Cangqing Arena, the largest arena in the Antarctic City, is extremely magnificent, and the venue is open enough to accommodate one million people!

After all, it was an emperor-level battle. Although the strength of the emperor-level cultivators here would be suppressed a lot, they still had good strength.

If the scene is not open, the dueling people will not be able to show off, and the appreciation will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, in order to enhance the enjoyment of fighting, the organizers also deliberately made the battlefield extremely large.

Anyway, everyone is a monk, and there is no problem with eyesight.

After Zhang Ziling entered the arena and sat in the VIP seats, the arena was full of people, shouting and killing deafening. If the strength is weak, if they don't use spiritual power to protect their ears, they are likely to be directly deafened.

"It took me a lot of money to get these five positions. Jinning, you owe me a favor!" After sitting down, the red ghost reminded Jinning with a complaint.

He originally only wanted four seats. After all, in his opinion, Zhang Ziling was just a slave, and he was not qualified to sit with them at all!

However, Jinning insisted on giving Zhang Ziling a seat, so the red ghost had to reluctantly change another seat at a high price.

Today is a duel between Crimson and Guilian. The price of each seat is quite expensive, not to mention the VIP area on the first floor. A seat can be said to be a sky-high price!

Buy five seats at once, the red ghost is very painful.

"I know, I know, so much nonsense!" Jin Ning was a little impatient when he saw the red ghost talking about it all the time, and said directly.

In her eyes, letting the red ghost directly buy five positions and brushing her favor in front of Zhang Ziling is already her great favor to the red ghost.

Otherwise, Qing Yuan and Red Ghost will die at Zhang Ziling's hands sooner or later.

At that time, life was gone, and money, something outside of the body, didn't make any sense.

The Red Ghost also felt a little wronged for Jinning's impatient attitude, so he had to give Zhang Ziling a bitter look.

"Okay, stop arguing between you two, look over there... Stardust Sect and the young master of Nantian Pavilion are both there. If you two provoke that kind of character because of the quarrel, then your life will be gone!"

Qing Yuan giggled and persuaded.

In fact, without adding other factors, the relationship between Qingyuanhonggui and Jinning is quite good, but it is a pity that they are both masters and doing different things.

Qing Yuan and Hong Gui knew that Jin Ning had a problem, and even knew that the man wearing the mask was a strong one.

They haven't done anything up to now, except that they haven't received the above instructions, and they are also hesitating whether to do anything to Jinning.

After all, this is in the Antarctic Sky, they occupy the absolute home field, if they really do, they are not afraid of how strong Zhang Ziling is.

Zhang Ziling was not interested in paying attention to the complex emotions of Qing Yuan and Hong Gui, he had already focused on the Stardust Sect and the young master of the Southern Heaven Pavilion.

He wants to unify the three powers of the Antarctic Sky, Stardust Sect, Nantian Pavilion and Wuximen.

If these three forces can directly surrender the best, that will save him a lot of energy.

However, if there are one or two of these three, or all of them are hard bones, Zhang Ziling doesn't mind a major purge in Antarctic City.

"Come on! Guilian is out!"

With a loud shout, the crowd suddenly became commotion. Everyone craned their necks and looked into the arena, only to see two cultivators from the True Martial Realm pulling a cage cart out.

There was a long-haired man with tattered clothes in the cage. His face was pale, his face was thin, and his mental state was extremely poor.

The slaves who competed in the arena generally would be locked up by the slave owner to heal their wounds after experiencing the fight, and when the wounds were healed, they would be released again and continue to fight until the slave died.

In the Antarctic sky, no one sees slaves in the lower realms as human beings.

Therefore, even stars like Ghost Lian and Crimson were treated a little better than other slaves, and they would be treated after the fight was over.

Some slaves, if they do not perform well on the field, will be thrown into the dungeon by the slave owner after a fight, and they will not be treated for their injuries, leaving them to die from serious injuries.

Zhang Ziling looked carefully at Ghost Lian, and found that his body was covered with hideous scars, and he looked like a strong man with a long history of battle.

If such a person is allowed to break through to the Supreme, I am afraid that he can directly confront the Supreme Dzogchen, and if he breaks through, he will directly confront the Dao Zun!

This is a truly invincible powerhouse of the same rank.

When Zhang Ziling saw Ghost Lian at first sight, he thought about cultivating Ghost Lian.

Being able to live in this environment for thousands of years is definitely not to be underestimated!

And the will to survive is enough to make people admire.

"Why is he locked in?" Tian Yu looked at Gui Lian with an incredible expression, completely unable to understand.

Ghost Lian is the emperor's pinnacle strength, is the supreme of a realm, but now he is treated like a beast, she can't accept it at all.

Hearing Tianyu's words, Red Ghost and Qingyuan also looked at Tianyu with a face of confusion, not understanding why Tianyu would say such words.

In their view, Ghost Lian is a powerful emperor who was caught from the lower realm, and he was a slave, so he should be treated like this.

However, before Red Ghost and Tianyu could explain, the cry of Young Master Stardust Sect over there rang, attracting everyone's attention.

"Hahaha! Nanming, how is my ghost practice? Are you scared?"

After Ghost Lian was pulled onto the court, Stardust Sect Young Master Chen Ning laughed out loud, taunting Nan Tian Pavilion Young Master not far away.

The Young Master of the Stardust Sect has fat head and big ears, and there are stunning beauties sitting on the left and right, and just laughter can make the fat all over him tremble.

However, no one around dared to laugh at Chen Ning, and the eyes that looked at him were all in awe.

In Antarctic City, apart from the Antarctic Palace, the Stardust Sect is one of the three top powers, and no one dares to mess with it.

Chenning is even more of a tyrant in the Antarctic City. Although he has only supreme strength, it is frightening to hear.

"Huh! Fatty Chen, don't be proud of you! My crimson is the number one fighter in the blue arena, and three moves can tear your trash ghost refinement to pieces!"

Nanming, the young master of Nantian Pavilion, sneered with a look of disdain.

Different from Chenning, this Nanming is thin like a bamboo pole, with sharp teeth and sharp mouth, showing a bitterness.

Being mocked by Nan Ming, Chen Ning's eyes could not help but anger, and immediately yelled at the ghost in the arena: "Ghost! If you don't tear the crimson to pieces! After I go back, I will tear you to pieces myself. Fragments!"

The caged Gui Lian raised his eyes to look at Nan Ming. There was no emotion in his eyes, and he was indifferent to the extreme.

Obviously, in the endless fighting, he has been completely numb.

Zhang Ziling looked at the look of Gui Lian, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and the expression in Chen Ning's eyes also showed cold killing intent.

The deity of the world should not be treated like this!

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