Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1761: Tianyu's Mind

All soar!

Hearing these four words from Zhang Ziling's mouth, everyone was a little dazed, and then their heart beat!

What Zhang Ziling said was quite convincing in their hearts!

Zhang Ziling said that if it can be done, it will definitely be done!

"Don't worry, Lord Devil, I will do my best to arrange and ensure the completion of the task!" The crowd replied emotionally, with excitement and excitement in their eyes.

Seeing everyone's self-confidence, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but a smile flashed in his eyes, and said, "You should remember the map of the area you are responsible for, and remember the point I will cut."

"Many places will cause various disasters. I think the people of your major forces should also have capable warlocks, who can figure out what impact the point I cut will have on the local area."

"I will give you a month of preparation time, and then I will start cutting the Mo Yu continent. You have everything ready."

"When I cut the Mo Yu continent, I didn't have the energy to protect you, and then I will only rely on you."

A solemn look appeared on everyone's face, putting this matter in the most important position.

Soon, Zhang Ziling marked all the places he wanted to cut, and divided the entire Moyu continent into countless pieces.

Although on the map, everyone is basically not sure how many pieces are divided into, but after this world, each continent fragment has a considerable area and can hold many people.

As long as everyone gathers together to form a barrier on the periphery, most people's lives will not be affected in any way, and they will not even feel the impact of the disaster.

Zhang Ziling divided the map of Mo Yu Continent and let the people in charge of each area take it away.

Letting the entire continent soar is a large-scale action. If you want to reduce casualties or even no casualties, you can only let the major forces coordinate, which cannot be accomplished by Zhang Ziling alone.

After all the tasks were assigned, Zhang Ziling temporarily stayed in the Taoism of the Great Emperor Tianyong.

One month's time, for Zhang Ziling, it was just a blink of an eye.

During this period, Tianyu Tiandao also knew what Zhang Ziling was going to do, and felt quite unbelievable about Zhang Ziling's crazy actions, and came to Zhang Ziling several times.

Tian Yu didn't understand Zhang Ziling's approach at all, and had never seen the matter of making the entire continent soar since she became the Tao of Heaven.

She hadn't even heard of it!

Zhang Ziling was the first monster to do such a thing.

Too crazy!

Of course, behind Tian Yu also understood Zhang Ziling's purpose for doing this, and his emotions towards Zhang Ziling became quite complicated.

No one has ever done this to her...

She also couldn't predict what the impact would be after doing this.

Even worse, she has no power to stop Zhang Ziling from doing this!

"Master Devil, news has come from all over the place, everything is ready."

When Tianyu was in the hall and was persuading Zhang Ziling to give up the matter of letting Moyu Continent ascend, Emperor Tianyong walked in quickly and reported the progress to Zhang Ziling.

For example, Emperor Yong is full of vitality and blood, and his mental state is extremely good. The aura exuding all over his body is shocking.

After he broke through to the supreme, his cultivation was like a blowout, constantly rising, and the Great Emperor Tianyong even reached the point where he didn't even need to practice, his strength was constantly growing!


Hearing the report from Emperor Tianyong, Zhang Ziling nodded and stood up.

"Are you really going to do it?"

Seeing Zhang Ziling's momentum began to soar, Tianyu couldn't help but ask.


Zhang Ziling turned around and smiled at Tian Yu: "Why, are you worried about me?"

"I!" Tian Yu's pretty face blushed, first paused, and then insisted: "Don't be passionate! I'm just worried, if you take the Mo Yu Continent and be targeted and killed by the ultimate, I should How to do?"

"What you did is so crazy, you will definitely be noticed by the ultimate!"

Tian Yu stared directly at Zhang Ziling, and asked, "You...really are not afraid to find it in the end?"

Seeing the worry hidden deep in Tianyu's eyes, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but warm up, and then smiled and said, "Don't worry, he can't find it."


Tianyu was slightly taken aback.

Zhang Ziling didn't mean to conceal Tianyu, and summoned the bronze fragments in his body.


The moment the bronze shards appeared, the violent force instantly collapsed the surrounding space, and the whole world became pitch black, with thunder bursts.

Tianyu and Tianyong's face changed drastically.

Zhang Ziling took the bronze shards back, and the surroundings quickly returned to normal. The fragmented space was slowly repaired under Zhang Ziling's gentle power.

The violent power disappeared, and the Great Emperor Tianyong slumped to the ground, his body already wet with sweat.

At that moment, he felt that he was facing the heart of the universe, and he was small and dusty!

"This, this is..." Tianyu pursed his lips slightly, his eyes filled with incredible, "Ultimate Heart?"

"How can you have the ultimate heart?"

Tian Yu looked at Zhang Ziling and asked, his tone was extremely anxious.

The ultimate mind contains the ultimate supreme secret, a holy thing that no one can touch, every fragment has supreme power.

Ultimately, it is impossible for anyone to get his things!

Seeing Tianyu's shocking look, Zhang Ziling's smile became stronger and stronger, and he chuckled softly: "Do you think that the movement of me getting this thing is big, or the movement that makes the whole of Mo Yu Continent soar?"


Tian Yu swallowed slightly and his brain went blank.

The importance of the ultimate heart is far more important than her Mo Yu continent.

But now, Zhang Ziling actually got a piece of ultimate heart?

"You should understand now?" Zhang Ziling looked at Tian Yu and squinted with a smile.

Tian Yu took a deep look at Zhang Ziling, and said in a deep voice, "You lunatic..."

Having the ultimate heart on the body is equivalent to carrying a time bomb.

Although I don’t know why the ultimate did not stop Zhang Ziling from holding the ultimate heart, there is one thing Tianyu knows very well that the ultimate is absolutely impossible to let go of Zhang Ziling!

Anyway, she has been targeted by Ultimate, and it has no effect on Mo Yu Continent to ascend.

"A madman is not a madman, I don't know, but I am very sober..."

"Sooner or later, I will go to the ultimate and take off his head personally."

Speaking of this, a trace of bloodthirsty red light flashed in Zhang Ziling's eyes, and a powerful aura burst out of his body, making Tian Yu stunned.

Take off... the ultimate head?

Tianyu never thought that someone could say such a thing!

Is it for... Sister?

Tian Yu looked at Zhang Ziling in a daze, she suddenly realized that she seemed to...not understand Zhang Ziling at all!

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