Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1758: Resonance of all beings

Sitting in Emperor Tianyong’s imperial order, Zhang Ziling wandered through the Moyu Continent, looking for the neglected details, and resurrecting the monks and creatures that were left out in the forbidden areas.

"This guy, he really did his best..." Tian Yu lay on the clouds, shaking his little feet, watching Zhang Ziling do his best to repair every part of Mo Yu Continent.

There are many places that even she didn't notice, and even if they didn't recover, they would have no effect on Mo Yu Continent.

Zhang Ziling's doing this is even more like the heavenly way than her genuine heavenly way.

"But... even if you do, I won't forgive you!"

Now Tianyu already knows, Zhang Ziling knows her identity, and now Zhang Ziling is doing this mainly for the Profound Sky.

When Tianxuan was detained by the ultimate, she was watching by the side and couldn't do anything.

Later, she heard that her sister had swallowed the ultimate Origin Dao Xin for her own sake, causing the three thousand universes to be messed up, and there were frequent variables.

Now that Tianxuan has been regarded as a thorn in the eye of the ultimate, as long as the source of Dao Xin is taken out by the ultimate, Tianxuan will definitely die!

Tianyu became annoyed when he thought that Zhang Ziling had caused his sister to become like that.

Originally, she thought she would never know who caused her sister to be like this, but she didn't expect that Zhang Ziling chased and killed Tianyuan Daojun to the world under her jurisdiction.

After Tian Yu saw Zhang Ziling's first glance, he felt his sister's breath from Zhang Ziling's body and recognized Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling saved Mo Yu mainland, which is equivalent to saving her. Her feelings for Zhang Ziling are quite complicated now, and she has no idea how to face him.

It took Zhang Ziling three days and three nights to fully restore Mo Yu Continent, and all the creatures killed by the innocent were resurrected.

And because of the influence of Zhang Ziling's spiritual power, the spiritual power of Mo Yu Continent has increased to a level, directly making Mo Yu Continent the world with the greatest potential in the universe.

In front of Zhang Ziling, Emperor Tianyong and the heads of the major forces all stood quietly in the hall, waiting for Zhang Ziling.

In these three days and three nights, Zhang Ziling did not move more than half a point, and the leaders of the major forces did not take a step out of the hall.

Everyone knows very well that they can still stand here now, all relying on Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were as deep as the starry sky, and a powerful aura naturally diffused out of his body, awakening the powerful people in the hall suddenly.

"Welcome the Devil Emperor!"

Seeing Zhang Ziling awake, the crowd knelt down and shouted, their voices were uniform.

Zhang Ziling glanced at the powerhouses in the hall, and doubts flashed in his eyes: "What are you?"

In the past few days, his consciousness has been placed on the entire Mo Yu continent, and it is not clear when these people came in the hall.

"Master Hui Demon Emperor, they are all heads of sects who came here to thank Master for his grace!"

The Great Emperor Tian Yong knelt in the front and replied respectfully to Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling not only saved all of them, but also allowed most of them to make breakthroughs. With such a great blessing, all the prestigious forces on the Mo Yu Continent have basically come.

Not only these people in the hall, but also waiting for countless monks outside the hall!

"you guys……"

Zhang Ziling could not help but feel a little speechless, but he thought that they were all kind, and he was not very happy with the crowd, so he got up from his seat and walked outside.

The leaders of the major forces stopped and separated to both sides and gave way to Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling walked out of the hall, only to see people standing on the square.

"This is too spectacular, isn't it?" Xun Tianyi saw the densely packed people and made a rough estimate, "I am afraid there are more than 100,000 people!"

This is just the monks in the Taoism, and there are countless more in the outer city!

"Look! The Devil Emperor is out!" At this moment, someone recognized Zhang Ziling and shouted.

As soon as this sentence was spoken, it was like a meteorite falling into the sea, and there was a shocking noise around it.

"Farewell to the devil!" For a moment, everyone shouted loudly, deafening.

Faintly, there is a real dragon condensed above the crowd.

"This, this is... the resonance of sentient beings?"

Tian Yu, who was lying on the cloud, saw the real dragon condensed below, his expression suddenly changed, and he stood up with an incredible expression.

The resonance of sentient beings is a phenomenon that only occurs after most of the creatures in a world worship or love a person to the extreme.

This kind of phenomenon generally only appears in the world of ordinary people with highly developed religions. Those believers often worship a certain pope or the real body, causing this kind of heaven and earth vision.

"Impossible... The monks on this continent respect the strong, and they live a life of intrigue every day. How could it be possible to resonate with all beings?"

A deep shock appeared on Tian Yu's face, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

After the palace ming of all sentient beings, as a god, she must go down to meet the person who triggered the palace chant of sentient beings and give blessings.

Even if Tianyu didn't want to go down, this world would force her down!

When Tianyu was shocked, the real dragon condensed by sentient beings' obsessions looked at her, and his eyes became extremely deep.

In the next moment, Tian Yu felt a huge suction from below. He couldn't stop it at all and was directly pulled down!

A sky bridge appeared in the sky, and Tianyu was forced to the bridge.

"Heaven's path has appeared!" A monk screamed when he saw Tianyu in the sky, and attracted the attention of many people around him, causing a shocking noise.

The whole Taoism has become quite lively.

Hearing the cheers below, Tian Yu could only bite the bullet and walk towards Zhang Ziling.

If he left at this time, not only would it violate the will of the world itself, but the majesty of being a heaven might also disappear.

In the eyes of sentient beings, the way of heaven should be ruthless. She can't show emotions in front of sentient beings.

Zhang Ziling was also a little surprised when everyone led Tianyu down, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help but smile.

He was worried that there was no reason to go to Tianyu, such as today Yu took the initiative to be pulled down by "public opinion", but it was convenient for him.

Tianyu walked up to Zhang Ziling reluctantly, and stretched out his white palms in front of everyone to bless Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling had given the power of Heavenly Dao back to Tianyu before, so Tianyu was still Heavenly Dao, and Zhang Ziling was no more than a mortal in Moyu Continent.

The strong power of heaven is permeating all around.

Zhang Ziling stared at Tian Yu, taking advantage of Tian Yu not paying attention, jumped and stepped on the ladder.

"You, what are you doing?"

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