Worried about their son, Nan Meng and Chenhe finally couldn't sit still, and began to provide some assistance to the endless gate to accelerate the speed of the barrier.

After all, that monstrous blood tornado, everyone looked at it with shock.

There were more and more cracks in the barrier, and the monks outside the arena also smelled a disgusting strong **** smell, making everyone's souls tremble.

"Well, who is in it?" A monk was extremely disturbed, and asked with a trembling voice.

"Something is wrong...it's too quiet inside!"

When the barrier was about to be destroyed, Li Gong's heart beat faster and faster, and the ominous premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

The Cangqing Arena was large enough to accommodate millions of people to watch, and this time it was a duel between Guilian and Chuanghong, but the Cangqing Arena was sold out, almost full.

But now, he can't hear any sound in the arena!

Moreover, the strong and extreme **** smell constantly hinted to him that the situation in the arena is probably worse than he thought!

Quietly leaving an eye in his heart, Li Gong accelerated the speed of destroying the barrier.

Zhang Ziling didn't care about the actions of the three major sects outside, he was now completely immersed in the process of restoring the sage of Emperor Yulong.

He deliberately calculated the defensive strength of the outer barrier, and until the Emperor Yulong regained his senses and the blood sacrifice ended, people outside would not be able to enter at all.

On the contrary, Red Ghost and Qing Yuan were frightened and emotional when they heard the harsh collision outside.

Zhang Ziling's strength has exceeded their imagination. The Red Ghost and Qing Yuan stay in the arena and don't know what to do now.

Even if the people of the three major sects broke through the barrier and entered, they would have no resistance at all in front of Zhang Ziling's incredible strength.

Even though the heads of the three major sects are half-step Daojun, even the Daojun-level powerhouse is sleeping inside the sect...

It can be said that Zhang Ziling's current strength is no longer the realm that ordinary Taoists can reach.

Perhaps, it is almost the same as Daojun Tianyuan!

When the red ghost thought of the devil emperor's current terrifying strength and the variables from the lower realm, he felt suffocated.

How can a creature in the lower realm be able to cultivate to this level?

There was less and less blood in the duel field, and the blood energy was basically absorbed by Zhang Ziling and Emperor Yulong, and Zhang Ziling gave the individual time of Emperor Yulong back thousands of years.

Emperor Yulong's consciousness is slowly recovering, and even his physique has shrunk much smaller than before, and he looks like a completely normal person.

However, the strength of Emperor Yulong did not weaken over time, but instead continued to strengthen under the nourishment of the huge blood essence!

The "True Dragon Heart Sutra" cultivated by the Emperor Yulong relies on the power of blood to enhance his strength, and Zhang Ziling has continuously provided the Emperor Yulong with the blood of millions of monks, although a large part of the power of the blood is used by Zhang Ziling to look back Time, but there is always a small part of the "True Dragon Heart Sutra" run by the Emperor Yulong to be absorbed into the blood, enhancing his strength.

The Emperor Yulong is only an emperor, and the vitality of millions of monks, including the Supreme and Daoist, can completely make the realm of the Yulong Emperor soar!

Seeing that Emperor Yulong was able to absorb blood energy, Zhang Ziling deliberately separated his body and soul, and traced back his soul alone, allowing his body to absorb blood energy.

Although the vitality of these millions of monks is huge, it has no effect on Zhang Ziling, so it is better to give them all to Emperor Yulong. At least Emperor Dragon can break through to the realm of Dao Zun. There is also self-protection in this upper world. force.

As the blood in the arena is getting less and less, the scarlet arena has returned to its original state, and there is almost no blood in sight.

The red ghost saw that the ragged arena faded, and his eyes were still a bit trance, and he did not come out of the previous purgatory scene.

Finally, the blood dragon scrolls were all consumed, and Emperor Yulong fell feebly into the cage, and the outer barrier was blasted by the powerhouses of the three sects.

A large number of monks poured into the arena, but found that apart from a few people on the field, no one else was seen!

Chen He rushed into the arena and saw Chen Ning who had been tortured into an empty shell by ghost refining. His eyes were about to split, and his heart-piercing roar: "Ning'er!"


Raging power erupted from his body, and the entire Cangqing arena collapsed in an instant, and many cultivators of the three major sects were severely injured by Chenhe's momentum!

"Dust River, don't be impulsive!"

Nan Meng and Li Gong hurriedly stopped the river of dust.

"Get out of here!"

It's a pity that Chenhe has completely gone violently, Nan Meng and Li Gong couldn't stop them at all, they could only watch Chenhe rush towards Zhang Ziling.

"This reckless man!" Nan Meng yelled at Chenhe's back, his eyes full of anger!

In this Cangqing duel field, there were a million cultivators before, and just before their three major sects, many powerful men rushed in.

But now there is no one in the arena, so don't even think about it, the group of people in the arena is definitely not easy!

"Give me life!"

Chenhe's eyes were red, and the aura that belonged to the Daoist suddenly broke out, so that the Tianyu Red Ghost and the others could not breathe.

"Is this Chenning and his father? It's amazing!" Gui Lian looked at the rushing Chenhe excitedly, his eyes filled with bloodthirsty and brutality!

He couldn't wait to slaughter everyone in the Stardust Sect completely, and now he was going to confront the Sect Master of the Stardust Sect, and his heart was inexplicably excited.

"Leave it to me next, you are not his opponent." Zhang Ziling's indifferent voice sounded in Gui Lian's ears, preventing Gui Lian from wanting to take the initiative to attack.


Gui Lian didn't dare to defy Zhang Ziling's order. After Zhang Ziling spoke, he stood quietly behind Zhang Ziling, reducing his momentum.

Chenhe was surrounded by suffocating spiritual power, the surrounding space had been crushed by his aura, and the violent power swept towards Zhang Ziling.

Hong Gui and Qing Yuan stepped back subconsciously, ready to escape at any time.

The battle between Taoists, even the aftermath of the battle can shock them to death, and they dare not get too close.

Nan Meng and Li Gong were also staring at Chenhe and Zhang Ziling. They wanted to know what kind of strength Zhang Ziling possessed.

From beginning to end, Zhang Ziling just watched Chenhe rush towards him quietly, without showing the slightest panic.

When Chenhe rushed to Zhang Ziling, and everyone thought that there would be a fierce collision between the two, Zhang Ziling raised his hand lightly and slowly pressed it towards Chenhe.

Chen He saw that Zhang Ziling didn't look serious at all, and the anger in his eyes was even greater. He gathered all his power on his fists and smashed at Zhang Ziling!

"The kid is looking for death!"

When the palms of the fists collided, Red Ghost and Qing Yuan immediately retreated, fearing that they would be affected by the aftermath of the collision!

But the two people just stepped back a few steps, then stopped, staring at Zhang Ziling and Chenhe in a dazed expression.

The fierce collision in the imagination did not happen.

With one palm and one punch, they collided so lightly, without splashing any spiritual sparks, as if two ordinary people were fighting.

The whole audience is quiet

In the eyes of Nan Meng and Li Gong, deep doubts appeared.

No one can understand what happened!


Chen He looked at Zhang Ziling with a look of horror. Before he could finish his words, there was a "cracking" sound all over his body.

His bones were shattered, his internal organs were twisted into powder by the magic energy invading his body, and his soul was completely eroded.

In the next moment, Chenhe's eyelids drooped and fell in front of Zhang Ziling like a puddle of mud, silent.

There was a dead silence all around.

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