Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1766: Emperor Dragon

"Fatty Chen, look at your silly ghost, want to beat my crimson? Go next life!"

Nan Ming's laughter echoed in the arena, and a huge iron cage was pulled out by two cultivators in the real martial state.

In the iron cage, there was a sturdy man with a stature of more than two meters, red hair and a hideous face constantly hitting the iron prison.

The harsh metal impact stimulated everyone's ears, but it made everyone more excited!

Crimson's explosive muscles have great visual impact.

As soon as the crimson came out, the whole arena was loudly loud.

Crimson is a powerful emperor, with spiritual power that can transform dragons. Every time his duel is quite exciting and bloody, Crimson's popularity in the Cangqing Arena is quite high, far surpassing that of ghosts!

Hearing the loud shouts of the audience, Crimson's hands firmly grasped the iron cage, a pair of red eyes glowed, hissing roar:


The entire Cangqing arena shook, and the first two True Martial Realm cultivators were shaken by powerful forces and died suddenly!

"Hahaha! I saw Fatty Wuchen! This is my crimson! Your ghost-refining chicken cub is dead!" Nan Ming was quite satisfied with Blush's appearance, and mocked Chen Ning to his heart's content.

Now Blush has completely lost the reason that belongs to people, and has become a complete fighting beast!

"Damn it! What drag?"

Chen Ning was obviously dissatisfied with the suppression of Gui Lian's crimson aura, and the eyes that looked at Gui Lian could not help but bring a deep disgust:

"Huh! Wait for this competition to go back! I have to clean up you guys so as not to shame me!"

Although the spirit of Ghost Lian was suppressed, Chen Ning did not think that Ghost Lian would lose to Crimson!

As Ghost Lian and Crimson came on stage, the atmosphere in the audience became more and more heated. Everyone's faces were filled with excitement. Both men and women were cursing extremely dirty terms.

Everyone gradually became crazy.

However, not all places in the auditorium are quite hot.

Zhang Ziling stared at the blush in the field, his body trembled slightly, his eyes were incredible.

"That, that is..."

The Celestial Seeker flew out of Zhang Ziling, staring straight at Crimson, shocked in his eyes:

"Why is Emperor Yulong here?"

That crimson is exactly Zhang Ziling's former friend, Emperor Yulong!

After Zhang Ziling returned to Earth from the Xuanxiao Continent, Emperor Yulong disappeared, and even the orthodoxy he left behind was annihilated under the offensive of the Three Hundred Sacred Lands.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Yulong was trapped here and became a slave in the arena!

Seeing the former high-spirited friend, now being treated as a beast in the arena for entertainment, Zhang Ziling's eyes also turned red slightly, and a bloodthirsty aura filled his body.

The people next to him felt the change in Zhang Ziling's momentum, and they couldn't help shaking, and their eyes were full of shock.

Who is this person?

"Hey, this is the Cangqing Arena, an endless industry, don't go crazy!"

The red ghost felt Zhang Ziling's restless momentum, his eyes changed slightly, and he quickly reminded.

He knew that Zhang Ziling could never be a simple slave, and he was quite powerful.

However, no matter how powerful people are, they dare not mess around in this blue arena.

Annoyed endlessly, everyone present can't escape!

However, Zhang Ziling did not heed the red ghost's warning at all, and slowly got up.

"What are you doing?" The red ghost's expression changed abruptly, "Don't hold us if you want to die! Sit down for me!"

The red ghost was completely frightened by Zhang Ziling's actions.

"If you don't want to die, just sit down and don't move."

Zhang Ziling faintly said a word to the red ghost, making the red ghost stunned:


Before he could react, he saw that Zhang Ziling had disappeared in place and appeared in the arena.

"This is a madman!"

The red ghost saw Zhang Ziling jumped into the arena in full view, his expression became extremely ugly, and he cursed in a low voice.

He bought Zhang Ziling's seat, and if something goes wrong, he will definitely be implicated.

"Jinning, what's going on with him?" Qing Yuan asked Jinning quickly when she saw this, with anxiety in her eyes.

When Zhang Ziling went up like this, he directly offended Stardust Sect, Nantian Pavilion, and Wuxi Sect together!

He is dead!

"I don't know." Jin Ning shook his head, but there was no panic in his eyes.

She knew Zhang Ziling's strength very well, so she didn't worry about Zhang Ziling doing anything.

"Who is that guy?"

Chen Ning saw an unfamiliar man suddenly rushing into the court, a flash of uncomfortable color flashed on his face, turned to look at Nanming and said, "Hey! You are not afraid of Blush losing to my ghost practice, so you specially find someone Did you come up to make trouble?"

"You will use those tricks!" Nan Ming immediately retorted, and then shouted Zhang Ziling in the field: "Hey! Where did you come from? Why don't you get out of here?"

Nan Ming's roar echoed in the arena, but Zhang Ziling did not react at all, but quietly looked at Emperor Yulong in the cage.

"Who is that guy? Dare to make trouble at this time?" An audience pointed to Zhang Ziling and asked, his eyes full of discomfort.

"Huh! It's just a clown who is sensational, just go to a few people to solve him! Don't delay my uncle to watch the duel! I bought Ghost Lian to win!"

"If you want to be famous, don't look at the occasion. It's maverick in this place, not looking for death. What is it? When the strong of Cangqing Arena is a decoration?"

Soon, the monks in the audience began to agitate, and everyone looked at Zhang Ziling with sympathy, and seemed to have foreseen Zhang Ziling's miserable end.

The guy who dared to mess around in the Cangqing Arena has never survived.

Zhang Ziling ignored the gazes around him, walked slowly to the cage of Emperor Yulong, and looked at the madness of Emperor Yulong, his eyes grew colder.

Obviously, Emperor Yulong had been tortured by Nanming's group and completely lost his mind, and he is now a killing machine.

"These years, I have really suffered you." Zhang Ziling looked at Emperor Yulong with a complicated expression, and sighed slightly.

"The dignified Emperor Dragon was treated as a slave...unforgivable,"

Zhang Ziling muttered, the quiet spiritual power in his body began to boil.

Suddenly, several powerful Dao Zun auras pressed on him, and Emperor Yulong was directly pressed into the cage by that writing aura.

Seeing Emperor Yulong struggling, Zhang Ziling's eyes became colder:

"You wait a little longer... and then I will rescue you."

Zhang Ziling turned to look at the several powerful Daoists sent by the Cangqing Arena, a huge aura filled his body.

"Wait for me, after killing them all."

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