Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1764: Crimson and Ghost Refining

Southern Universe, Antarctic City.

"This is the capital of Daojun Tianyuan? What a style!"

Tianyu looked at the prosperous surroundings, there were Taoist-level powerhouses everywhere, she kept exclaiming, as if she had come from the countryside to a big city, and she was full of surprises at everything.

Tian Yu's surprised look attracted a lot of eyeballs around him.

Because the various parts of the Antarctic Palace are relatively independent, and all the people in the Deacon’s Palace were slaughtered by Zhang Ziling, the Antarctic City does not know the news that Tianyuan Daojun has died, so the Antarctic City is still normal and there is no riot. .

Probably, only after the Antarctic Sky was completely destroyed by the Shadow Palace at Origin Star’s residence, the people of Antarctic City would realize that the Tianyuan Dao Army they are proud of...

Has been slaughtered long ago.

Jinning also came out of the small world at this moment, as Zhang Ziling's guide, took Zhang Ziling to the arena.

In this Antarctic sky, there are still many lower realm monks who are treated as slaves by the people here. Before going to Origin Star, Zhang Ziling wants to take this Antarctic sky as his own power and liberate the lower realm monks.

After all, if Zhang Ziling wants Mo Yu Continent and Xuanxiao Continent to rise together, he must give the two continents a safe environment for development.

The Antarctic Sky, as the superior power that governs the universe where the Xuanxiao Continent is located, and as the protection circle of the two continents, is perfect.

"Jinning! Have you done everything?"

Just as Jinning led the masked Zhang Ziling and Tianyu looking around to the arena, the voices of the red ghost and Qingyuan came over, attracting everyone's attention.

Jin Ning looked over and saw Hong Gui and Qing Yuan walking over with a look of surprise.

"It's the red ghost and the green kite!" Jinning subconsciously looked at Zhang Ziling, wanting to know what Zhang Ziling would do.

After Zhang Ziling killed the Tianyuan Daojun, Jinning completely surrendered to Zhang Ziling, and believed that Zhang Ziling could do anything!

Dao Monarch Tian Yuan is already one of the four domain masters of the universe, and his cultivation is terrifying, but Zhang Ziling can easily kill Dao Monarch Tian Yuan, which also means that Zhang Ziling has at least the power of a Dao Master!


That was the realm in the legend, in the three thousand universes, it has been a long time since the Taoist master appeared.

The only thing that can be seen by the Taoist Lord now is the center of the universe, the origin star connecting the three thousand universes.

There is also a place where various forces compete.

But now, a living Taoist master has become her master!

Jin Ning doesn't need to think about it, as long as she follows Zhang Ziling well, does not die, and does everything according to what Zhang Ziling said, the future will be bright!

As long as Zhang Ziling asked her to attack the Red Ghost and Qingyuan immediately, she would not hesitate.

Now I am not afraid of revealing my identity.

Zhang Ziling just looked at the Red Ghost and Qing Yuan calmly, and didn't say anything.

Seeing Zhang Ziling look like this, Jin Ning also understood that Zhang Ziling did not want to do anything to the two of them at present, nor did he want to cause any major incidents.

Comprehending what Zhang Ziling meant, Jin Ning also smiled and said to the red ghost and Qingyuan: "I am going to the arena to watch the competition, you guys?"

"It's just right! We are also bored, we are going to the arena to play, let's go together!" Qing Yuan looked at Jin Ning with a smile, and proposed the same way.

Seeing Qing Yuan's appearance, Jin Ning's mouth twitched.

She wanted to laugh when she thought of Qing Yuan and Hong Gui's expressions after they knew who the masked man standing behind them was.

However, Jin Ning now couldn't find a reason to reject Qing Yuan and Hong Gui, so he nodded and agreed.

"By the way, Jin Ning, who is this little girl?" Hong Gui focused his attention on Tian Yu.

For example, with the evolution of Mo Yu Continent today, Yu's cultivation base has already possessed the strength of the supreme late stage, and his body is faintly filled with the atmosphere of heaven, which makes people look ethereal and eye-catching.

For a lovely loli like Tianyu, Jinning naturally cannot continue to say that she is her own slave, and smiled and said: "She is my sister, who just came to Antarctica."

"Your sister?" The red ghost raised his brows: "Why haven't I heard that you have a younger sister?"

"You haven't heard of more, do I have to tell you one by one?" Jin Ning gave the red ghost a white look, and did not give the red ghost too much explanation.

In the Antarctic Palace, the status of the three of them is the same, and Jinning now has Zhang Ziling as the backstage, so she doesn't have to continue to have a good relationship with the red ghost, and she speaks a lot more casually.

Jin Ning’s tone was rushed, making the red ghost a little embarrassed. She didn’t know how to answer, but Qing Yuan quickly reacted and quickly said: "That’s right, Jin Ning’s sister’s hidden world will tell you everything. You should be honest!"

The red ghost smiled wryly, and descended on the ladder that Qing Yuan built:

"Haha! I was abrupt. Let's go to the arena first. Today's competition is about to begin. I heard that today is a duel between the two ace kings, Crimson and Ghost Lian. There are also many newly added slaves. It must be very exciting! "

"Yeah! Both Scarlet and Guilian have won a thousand consecutive victories in the arena, and they are definitely the most peak powers in the emperor rank. Today, the two slaves duel, the odds on both sides are very close!"

Qing Yuan also shifted the topic to the arena.

The two imperial-level powerhouses, Crimson and Guilian, were slaves caught and killed hundreds of years ago. During these hundreds of years, countless imperial-level powerhouses died in the arena, and only Crimson and Guilian have been Alive.

"If it hadn't been for the recent conflict between the two young masters of the Stardust Sect and the South Heaven Pavilion, Crimson and Ghost Lian would not have played! After all, those two are the treasures of the two families and won a lot of money for the two young masters!"

Speaking of this, the red ghost is also a little bit sorrowful, after all, in the arena, it will not be over until one party is completely dead.

Both Crimson and Guilian are heroes. If they were born in the Antarctic Sky, they are probably at least the existence of Dao Zun Dzogchen now. Unfortunately, they were born in the wrong place.

Hearing the conversations of several people, Zhang Ziling's eyes flickered, and his head lowered slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"What is the arena you are talking about? Why don't I understand?" Tianyu had a dull expression, not sure what the few people were talking about.

After all, Tianyu is the heaven of Moyu continent, and the strongest existence in Moyu continent is nothing but Emperor Tianyong. She can't imagine that an existence of the level of Emperor Tianyong is treated as a slave, fighting in the arena for fun. Picture.

Tianyu’s doubts, the red ghost only regarded her as a foreigner, and did not know the news of the arena, so he smiled and said: "We will know when we have passed. Let’s go, this time Scarlet and Guilian are going to play, it’s late to fight. There is no place for the field!"

"it is good!"

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