Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1759: Tianyu's crisis?

When Tianyu saw Zhang Ziling suddenly appear in front of him, he panicked and wanted to escape.

It's a pity that I am now in full view of everyone, if I just run away like this, I am afraid it will have a very bad effect on the world.

"I want to ask you some questions, as long as you cooperate a little bit, nothing will happen." Zhang Ziling also seized an opportunity and asked Tianyu.

"I don't know anything, you don't need to ask!"

Before Tian Yu waited for Zhang Ziling to ask, he refused to answer Zhang Ziling.

She didn't want to answer anything about her sister.

"I don't ask about Tianxuan."

Tian Yu was taken aback for a moment, and stayed in a daze. She didn't expect Zhang Ziling to say such a thing.

"What do you...want to ask?"

Zhang Ziling looked at Tian Yu seriously, and asked softly: "Since your sister was are you doing?"


Tianyu never expected that Zhang Ziling would actually ask her about it!

Obviously they hadn't seen it before.

"If you only asked about this, then I can tell you responsibly that my sister's affairs have not affected me in any way."

"That's fine, then... the responsibility of protecting the Profound Sky Continent and Mo Yu Continent will be given to me."

Zhang Ziling asked Tian Yu softly, then turned and jumped off the ladder.


Tianyu didn't expect Zhang Ziling to give up asking himself like this. He was a little confused and looked at Zhang Ziling's back in confusion.

She thought that Zhang Ziling would keep asking about her sister's news, but she didn't expect that Zhang Ziling would say such things!

"Next... the responsibility of protecting Mo Yu Continent is entrusted to you?"

Tian Yu said softly, a complicated expression flashed in her beautiful eyes: "What do you want to do?"

The ladder below his feet gradually dissipated, and Tianyu gradually flew towards the sky.

The blessing ceremony just now has been completed, and Tian Yu can't stay here anymore, he wants to return to his guard.

"Boss... don't you ask her about Tianxuan?"

Looking at Tianyu constantly floating away, Xuntianyi asked Zhang Ziling.

"Don't ask, I can guess from the look in her eyes..." Zhang Ziling murmured, "She hates me a bit, and a little awe of me... But I just didn't see it completely from her eyes. Hatred."

"From this point of view alone, there will be nothing wrong with Tianxuan."

"Now what I am worried about is Tianyu..."

"Tianyu? What can she do?" Xun Tianyi was a little confused, did not understand why Zhang Ziling said that.

"After all, Daojun Tianyuan belongs to the ultimate system. If he dies in Mo Yu Continent, he may eventually focus his attention on Mo Yu Continent."

"Even if Tianyuan Daojun's death has nothing to do with Tianyu, as long as Tianyu and Tianxuan are eventually discovered, or Tianyu is also related to me, this is all bad for Tianyu."

"From her performance, she must have some way to contact Tianxuan..."

Zhang Ziling frowned slightly, a little worried.

After hearing Zhang Ziling’s words, Xun Tianyi also realized the problem: "Then what should we do? Tianyu is the heavenly way of Moyu Continent, we simply can’t take her out of Moyu Continent, and if we stay here all the time, The strength will not increase by half, and if this continues... there is no way to protect Tianyu for long."

"Even if we deliberately alienate Tianyu, according to my observations these days, that girl is not the one who can hide secrets at all. As long as the ultimate person comes to check, she will definitely reveal her stuff!"

"Ultimate's three thousand universes, in each universe at least four Dao Monarchs are under the jurisdiction of the Ultimate, as long as the Ultima sends a Dao Monarch to come over, Tian Yu will not even have the opportunity to ask me for help."

Zhang Ziling muttered to himself, looking at the cheering monks below, he was lost in thought, as if hesitating.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's silence, the Great Emperor Tianyong could not help but muster up the courage to see that Zhang Ziling had something on his mind. He stepped forward and asked, "I don't know what the Lord Devil is upset about. What can we do to help?"

Although the Great Emperor Tianyong felt that their power was insignificant to Zhang Ziling, their large population...quantitative changes caused qualitative changes, and might be able to help Zhang Ziling do something well.

"you guys……"

Zhang Ziling looked at the Great Emperor Tianyong, then glanced at the big figures behind him, and his heart moved slightly.

"The people you are present can represent those forces in Mo Yu mainland?" Zhang Ziling asked.

Hearing Zhang Ziling’s words, Emperor Tianyong was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly said: "Don’t hide the Lord Devil Emperor, in order to be grateful to Lord Devil Emperor, the eight states of Moyu Continent, each state’s top power, plus The heads of medium-sized forces in the various states, as well as the top monks in casual cultivation...all have arrived here."

"That is to can basically order monks from all over the continent?" Zhang Ziling raised an eyebrow and asked everyone.

"You can say that, my lord!"

A new emperor confidently said to Zhang Ziling.

The cultivators present are all heads of the mainland, even those who cultivate the demon way. As long as an order is given, cultivators from all walks of life will gather to respond!

"Is it……"

Zhang Ziling's eyes lit up, as if he had made a certain decision.

Seeing that Zhang Ziling could use them, the Great Emperor Tianyong couldn't help but feel a little excited, and quickly asked, "I also ask Lord Devil Emperor to give instructions. I will do my best if I can do it!"

"Well, next, I do have one thing for you to do."

Zhang Ziling's voice was wrapped in spiritual power and rang in everyone's ears.

The monks in the square suddenly became quiet at this moment, staring straight at Zhang Ziling.

"Lord Demon Emperor, please give orders!" The next moment, the shout shook the sky.


Zhang Ziling turned around, looked at the people on the square, and summoned the heaven seeker.

A majestic momentum broke out from Zhang Ziling's body.

The Great Emperor Tianyong and others came to the front of Zhang Ziling. The 100,000 monks in the leader's square were waiting for Zhang Ziling's order.

"Boss, what do you want me to do?"

Tian Xun Yi discovered that Zhang Ziling's momentum had changed, becoming domineering!

With its understanding of Zhang Ziling, Zhang Ziling's current momentum means that he has found a solution.

"Release the three-dimensional map of Mo Yu continent."

"it is good."

Although the Celestial Seeker didn't know what Zhang Ziling was going to do, he still projected the entire area of ​​Moyu Continent in accordance with Zhang Ziling's instructions and displayed it in the sky, which caused an exclamation.

All the monks stared at the extremely small and complex Mo Yu continent in the sky, shocked.

The monks with eye-like supernatural powers can even see their location on the map, as well as themselves on the map!

Everything in the world is covered!

"So fine!" The Great Emperor Tian Yong exclaimed. This was the first time he had seen a divine soldier who could completely reproduce Mo Yu Continent!

This kind of magic weapon, its effect is definitely far superior to other magic weapons!

Zhang Ziling scanned the map of Mo Yu Continent, his face couldn't help but a smile of joy, and said: "If this is the should be possible!"

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