"

"How can Dao be born in such a small world..." Daojun Tianyuan was halfway through his words, and he was stunned. He looked at Zhang Ziling with an incredible expression, and his body began to tremble slightly.

"You, you are..." Daojun Tianyuan suddenly showed a fine cold sweat on his forehead, his face was full of shock.

It stands to reason that in the small world it is impossible to have a strong person above Dao Zun, the strongest is the Supreme.


In the small world universe under his jurisdiction, a variable was born in a place called Continent Xuanxiao.

That variable grew up in a very short time, and even attracted the ultimate attention.

That is, according to the ultimate order, he sent a Dao Sovereign Lower Realm to remove that variable, and finally the Dao Sovereign he sent was killed.

Later, he sent five more Dao Sovereigns over, and still failed to kill the variable, and even let the variable rush to the upper world.

After that, the ultimate natal fragment was taken away. He suspected that the variable in the lower realm had caused it, so he issued a wanted order for the entire universe.

He never expected that the variables he had been neglecting had now grown to this point!

Daojun Tianyuan was covered with fear, looking at Zhang Ziling and tremblingly said: "Are you... the Devil Emperor?"

The variables have no realm shackles, and their strength has no upper limit at all. As long as the opportunity is sufficient, even if it exceeds the ultimate, it may not be impossible!

As long as the variables are discovered, they must eventually be erased.

There has never been a variable, growing up to the level of a Taoist...

The Demon Emperor of Xuanxiao Continent was the first.

The surviving monks in Mo Yu Continent stared at the two people standing in the sky with shock on their faces.

They thought that everyone was going to die...

But he didn't expect that a young man in black robes who came out suddenly could easily prevent the attack of that terrifying existence.

At this moment, hope of life rose in everyone's hearts, and all sentient beings focused all their expectations on Zhang Ziling.

Seeing Daojun Tianyuan pointed out his identity, Zhang Ziling smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth, and said, "It seems that I am already very famous among you..."

"Unexpectedly, it was you..." Daojun Tianyuan stared at Zhang Ziling solemnly, and began to quietly disassociate himself from the wild beast.

Zhang Ziling came from the small universe, and he was naturally adapted to these low-level spiritual powers, and he would not be uncomfortable to add.

Fighting here, he has a natural disadvantage.

No way!

Unexpectedly, this variable has grown to the level of the Taoist, this news must be known from above.

Daojun Tianyuan made up his mind and began to prepare for a desperate escape.

Since Zhang Ziling relied on the wild beasts to track him, he abandoned all the wild beasts, and then escaped into the deep space of the universe. He didn't believe that Zhang Ziling could be found!

Faintly feeling that Daojun Tianyuan was doing small movements, the joke in Zhang Ziling's eyes became more and more intense.

He has been guiding the Tianyuan Daojun to break the connection with the wild beast.

After all, the qi and blood of a hundred thousand wild beasts is still too strong, if you kill it hard, it will be too much trouble.

As long as Daojun Tianyuan completely disconnected from his barren beast, Zhang Ziling would immediately launch an attack and block Daojun Tianyuan!

In this way, when both of them started to make their own little calculations, the surroundings were so strangely quiet!

Under the gaze of this continent, Zhang Ziling and Taoist Tianyuan became more and more concise.

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