Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1775: Desperate news

After Zhang Ziling chased it out, he didn't choose to intercept the forces of Nantian Pavilion and Endless Gate halfway, but turned to the Stardust Sect.

Now his power has been played out, as time ferments, it will only make people in Antarctic City fear him.

However, just killing the Sect Master of Stardust hadn't caused the two major sects to fall into complete fear.

Zhang Ziling wants to take over the Antarctic Sky. Before Xuanxiao Continent is extradited, his manpower is not enough, so for the time being, people from Antarctic City will be used.

And he killed the Sect Master of the Stardust Sect, the monks of the Stardust Sect will definitely die with him, and he has no way to keep them under his command, so he uses the method of leveling the Stardust Sect to show his own strength and can make the other two The big sect did not dare to mess around, and it was much easier for him to conquer afterwards.

Judging from Nan Meng's performance just now, his own son can abandon it without hesitation. It is obvious that he is a kind of profit-seeking person.

This kind of person is the best to control, so Zhang Ziling also thought about supporting Nantian Pavilion.

"However, what kind of situation is going on without stopping? We need to observe more. If you really don't know the interest, you can only kill it."

Zhang Ziling muttered, falling in front of the door of the Stardust Sect, walking towards the Stardust Sect casually.

At this moment, the Stardust Sect Guardian Array was already opened, and the long-sleeping old Sect Master and a group of elders also awakened and sat in the sect.

A frightening aura surged in the Stardust Sect, and the entire Antarctic City could feel the power of Dao Sovereign.

The sky became dark and thunderous.

The Stardust Sect disciples looked at Zhang Ziling with solemn faces, and shook hands with their weapons.

Zhang Ziling stopped in front of the guardian sect and looked at the Stardust Sect disciples with a smile, and the dark magical energy filled his body!


Antarctic City, Nantian Pavilion headquarters!

A group of disciples waited rigorously, and the guardian formation had already risen.

Nan Meng walked quickly in the South Heaven Pavilion with a solemn expression.

He is considering whether to wake up his ancestors, just in case.

"The monster has already headed towards the Stardust Sect, is it going to kill us all?"

After Nan Meng led a group of disciples to escape back to Nantian Pavilion, he began to observe the situation in Antarctic City.

Zhang Ziling obviously didn't plan to let them go, and wanted to solve them one by one.

"Nan Meng, the big event is not good!" Li Gong's phantom appeared in front of Nan Meng at this moment, and said anxiously.

"How is the Stardust Sect now? Their old suzerain is said to have the power of Dao Sovereign. Although the monster has been asleep for a long time, I feel that the Stardust Sect can't hold it anymore!" Nan Meng saw Li Gong come over , Asked quickly.

The lips are dead and the teeth are cold. If Zhang Ziling really wants to do something against their three major sects, then the demise of the Stardust Sect will definitely be bad news for them!

He never thought that Antarctic City would become so embarrassed because of one person!

Seeing that Nan Meng was still asking about the Stardust Sect, the anxiety on Li Gong's face couldn't help but he said quickly: "It's not about the Stardust Sect now, there are more serious things!"

"More serious?" Nan Meng's expression changed suddenly, and his heart suddenly shook!

What else could be more serious than the destruction of the Stardust Sect?

"There is news from the Origin Star. The Shadow Palace has invaded our Antarctic Sky's residence. Now a large number of Antarctic Sky monks have been slaughtered, and the Shadow Palace has won!"

"Our station... was razed..."

"What?" Nan Meng's eyes suddenly filled with endless fear, and he subconsciously exclaimed: "Where is Taoist Tianyuan? Isn't he guarding the Origin Star? How could the resident be killed by the Shadow Palace?"

At this moment, Li Gong fell silent, and the surrounding atmosphere instantly solidified.

Nan Meng suddenly felt something wrong, thinking of something, looked at Li Gong and said in a trembled voice: "You, you mean, what is going on?"

What happened in the Antarctic City is bad enough, if something happens on the Origin Star, it will really be worse!

Origin Star's resources are billions of times richer than Antarctic Sky, and their South Heaven Pavilion can also allocate corresponding resources at the station of Origin Star Antarctic Sky.

If the Antarctic Sky were completely wiped out at the origin star's station, then their Nantian Pavilion would also lose a lot of cultivation resources.

What is more serious is that the Antarctic Sky is destroyed in the origin star's station, and the main force must also be completely destroyed. When the powerhouses of the other three regions attack their Antarctic Sky, they simply cannot stop it!

"According to the situation passed over there, Daojun Tianyuan returned to Antarctica to deal with the matter a few days ago." Li Gong pursed his lips and said in a condensed voice:

"And... the Antarctic Palace hasn't been moving until now, as if you don't know what happened in Antarctica."

Nan Meng's expression became more and more serious, and a little bit of fear gradually grew in his heart.

If Tianyuan Daojun came back a few days ago, there hasn't been any movement yet. He has a vague answer in his heart, but he doesn't dare to think about it.

If things are really like that...

I'm afraid this Antarctic sky can't stay any longer.

The surrounding atmosphere became more and more serious, and Nan Meng's body was shaking.

He was afraid... afraid that Li Gong would say the following.

"After I returned to the sect, the spies in the Antarctic Palace told me that the Deacon Hall in the Antarctic Palace...has disappeared!"

"It was directly razed by a powerful force."

"Furthermore, according to the news from the Origin Star Station, Daojun Tianyuan is back to deal with a Shadow Palace monk who broke into the Deacon Hall!"

When he said this, Li Gong seemed to use all his strength, and said, "It's the one who caused the tens of thousands of Stardust Sect cultivators to evaporate in an instant..."

Nan Meng fell silent, and the fear in his heart began to writhe.

"How, how could this..."

Based on what happened these days, coupled with seeing Zhang Ziling's strength with their own eyes, Nan Meng and Li Gong already had a judgment in their hearts.

Daojun Tianyuan had already fought Zhang Ziling some time ago, and Daojun Tianyuan was defeated and fled!

Otherwise, it is impossible for the Shadow Palace to invade their Antarctic Sky's residence in the Origin Star, and it is also impossible for Tianyuan Daojun to not act at all when the Stardust Sect is about to be destroyed.

Even if the two are not willing to believe it, it can be speculated that this is something that has a great probability of happening!

"Me, what should we do now?" Nan Meng asked, his voice trembling, "Stardust Sect is dead, I don't want to be buried with him."

"It's too late to escape now..." Li Gong shook his head.

"We two big sects joined forces, can we beat that monster?"

"We can join forces, can we fight Tianyuan Daojun?" Li Gong asked back.

Nan Meng's face became paler, and his lips began to dry and crack.

"Pavilion Lord, the big thing is not good--!"

Just as the atmosphere in the main hall was about to freeze, a monk ran in in a panic and shouted, "Stardust Sect..."

"Stardust Sect is destroyed!"

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