Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1763: Zi You Appears

As piece by piece of continent fragments were brought into the small world by Zhang Ziling, the process of absorbing the entire Moyu continent had come to an end.

The remaining continent is less than one-tenth, and Zhang Ziling has become more and more proficient, and the speed of absorbing mainland debris is getting faster and faster.

And those continents, which were like small worlds, were rejoined under Zhang Ziling's spiritual power.

In Zhang Ziling's small world, Zhang Ziling can do whatever he wants. It is much easier to rejoin the mainland than outside, and it doesn't take Zhang Ziling much power.

Tianyu stared at the Tianyu Continent being absorbed by Zhang Ziling into the small world, completely stunned.

In the history of the three thousand universes, such a thing had never happened before, and she had no idea how to describe her feelings.

Can a person collect a whole continent into his own small world?

Every time Zhang Ziling received a piece of mainland fragments, Tianyu felt that a certain shackle on his body was constantly disappearing.

It stands to reason that as a world of heaven, you cannot go anywhere except your own world.

But now, Tianyu suddenly felt that he could follow Zhang Ziling to any place in the Three Thousand Universe, without any restrictions!

This is undoubtedly a shocking surprise for Tianyu!

She had never left Mo Yu Continent, and she didn't even know what the Xuanxiao Continent under her sister was.

If it is possible, she really wants to go and take a look.

Seeing this change in his body, Tian Yu suddenly became less repulsive to Zhang Ziling.

"This guy...maybe I can really save my sister!"

Tianyu looked at Zhang Ziling's eyes shining brightly, and this premonition faintly appeared in his heart.

In these days, Zhang Ziling has shown too many miracles, and has done many things she could not even imagine.

She always felt that Zhang Ziling was different from others.

Gradually, the expression Tianyu looked at Zhang Ziling completely changed.


As Zhang Ziling took the last fragment of Mo Yu mainland into the small world, Tian Yu felt that something imprisoning him had completely disappeared, as if he had become a free man...

As long as you are not too far away from Zhang Ziling, you will not be affected in any way!

Tianyu's mood gradually rose.

"This feeling..." Tian Yu felt that his whole body was extremely relaxed, with surprise on his face.

At this moment, only Zhang Ziling and Tianyu were standing in the cosmic starry sky, and everyone in Moyu Continent was brought into the small world by Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling did not intend to interfere with the regular operation of Moyu Continent, and provided Moyu Continent with all the energy needed, and even created a sun and moon by himself.

After a few days, Mo Yu Continent will return to the right track, and the major forces may return to the previous life environment in which the deceitful and powerful survive.

Only in constant struggle can we continue to grow stronger.

Moreover, Zhang Ziling also deliberately speeded up the flow of time in Mo Yu Continent. When he summoned Mo Yu Continent again, Mo Yu Continent must have undergone brand-new changes and could better adapt to the upper world!

After stabilizing the environment of Mo Yu Continent, Zhang Ziling looked at Tian Yu who was still stunned next to him, and smiled: "Tian Yu, now Mo Yu Continent is on me, I'm afraid you have to follow me."

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Tianyu was able to recover, and looked at Zhang Ziling with a complicated expression: "I, I...will you stay with you all the time?"

"Of course, if you don't want to see me, you can enter my little world at any time and go back to Moyu Continent, where you are still the Dao of Heaven, and there is no difference from your previous life."

"However, there are still some differences."

"Where is it different?"

Tianyu had never experienced anything like this before, even if she was a god, she didn't know what would happen next, just like a child who had just left home.

Quite frightened.

"After I collected Mo Yu Continent, I found that a ban was finally placed on you. That ban can control your emotions and can also completely restrict you to one place."

"For your safety, I helped you lift the restriction. I guess there will be no way to summon you in the future."

" ban?"

Tian Yu was still a little confused, and didn't think of any restrictions on him.

"No matter what you look like, I don't know what this restriction is." Zhang Ziling looked at Tian Yu and shook his head, and did not intend to continue to ask.

"I'm going back to Antarctica now to do something, do you want to go together?"

"Antarctic sky? Where is that?" There was a hint of curiosity in Tianyu's eyes. She had never heard of Antarctic sky.

Seeing Tianyu's curious look, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but smile at the corners of his mouth, turning around and flying away: "You'll know after you follow!"

"It will sell off!"

Looking at Zhang Ziling's back, Tian Yu couldn't help rolling his eyes, and then he chased him!


Origin Star, the stronghold of the Shadow Palace, countless black-clothed monks stood outside the temple, and the whole body was filled with an extremely terrifying aura.

Among those black-clothed monks, most of them are still supreme-level powerhouses, one-third are Taoist priests, and there are even no less than ten powerhouses at the Taoist level!

Those strong men all stood outside the temple, extremely quiet, seeming to be waiting for someone.

The surrounding atmosphere solidified to the extreme, the sky was dim, and thunder flickered.

Now the Shadow Palace has a very high status on the Origin Star, countless large forces have surrendered to the Shadow Palace, and the powerful Taoists have rushed to the Shadow Palace, seeking to join.

Within a 10,000-mile radius of the Shadow Palace stronghold, no monk from other forces dared to approach.

Among the Origin Stars, apart from the four strongest forces in the four poles of the Origin Star, the Shadow Palace is the strongest.

If the Antarctic Sky hadn't been supported by Tianyuan Daojun in Origin Star, their stronghold in Origin Star would have been erased by the Shadow Palace.

At this time, the beautiful woman walked out of the Shadow Palace, she was green silk like a waterfall, her figure was beautiful, and her face was as cold as frost.

A terrifying aura permeated from her body, and the monks outside the Shadow Palace felt the aura of that beautiful woman, and they all felt tremendous pressure.

That woman is Dao Sovereign Great Perfection!

"Welcome to the Lord!"

After the beautiful woman walked out of the Shadow Palace, a group of monks outside the Shadow Palace saluted the woman in a solemn manner.

Master of the Shadow Palace, Zhang Ziyou!

Zhang Ziyou glanced at the monk below indifferently, there was no emotional change in his eyes.

The extremely cold pressure on her body made everyone afraid to show up.

"Everyone listens to the order!"

"Listen to your Highness!"

"Antarctic sky, Tianyuan Daojun is dead...Today, it will be the day when my Shadow Palace will rise to power. Set out... eradicate the Antarctic sky!"

"Eliminate the Antarctic Sky!"

A group of shadow temple monks shouted and killed all day, violent spiritual power soared to the sky, as if to douse everything!

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