Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1762: Split the continent!

"Xuntian, are you ready?"

Standing in the void, Zhang Ziling calmly looked at the Mo Yu Continent below, and asked faintly.

"Don't worry, boss, everything is ready." Tian Xunyi appeared beside Zhang Ziling, full of energy.

What they have to do next is an unprecedented event!

No matter what the outcome of this incident is, Tian Xun Yi believes that they will definitely leave a lot of ink in the history of the three thousand universes!

"Hmm..." Zhang Ziling couldn't help but nodded when hearing the words of Xuntianyi, his expression gradually becoming serious.

Powerful spirits diffused out of his body and spread to the surroundings.

"Here, everyone prepare!"

All over the Mo Yu Continent, the leaders of the forces who felt Zhang Ziling's soul power shouted out loudly, so that the monks responsible for preventing disasters were prepared to gather barriers at any time.

Everyone looked at Zhang Ziling standing in the void, with awe in their eyes.

Soon, Zhang Ziling's spirit power was immersed in Mo Yu Continent, wrapping the entire Mo Yu Continent.

A dazzling beam of light shot straight into the sky from the ground, and then the beams of light were connected together.

Each beam of light represents a weak point on the Moyu Continent. When two beams of light are connected together, it means that the connected place will be cut!

"The monks listen to the order and gather the defense barrier!"

The leaders of the major forces on the Mo Yu Continent saw the barrier rise and shouted, asking the major cultivators to sacrifice the defensive circle and gather the barrier in accordance with the previous instructions.

One huge barrier rose one after another, protecting all the people inside.

Massive monks injected their power into the magic circle to strengthen the defense of the barrier.

The top forces in the major states are affecting all forces, and everyone cooperates sincerely to make the Moyu Continent bloom everywhere, and colorful defense barriers are everywhere.

"It's a beautiful sight..."

Zhang Ziling looked at the colorful barriers below, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The scene of the monks from the entire continent working together to complete a major project, Zhang Ziling had never thought about it before.

Seeing the seriousness of those monks, Zhang Ziling wanted to protect these people.

Now, Zhang Ziling had no idea whether he was protecting Mo Yu Continent for the sake of Tianyu, or simply he wanted to protect it.

The beams of light were connected together, and the entire Mo Yu Continent was divided by powerful spiritual power, which was extremely spectacular.

The cultivators across the continent looked nervously at the beams of light, their bodies trembling slightly.

Such a spectacular sight shocked many people.

Zhang Ziling closed his eyes slightly, and the dark devilish energy filled his body, and the terrifying aura echoed around him.

"let's start……"


The beam of light suddenly burst out with a powerful force, the earth split one after another, and all the monks could feel the violent vibration.

Mountains collapsed, mountains and rivers flooded, endless boulders and rivers hit the barriers, and the roar continued.

The major cultivators fully defended, truck after truck of Spirit Gathering Pills came from behind, and the monks in charge of defense ate the Spirit Gathering Pills as jelly beans to restore their spiritual power!

With the concerted efforts of all monks and one month of preparation, the disaster caused by the division of the mainland did not affect anyone.

"The people behind will make up!"

"The Spirit Gathering Pill refined by the pharmacist is here, come and distribute it!"

"Here we need to come to two masters of formation, find someone to transfer over!"

Leaders of all parties are fully commanding, and the barrier will stand tall in the disaster that seems to be annihilating!


Seeing that all places had resisted the first shock, Zhang Ziling couldn't help letting go of the rock hanging in his heart.

Although there are still a lot of shocks in the following, compared with the first wave, it is much weaker.

Zhang Ziling began to manipulate his spiritual power to float the fragmented land piece by piece.

The monks could see the continents floating in the air, and the sea water falling from the sky, forming a huge waterfall, which was extremely spectacular.

"I can see this scene without regrets in my life."

An old man looked at the palace of the hanging sky with shock in his eyes.

No one has ever seen such a spectacular sight!

One continent after another was suspended in the air, and the rocks rolled down.

Every fragmented continent is a miracle for people.

Even Tianyu, who was standing in the clouds, had an incredible look on his face, and his eyes were full of shock.

"What is this...what a magnificent power?" Tian Yu muttered, unable to help but look at Zhang Ziling, her beautiful eyes gradually becoming deep.

"What on earth has he... experienced?"

Tianyu believes that with how much power he has, how much danger he will experience before.

Now that Zhang Ziling is showing such a powerful force, Tianyu can't imagine what Zhang Ziling has experienced.

No power can grow out of thin air.

"Boss, it's almost time to absorb the first batch."

Looking at the dozens of continents floating in the sky, the celestial seeker said seriously.


Zhang Ziling nodded, and dragged the mainland fragments towards him with strong spiritual power.

The people on those mainland fragments watched themselves getting closer and closer to Zhang Ziling, and their faces became more and more excited.

"Don't be careless! Full defense!"

The leaders of all parties did not relax, shouted loudly, let everyone keep calm!

When everyone heard the roar, they all recovered and quickly strengthened the barrier defense.

For them now, it is not absolutely safe, as long as they are careless, they will be destroyed!

"The first piece..."

Zhang Ziling looked at the mainland in front of him with a dignified face, and he was quite nervous!

It is the first time he has done such a thing. Be careful in everything!

Endless spiritual power burst out from Zhang Ziling's palm and turned into a huge film, wrapping the entire continent fragments inside!

The door of the small world opened wide, and in the eyes of everyone below, the huge land quickly shrank under the action of the spiritual film and was sucked into Zhang Ziling's body.


The cultivators below saw Zhang Ziling accepting that piece of land fragments, and suddenly burst into a shocking noise!

There was ecstasy on everyone's faces, so excited that they couldn't help themselves.

In fact, although they are all willing to believe in Zhang Ziling, everyone is extremely worried about the fact that the entire continent will rise!

Now seeing the first piece of absorption, everyone's hanging hearts are finally let go!

"This, this guy... actually..."

Tian Yu looked at Zhang Ziling in a daze, with shock on his face.

"It really succeeded!"

As the Dao of Heaven... she could clearly feel that a part of Mo Yu Continent had entered the small world of Zhang Ziling!

"Unbelievable... incredible!"

"It seems that it is not as difficult as imagined..." Zhang Ziling could not help but smile after successfully absorbing the first continent, instantly extremely relaxed.

The heaven seeker was dancing beside him, and he was extremely excited:

"Hahaha! We did it... we can succeed!"

"We are going to let the whole continent soar!"

Zhang Ziling looked at the divided continent below, and listened to the sky-shaking cheers, with a faint smile on his mouth:

"Then next... we should have a big fight!"


The powerful spiritual power exploded around!

Another fragment of the mainland flew towards Zhang Ziling!

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