Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1760: Let everyone fly?

Zhang Ziling calmly looked at the map of Mo Yu Continent in front of him, and his spirit filled the entire map of Mo Yu Continent.

Soon, there were light spots all over the continent, all over the continent.

"That is……"

Everyone looked at the irregularly distributed light spots, always feeling that they fit, but they couldn't see it.

"Boss, what are you doing?"

Even Xuntianyi was puzzled, and didn't understand the usefulness of the points marked by Zhang Ziling.

"These light spots are the weakest spots on the Mo Yu Continent, and they can easily divide the Mo Yu Continent." Zhang Ziling explained to the heavenly seeker.

"The weakest point?" The Celestial Seeker was taken aback for a moment, and then discovered that every point on Zhang Ziling's mark was the weakest place in the Moyu Continent, which could be easily broken.

"These points are indeed the weakest, but what is the use of marking these points?" Tian Xun Yi continued to ask.

They finally repaired Mo Yu Continent completely. Are they going to shred Mo Yu Continent now?

Zhang Ziling glanced at the map of Mo Yu Continent, and then smiled and said to the Heaven Seeker: "I am going to cut the entire Mo Yu Continent into countless small pieces, and then send the entire continent into my small world, and wait until I reach the upper position. After the world, release the Mo Yu continent and reassemble it."


Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, the Heaven Seeker almost didn't choke to death with his saliva!

"Boss, do you want to take the entire Mo Yu Continent into your little world? Are you kidding me?" Xun Tianyi asked with an incredible expression, shocked.

"Take Moyu Continent into the small world?" Tianxunyi did not control his own volume. The Emperor Tianyong behind Zhang Ziling and the others all heard what the Tianyi said, and they all became dull and stared at Zhang Ziling. .

This idea... is too crazy!

The Great Emperor Tianyong suddenly looked embarrassed and asked Zhang Ziling: "Master Devil... dare to ask, why do you want to take Mo Yu Continent into your own small world?"

Not to mention whether this can be done or not, this idea alone is difficult to accept.

Since ancient times, no one has ever been able to take the entire continent into his own small world...

Moreover, they didn't know the benefits of taking the entire Moyu continent into the small world.

Seeing Emperor Tianyong’s look puzzled, Zhang Ziling couldn’t help but patiently explain: “The Tianyuan Daojun I killed before was just a **** under the ultimate commander. It’s like a powerhouse at the level of Tianyuan Daojun. Ultimately, there are thousands of them."

Emperor Tianyong's face suddenly turned pale, and his body shook suddenly.

Tianyuan Daojun level powerhouse, there are... thousands of others?

He simply couldn't imagine what kind of force it was!

"Although Daojun Tianyuan is not a particularly powerful person, his position is still very important in the upper universe. Once he finally knows that Daojun Tianyuan was killed in Moyu Continent, he will definitely send others to investigate. "

"If I were not there at that time, I am afraid that Mo Yu Continent would still be unable to escape the fate of being perished."

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Emperor Tianyong was completely stunned.

Then, a look of fear appeared in his eyes.

The saints around were also shaking slightly, their brains blank.

If it is true what Zhang Ziling said, unless Zhang Ziling stays on Mo Yu Continent, they will definitely die!

With Zhang Ziling's strength, Emperor Tianyong didn't need to think about it and knew that Zhang Ziling would never be able to stay.

The resource pile here is too scarce for Zhang Ziling, and the spiritual power is not suitable for Zhang Ziling to absorb.

If Zhang Ziling wants to continue to grow stronger, it is impossible to stay.

"So... Lord Devil, you are going to cut Mo Yu Continent into small pieces one by one, and take them with you?"

The Great Emperor Tianyong suddenly understood Zhang Ziling's approach, and couldn't help asking.

"Well, that's probably the case." Zhang Ziling nodded, "When the situation stabilizes, I will put you all in the upper world, and then I will splice the entire Moyu continent together."

"In the upper world, your realm shackles will also disappear. As long as the talent is sufficient, there is no problem in practicing to the Dao Sovereign."

"Ascension of all?" When all the saints around heard this explanation of Zhang Ziling, it was the word that came to their mind the first time!

If it can be done, it will undoubtedly be a great opportunity for them!

From ancient times to the present, none of their predecessors in Mo Yu Continent have been able to break through the air. If Zhang Ziling can make the entire Mo Yu Continent soar, wouldn't it have fulfilled the long-cherished wish of countless ancients?

However, after everyone was excited for a moment, they calmed down and thought of a serious problem.

Is there really someone who can take the entire Mo Yu continent to the small world?

Mo Yu Continent is vast and boundless, and there is almost no end in sight. Even if it is as strong as the Devil Emperor, in their opinion, there is still no way to do this.

This project is so vast that it is too big for people to imagine!

After everyone calmed down, the surrounding atmosphere became solemn.

Now they are not opposed to Zhang Ziling's taking Mo Yu Continent into the small world. This is good for all of them. There is no reason to refuse...

But the key is how to get Zhang Ziling to take Mo Yu Continent to the small world?

"Master Devil...Even if we can cut Mo Yu Continent into countless small pieces, the entire volume will remain unchanged. Can you really fit Mo Yu Continent?"

The eyes of Emperor Tianyong were full of hesitation.

He also has a small world, but compared to the entire Mo Yu continent, his small world is simply not worth mentioning, a drop in the ocean.

And Mo Yu Continent is a complete world, with a complete system, can Zhang Ziling's small world allow Mo Yu Continent to function normally?

All of this is a problem, and it is impossible to do it!

"Well... the small world in my body has evolved into a universe, and there is no problem loading Mo Yu Continent." When everyone hesitated, Zhang Ziling nodded without changing his face, and said without hesitation.

"Evolve, evolve into a universe?" The Great Emperor Tian Yong was a little confused.

"It's just that, in order to receive the entire area of ​​Mo Yu Continent into the Small World, my small world entrance is not very large and cannot be absorbed as a whole, so I need to cut Mo Yu Continent into small pieces."

"When I cut the Mo Yu continent, it would have an impact on the world and even some natural disasters..."

"So I need you to bring people from all over the world together, and the strong will unite the barrier together to resist the disasters caused by my cutting the continent."

"As long as you can do it..."

"I can make you all fly!"

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