Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1772: Blood sacrifice!

The arena was scarlet, and the three powerful sects who had just entered were once again slaughtered by Zhang Ziling. Only scattered monks were hiding everywhere in the arena, their eyes dull.

They were obviously also frightened by Zhang Ziling's **** methods, and now they are unconscious.

For the cultivators who are still alive in the arena, this huge blue arena is the nightmare of their life. If they can escape, they will never come back here!


They have no hope of escape at all!

Zhang Ziling calmly looked at the scarlet arena, his eyes indifferent to the extreme.

Now the Emperor Yulong has completely erased his consciousness, and after several thousand years, the consciousness will be annihilated in the long river of time.

To go back such a long period of time is already a violation of the most basic laws of the universe. Zhang Ziling needs to use a lot of energy.

Therefore, Zhang Ziling is ready to sacrifice all the monks in the arena, and then use those powers to restore the will of the Emperor Dragon.

"The collected power is almost...should be enough to support Emperor Yulong to restore his sanity." Zhang Ziling muttered, extracting all the blood sacrifice energy in the arena, the huge blood group suspended in the air, surging with terrifying spiritual power .

Zhang Ziling walked in front of Emperor Yulong and looked at Emperor Yulong's distorted face and tyrannical eyes. Once again, he did not restrain his inner anger, and a terrifying aura filled his body.


The surrounding ground was cracked, and everyone only felt an unimaginable force rushing toward them, making them unbearable!

"The Devil Emperor, stop! I can't hold it anymore!" Tian Yu hurriedly called out, panicking.

With Zhang Ziling's current momentum, she will soon be shaken to death!

Tianyu's voice made Zhang Ziling come back to his senses, and took his momentum back.

The surroundings calmed down, and the spiritual power became gentle again.

Feeling the pressure on their shoulders disappeared, Jin Ning and the others immediately softened their legs and fell to the ground.

Hong Gui and Qing Yuan looked at Zhang Ziling with horror, their bodies trembling.

When Zhang Ziling's momentum was out of control just now, they even thought they were going to die!

"Sorry, I lost my mind." Zhang Ziling said to Tianyu apologetically.

The whole body relaxed, Tian Yu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then Zhang Ziling, who had a lingering heart, said: "If you didn't restrain your momentum just now, it is estimated that we will all be shaken to death by you!"

Hearing Tian Yu’s words, Zhang Ziling couldn’t help but glanced at the surrounding Jinning people, and found that all of them were pale and panting.

"I'll pay attention in a while, and it won't hurt you." Zhang Ziling shook his head and smiled, cleaned up his mood, and began to warp time.

A large amount of energy and blood permeated the blood, enveloping Emperor Yulong.

Everyone only felt that there was a strong force of time flowing around, and the flow of time around it began to become strange.

The next moment, the entire arena began to vibrate violently, and the spiritual power became extremely unstable. A large amount of blood poured out to Zhang Ziling and Emperor Yulong, completely wrapping the two of them.

A blood tornado went straight to the sky, and terrifying power began to surge around.

"what is that?"

Outside the arena, a group of strong men saw the blood tornado rushing into the sky, and they all exclaimed.

That terrifying sight attracted the attention of all the monks in Antarctic City!

For a while, the entire Antarctic City was boiling.

"Li Gong, this Cangqing Arena is your endless industry. Now our two sons are trapped in it. You still don't want to break the barrier. Why are you still rubbing here?"

At the endless station, Nan Meng and Chenhe joined hands to stop a middle-aged bald man, improperly questioning.

It takes a lot of energy to break the barrier. Nan Meng and Chenhe want to use this matter to consume some endless manpower and material resources.

Of course Li Gong knew what attention the two were playing, but the Cangqing Arena was indeed his power, and he couldn't get rid of it.

Moreover, no one knew what was going on in the arena now, and if something serious happened, he would not be able to hold it back.

After all, the people in the arena are not only the Stardust Sect and the Nantian Pavilion, but there are also many other large and small forces. Now those forces have not come to the door, they are just fearing his endless forces.

But once the two major forces of Stardust Sect and South Heaven Pavilion take the lead, absolutely no monsters, ghosts, and snakes will come out and come to them to find trouble.

Therefore, they have to solve this problem endlessly, otherwise in front of the two vampires of Stardust Sect and Nantian Pavilion, they will definitely be hit hard!

However, the energy of the barrier outside the arena is too huge, and it would take a lot of manpower and material resources to break through if they rely on their endless bombardment.

When the time comes, Stardust Sect and Nantian Pavilion are doing bad things in their backs, and they will suffer huge losses as they keep going.

These two old things... my son doesn't care, and he ran over to blackmail me endlessly, so cold-blooded!

Li Gong roared in his heart, contempt for Nan Meng and Chenhe to the extreme.

They are all old foxes who have lived for countless years. Their offspring cannot be counted. They have long been indifferent to family affection to the extreme. If the benefits are sufficient, they will dare to sell even their own sons!

Therefore, Li Gong has enough reason to believe that at a critical moment, Nan Meng and Chenhe will definitely sacrifice their sons to blackmail him.

Li Gong's eyes flickered, and he had not thought of the maximum stop loss plan, but found a commotion in the crowd.

He was shocked suddenly, only to see a tornado of blood rising in the arena, and the endless spiritual power began to agitate.

"what is that?"

Li Gong's eyes narrowed slightly, then his expression drastically changed: "Blood sacrifice?"

As soon as Li Gong said these words, the expressions of Nan Meng and Chen He also changed, quite anxious.

The monks in the arena began to perform blood sacrifices, and the situation in the arena is worth worrying about.

That monstrous blood tornado is definitely not formed by the blood of hundreds of monks!

In the arena, I am afraid that blood has flowed into a river!

Knowing that he couldn't wait any longer, Li Gong immediately summoned the disciples of the endless door to bombard the enchantment with all his strength.

"What the **** is doing here..." Nan Meng frowned, staring at the blood tornado in the sky, and took out Nanming's life card and took a look. After confirming that Nanming was fine, he was relieved. Come.

However, Nan Meng had an ominous premonition in his heart.

The endless monks attacked the enchantment with all their strength, and Li Gong exploded all the power of his half-walking monarch, leading the endless disciples to attack.

The entire barrier began to vibrate violently, cracks began to appear on the top of the mask, and the barrier was gradually breached.


The blood tornado in the arena is becoming more and more fierce!

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